Map of my site.
These two pages are just to steer people to my home page
in case they get lost:
The site:
- Profile.html -- my home page.
- flasher8.gif [image]
-- an animated flashing (with a raincoat) cursor. "He" has nothing to
show but is trying hard anyway. Also on many of my other pages but only
listed here for brevity. Found in its place on most of the remaining
pages is flasher7.gif. The only difference is
which of two images in the animation comes first. Browsers that don't
support animation will then get some images with the cursor's coat closed
and some with it open.
- ribbon-m.gif [image]
-- the Speech-Friendly Ribbon Award.
- lo-025.gif
[HTML Writers Guild image]
- New.html [page]
-- what's new on my site (if I don't forget to update it).
- gift-ideas.html [page]
- Greyhound-vs-ADA.txt [text file]
- OverTheRoadVictory.txt [text file]
- December3.protest.html [page]
-- a protest against web sites with images as links with no ALT-text.
- textgifs.html [page]
- protest2.html [page] -- a protest against
web sites that use frames with no alternate access to the pages.
- protest4.html [page] -- an "improved"
version of my December3.protest.html page that replaces almost all
of the text with images (with the original text as ALT-text) instead of
just the link text.
- protest4.demo.html [page] --
a page simulating for lynx users what graphical browsers will display
when viewing the "protest4.html" page.
- map.html [page] ("You're soaking in it.")
- antivirus.html [page] -- antivirus
- AntiVirus-Alerts.html [page]
- There are more than 80 alerts listed, too many to include here. I
also intend to merge the separate alert text files into a smaller number
of HTML files -- if I can ever find the time.
- CIH.html [page] -- I single out one virus
that can trash motherboards.
- CIH.txt [text file]
- happy-birthday.txt [text file]
- ConceptMacro.html [page] --
the first macro virus. Now, macro and script viruses outnumber all
- AlienDOS.html [page] -- a CERT
advisory for alien invaders.
- scanners.txt [text file]
-- satire.
- Sorry.html [page] -- why so few pictures on
my site.
- WhoIs.html [page] -- Who is Norman
De Forest anyway?
- gca.html [page]
- Norman.html [page]
- Karcyn_and_Norman.html [page]
- Karcyn_and_Norman.jpg
-- A picture (73749 bytes) of a female friend getting affectionate
with me. She is not wearing any clothes.
- Norman2.html [page]
- 11220006.jpg --
A picture (29198 bytes) of me at the local soup kitchen, Hope Cottage.
- CompactSpace.html [page] -- a slightly
boring description of the aliens in C. J. Cherry's "Chanur" series --
necessary for understanding some other jokes on some pages listed below if
you haven't read the series.
- comp.html [page]
- 4d.html [page] -- about 4DOS, the shareware
replacement for COMMAND.COM.
- toilet.html [page] -- the
government-approved sticker on my toilet.
- toilet1.html [page].
- toilet2.html [page] -- has a picture of the inside of a "Newfie
(not hyperlinked here as you have to see the outside first).
- 11220007.jpg -- a picture of the outside of
a "Newfie Two-Holer".
- atsrfaq.html [page]
- bofh.html [page]
- Outdated versions of ATSR FAQ (to be replaced):
- atsrfaq.txt [text file]
- atsrfaq.html [page]
- atsr-faq.txt [text file]
- atsr-faq.html [page]
- games.html [page] -- games and puzzles.
- gen2.gif [image]
- sh1-def.gif [image]
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- sh2-an.gif [image]
- sher-2-a.gif [image]
- sh3-geo1.gif [image]
- sher-3-g.gif [image]
- sh4-geo2.gif [image]
- sher-4-b.gif [image]
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- [zip file] -- batch file to scramble Sherlock image sets.
- sh-dani.gif [image]
- sh-aani.gif [image]
- sh-gani.gif [image]
- sh5-mixd.gif [image]
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- wordseek.gif [image]
- [zip file] -- Sherlock image set(s)
- plumbing.gif [image]
- puzzlemw.gif [image]
- puzzlem9.gif [image]
- puzzlens.gif [image]
- puzzlen9.gif [image]
- cslbj.html [page] Compact Space Light-Bulb
Jokes. If you haven't read the "Chanur" series by C. J. Cherryh, read the
file CompactSpace.html (above) first or you won't get the jokes.
- hani.html -- the answers to the jokes -- read the questions first.
- Improv.html [page] -- my impression of
aliens from C. J. Cherry's "Chanur" series as standup comedians at the
Improv. If you haven't read the "Chanur" series by C. J. Cherryh, read the
file CompactSpace.html (above) first or you won't get the jokes.
... and links to articles I have contributed to in the
Chebucto Beacon Newsletter (included here as a gratuitous plug) :
- Antispam.html [page] -- combatting a major
threat to your use of the Internet.
- Armory.html [page] -- a little bit of
- armory.gif [image] -- a photograph of the
Halifax Armory taken in 1899.
- parents.html [page]
- Kids.html [page]
- handicapped.html [page]
- Tips.html [page] -- Computer Hints, Tips, and
Utilities -- including some related to accessibility.
- peek.txt [text file] documentation for
- [zipped utility] PEEK.COM --
branch in a batch file based on memory contents.
- [zipped utility] -- reset your
software clock to match your hardware clock if a game has fouled up your
time setting.
- [zipped utility] -- yet
another on-screen clock. I think this one has options not available with
- ted.txt [text file] -- documentation for
TED (Tiny EDitor) from PC Magazine.
- tedplus.txt [text file] -- changes to TED to
- nted.txt [text file] -- the changes I
made to TED to add features I need to create NTED (New TED) for the IBM PC
and TTED (TI TED) for the Texas Instruments Professional PC.
