Whois Lookup:

After you specify keyword(s) inside the query box and then click on the go button or hit enter. There is no difference in result between small letters and capital letters.

[Special Notice]
You can search for only fully registered domain names. Non-registered and register-processing domain names are resulted as not registered. KRNIC will prohibit excessive querys by blocking network access. This is a searchable index.

Enter search keywords:

Domain Name search
    example: NIC.OR.KR
IP Address Search
AS Search
   example: AS7558

(Contact list on Spam & Hacking)


Main Pages:

Go to KRNIC Main Homepage.
nic.or.kr home

Information about Domain Name Registration, Privacy Policy for Domain Users and Summary...

Search for only fully registered .kr domain names...

Information about Number of Domains, host, IP...and Internet Statistics..
Internet Statistics.

Information about IP Address Allocation/Assignment and AS Number Assignment Service...

Information about Our Services, History and Employment Opportunities.


whois.nic.or.kr | Korea | SiteMap | E-Mail

Original JavaScript-laden page at:

If this Non-JavaScript version breaks it could be due to temporary server problems at whois.nic.or.kr or possibly due to the Korean NIC changing their scripts (again). If the problem persists, it is probably the latter. In that case, please notify me so I can see if I can get another working non-JavaScript (and completely unofficial) version of their search form working again. Please don't use the link above to email me about anything but the functionality of this page.

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