I would like the church to be my playground in the backyard.
1. Fun
2. Imaginative
3. Place to be a kid

Night 1 - Community Development
Night 2 - Spiritual Development
Night 3 - Outreach and Evangelism
Night 4 - Building and Grounds
Full Day Visioning Workshop - Nov.28, 2009
Proposed Vision report to e tabled at the AGM on Feb.10, 2010
Prayers for Visioning 2019
O God, Creator of all, we thank you for this Church of St. Andrew, the place we call our church home, where we gather to worship you and to have fellowship with one another. It is a calm, welcoming, caring place to be, a community of love and hope. Continue to guide us by your Holy Spirit to be flexible and open to change, accepting of everyone, and sensitive to their needs. May we continue to grow in your love, and in love for one another through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Dear Lord, we pray for your Holy Spirit to inspire the hearts of our young people, who are our future. Guide us in helping them to become all that is your will for them to be. Grant us the inspiration to be creative in worship, intelligent with programs, and give us wisdom in dealing with each other so that we may be drawn closer in fellowship with you, our Saviour. Amen
Almighty God, as your church goes forth into the future, may we know your will and purpose for us. May your church be truly alive in your Holy Spirit with a true and full love of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. May we walk together on our journey with love, compassion and acceptance of all. Grant us understanding of each other and respect for the opinions of all. May we go forth to make decisions with open-mindedness and love, guided by you. May the worship we offer you always be filled with reverence, life and joy so that each heart, young, old, and in between, will be filled to overflowing with love of you. Then may we take that love out into our world working towards bringing others to you. This we ask in Jesus’ precious name. Amen
God, there are so many concerns weighing heavy on our hearts that we now lay at your feet. Concerns for where our church is going, changes in liturgy, our young people, acceptance and inclusiveness of all, division, money, decision making, outreach, communion practices, and so much more. But Lord, help us not to forget how many times you have blessed our lives, walked with us, and carried us through. We thank you Lord, with grateful hearts, for all that you have done, do, and will continue to do for us into the future. We praise you for your mercy, grace and love. Thank you for being with us as we work through all our concerns and issues in order to grow in our Christianity. Help us to remember that nothing is impossible with you in our hearts, minds and souls. Thank you Heavenly Father for granting us your grace, picking us up and forgiving us when we fall and for sending us forth with your blessing, strengthened by your love. Amen
Our Church Now
I would like to see – world-wide prayers called from all the Churches to pray for one time youth growing up! World peace! Mental sickness! And other issues!
Vision or wishes: A church with a mortgage that is paid – extra money could go to those in need.
A church where the words are not changed for well known hymns – there seem to be many against it, and it’s not fair for the composer.
I love our church & the greater Anglican Church & it has many great points – one Liturgy is superb and we recognize significant days in the church year – through visual effects. You know something important is happening when you come through our doors. We do some things very well and Liturgy is one!
We try to be loving and caring “I believe we do a fairly decent job of that – we could always do better.
We need someone dedicated to Welcoming new folks. We have lots of good things happening here.
We need more volunteers to help out. Identifying gifts would help in this area.
Our church is there for those who want us – those that attend. Our church is unknown to so many – we need to reach out to our community.
I would like to see others churches visit and worship with us. Our church should be open to all.
Our church should be a continuing visible and working body of our community.
Indifference bordering on hatred (I hate to use that word) towards homosexuality. Not wanting to address this issue, putting it off because it is too controversial.
We welcome newcomers to a point but then leave them to find their own space. Great music.
Outreach in community is growing.
Welcoming, inclusive, increasing in numbers of people choosing priesthood, especially younger people.
Music, worship – great. Outreach.
Trouble with those of us who no longer want to drink from one cup or take bread from some ones hand.
Church today is distracted by internal division and not confident in its attachment and contribution to community and congregational life.
I see our church today as a warm and compassionate struggling with the complex issues of the day, but is trying to work with each other in talking to find common ground.
Great. Not sure where the church falls in the longer picture.
In 2009 our church is on a movement trying to stay opened minded with all the changes in the economy.
The serious issue of changing the marriage canon. I’m very proud of our church, a small congregation that do wonders for the church and people who are intertwined.
The Church of St. Andrew has a “small but mighty” congregation. We are a loving, hard working family who welcomes everyone. The love of each other and of God is much in evidence.
Contiuue to work on solutions that unify and strengthen the church of God – the people.
Work on being a part of the solution which moves the church forward to be inclusive versus exclusive.
Beginning to understand the diverse ways the Spirit is at work in people promoting the use of talents as in acceptable gift to the well being of the church.