- [zipped utilities] -- NTED for IBM PCs
and TTED for Texas Instruments Professional Computers.
- 4d.html [page] 4DOS, the shareware replacement
- makehex0.txt -- the difference between my MAKEHEX utility and a
modified one for EPROM programming.
- -- a modified version of my MAKEHEX utility for EPROM
programming. Made at special request but unable to test. You're on your
owm. No hyperlink here so you will be forced to read about it on my Tips
page before accessing it.
- fwscr.txt [text file] -- how to change the
symbol displayed by the Windows 95 "Flying Windows" screen-saver.
- Skull-3.gif [image] a portion of the "Flying
Windows" screen-saver displaying scull-and-crossbones symbols.
- ssflywin.txt [text file] -- similar
instructions for Windows 3.11.
- wingding.gif [image] The "Wingdings"
character set -- the symbols that you can select for your modified
- summary.txt [text file] -- a summary of the
command meta-strings that can be used with my superecho command, EKKO.COM.
- contents.txt [text file] -- contents of the
zip file below.
- [zipped utility] -- a super
echo command -- with full documentation and versions for the IBM PC, the
Texas Instruments Professional Computer, and the Sanyo MBC-550 series.
- antivirus.html [page]
(crosslinked -- see below) a "temporary" link to my anti-virus page that
sort of became permanent due to inertia.
- [zipped VGA font] Windows CP1252
superset of ISO-8859-1.
- [zipped VGA font] Older
ISO-8859-1 version with not all of the defined Windows characters
implemented (kept here in case someone is linking to it).
- vga-1252.gif [image] -- a screen shot of
the upper half of the VGA font.
- htmlchars2.html [page] (crosslinked, see
below) -- the ISO-8859-1 character set to check the font.
- htmlchars-new.html [page] (crosslinked,
see below) -- some of the other Unicode entities including those in the
Windows character set that are not in the ISO-8859-1 character set.
- htmlchars.html [page] (crosslinked, see
below) -- an older version of my ISO-8859-1 chart.
- [zipped Windows font]
-- an ISO-8859-1 font defined as an OEM font so Windows programs that want
a DOS font (such a Terminal or HyperTerminal) can select it (kept in case
it is linked to.
- [zipped Windows font] -- the
same as the above but including the full Windows CP1252 character set.
- cp1252d.gif [image] -- the complete
cp1252c.fon font.
- [zipped Windows font] -- a
CP1252 font suitable for use with a DOS box in Windows.
- 4dwindow.gif [image] -- a screen shot of
a DOS box using a batch file to display the VGAOEM font.
- [zipped VGA font] -- a ROT-13
VGA font for viewing ROT-13-encoded Usenet posts.
- [zipped Windows font] -- a ROT-13
font for use in Windows. (Actually two ROT-13 fonts. One for
applications that want a Windows font and one for applications that want
an OEM font.)
- gcsweb.gif, alchemy.gif, gwplg3.gif, pgdaylg.gif, and alchemy.gif
[images] -- Copyright by Alchemy Mindworks and used with permission to
link to Alchemy Mindworks. Not linked here as I am only allowed to use
them to link to thecopyright holder's web site.
- [zipped package of files]
-- a set of demonstration programs that reveal a bug in Windows.
- html.html [page] HTML Sampler and resources.
- imagemaps/imagemaps.html [page]
-- imagemap tutorial.
- flasher1.gif [image] -- flashing cursor.
- flasher2.gif [image] -- flashing cursor.
- flasher7.gif [image] -- animated flashing
- htmlchars.html [page] -- ISO-8859-1
chart (old version -- numeric entities only). Includes cross-links
to the two files immediately below.
- htmlchars2.html [page] -- ISO-8859-1
chart (new expanded version -- also includes entity names).
- ISO-8859-1.gif [image] -- the ISO-8859-1
printable characters as implemented with my custom VGA font.
- U0000.gif [image] -- the Unicode characters 0
to 127 (hexadecimal 0000 to 007F), the first half of the ISO-8859-1
character set.
- U0080.gif [image] -- the Unicode characters
128 to 255 (hexadecimal 0080 to 00FF), the second half of the ISO-8859-1
character set.
- htmlchars-new.html [page] --
non-ISO-8859-1 named Unicode entities and correct substitutes for Windows
numeric entities.
- entlynx1.htm [page] Standard character
entities supported by lynx.
- entlynx2.htm [page] optional set of
standard and non-standard character entity names supported by lynx.
- gbu.html [page]
- Links.Books.html [page] -- Books,
Stamps, and References.
- Year-2000.txt [text file] --
My Usenet Y2K calendar. (For an explanation of this calendar and the other
three calendars below, see my Books, Stamps, and References page.)
- Year-2001.txt [text file] --
My Usenet year 2001 calendar.
- Year-2002.txt [text file] --
My Usenet year 2002 calendar.
- Year-2003.txt [text file] --
My Usenet year 2003 calendar.
- Links.Crime.html [page]
- Links.Science.html [page]
- Links.Drink.html [page]
- Links.Health.html [page]
- Links.TV.html [page]
- Links.Money.html [page]
- Links.Others.html [page]
- X964795.gif [image] -- Cathy's Newstand logo
used with permission.
- newsgroups.html [page] -- mutual-support
mailing lists, chat groups, and newsgroups for those with medical,
physical, mental, or social problems.
- reftome.html [page] -- others who think my
site is worth linking to and other references to me.
- Pictures.html [page]
-- ASCII pictures that were previously on my home page.
- Final.html [page]
-- previous "Final Thoughts".
- Stats.html [page]
- [page]
-- experimental, monthly stats for the whole site and for one selected
file ("CIH.html").