Presently our church is a very warm and welcoming church with creative liturgy. Enjoyable and interesting educational programs offered, but they need follow-up. Our outreach is great. We need our children and young people involved more and our singing needs to be updated more sometimes.
Place where people come together to worship, love God and each other. To have a good time.
Church of St. Andrew is a great place to go. Our Minister is great.
Lively Liturgy engaging both young and old. Terrific mix of tradition and contemporary worship.
As a national church we are trying to be welcoming but then often the naysayers and those that are not open to change make the most noise and get the most coverage. We are not as flexible as we could be.
Strong sense of community. Calming place to worship. Good programs (some people engaged in running and attending though.)
Our church is a very active and vibrant church which unfortunately depends a great deal on the senior parishioners to keep it active. Our church is open although those around us are not always aware. We are a community of love and hope.
At present, we are losing our youth, even tho’ we have lightened up some. We are at the point where we need to start looking at other ways to keep the youth interested in staying on.
Our church in the future
I would like to see our youth back in the church.
I would like to see more ways for people who do not come to church or understand very much about God, how can we show the way?
Total acceptance of all people...resulting in...the same-sex issue will be a non-issue.
Full communion in all rites of church for all !!
A church where young families find community.
That “they’ll know we are Christians by our love” is really true.
More people involved in the running of the programs and ministries.
Youth growth in the church.
Strong stewardship focus (understanding, pledging and commitment).
Programs throughout the year.
Want the church to stay the same. Like our location. Do more community work. Bring more people into the world.
Stability, passion, growth in congregation, youth performing music, small glasses of wine.
I think that over the next ten years, we should make the church welcoming for our young people. If the music was more up-beat, we had Praise Band, etc. I’m sure it would draw our young people back. By 2019, we should have more young people. Also, we need individual wine containers.
To continue to progress with our ever changing world. To continue to be accepting of everyone.
A church where the majority of vote should be acknowledged.
A church known for its congregational vitality and positive impact on our community life.
A church confident in its mission, vision and action.
In 2019 U see a rejuvenated Christian community. The next 10 years will challenge us and refocus our priorities bringing our existence into perspective. People will be drawn to this parish because of our compassion and open –ness.
Inculsion – to speak to all people and help them see how scripture can help them to a better life no matter their starting point – little changes or big changes – all of us can improve. (Go to people where they are – don’t make them change to be included).
In 2019 our church I hope will rise above all the issues, it would have been dealt with. Focusing on the youth. Also making the church one of the most important things that people want to be involved with. Not a forced issue but one that people truly believe and want to belong.
United community of God’s people, accepting all people – remembering that Christ died that we may all be redeemed – God loves each and every one of us (regardless of sexuality) – end divisions, continue with ongoing missions, outreach.
To be more welcoming.
Deal with major issue such as same sex marriage with God’s help and wisdom.
Locate/combine churches to be viable and active.
Combine or hold additional services to accommodate older and younger congregations.
In the next ten years I would like to see our church put forth a big effort to reach out to those Anglicans who don’t come to church on a regular basis – especially teens and young adults. They are our future!
May God continue to bless us with dedicated pastors, deacons, priests, musicians, singers, dancers, teachers, and servers in the next decade and beyond.
St. Andrews: Vary liturgies when the opportunity arises. Look for ways we can open up to our community.
Anglican Church: More outreach and mission work encouraged. Access to resources to develop programs.
Acknowledge that homosexuality exists, that we can not “eradicate” it. Make our church more liberal and open (in the Canadian way) for all to worship and find the love.
Our church: outreach more into the community. In order to be active we need parishioners as finances do count.
National church: be decensive, stop procrastinating.
I realize there is much which could be done to renew and refresh the church. I liked one church’s mission statement – Come in, grow in Christ, go out and reach out – isn’t this what the Anglican Church is supposed to do? We need to continue our work to engage the youth. We need to encourage the middle agers (25-45) to be more active and buy into volunteering in the church.
The Anglican church needs to make effective decisions on the issues weighing it down. We need to “draw the circle wide” and make sure all are entitled to the sacrament. Make decisions NOW.
I hope our church in the future will have no walls that hold back any who desire to share in God’s love and that we will be true disciples of God’s Son Jesus.
In the future we need to keep our welcoming and our Christian love evident, not only within the church walls, but out into the community. We could become more involved somehow with the Daycare (why look elsewhere when that opportunity is right here at our own doorstep?!) Our other outreach shod be focused on F.O.O.D and PWRDF. Why not put our collective efforts into these? If we become too involved then we become spread too thin and not enough people to do things successfully. Unless we can get more parishioners to become involved.