The following gives the context for the reading of the 2010 Anniversary Gospel Book at the Church of Saint Andrew:
On April 13, 2008, the congregation at the Church of Saint Andrew, Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia had the privilege of witnessing the Gospel being read from the 2010 Anniversary Gospel Book by our Rector, Reverend Katherine Bourbonniere.
All parishes have been asked to commemorate this by providing a record of the witnessing which will be incorporated into a Diocesan document recording the event. A copy of our submission may be viewed by clicking the link:
2010 Signature Pages
What Are We Celebrating
“300 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS WORSHIP according to the Anglican Tradition in our Diocese”. The beginnings of the establishment of the Anglican Church in N.S. & P.E.I. began with a Service of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, October 10, 1710 within the ramparts of Port Royal (now Annapolis Royal).
The Diocesan Service of Celebration will be held at Exhibition Park, on Sunday, June 6th, 2010 at 3:00 P.M.
Our logo
The 2010 logo was designed by Peter Greenslade and Adam MacKenzie of SperryDesign Inc, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Both designers have considerable experience in the development of corporate and product branding. Peter is also a member of St Nicholas Anglican Church in Westwood Hills, Tantallon, NS
The logo comprises three icons or visual images - dove, wind and fire- which together form the number “300”, representing the 300th anniversary of Anglican worship in Nova Scotia.
Inspiration for the logo came partially from Hymn 656 She Comes Sailing on the Wind, chosen for the celebration in 2010. Several lines in the hymn reference “…the Spirit touched the earth again, again her wings unfurled, bringing life in the wind and fire as she flew on.” In addition, Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles on Pentecost as a mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire. In Matthew 3:16, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a dove."
Handbound copy of the Holy Gospels
In January 2008, the 2010 Anniversary Planning Committee received a beautifully handbound copy of the Holy Gospels. This book and its handmade box with the 2010 logo will travel through the Diocese from Ash Wednesday 2008 to October 10, 2010 so that it can be seen and the Gospel proclaimed in every parish. Its travels will begin and end in Annapolis Royal where the Anglican Church became established in 1710.
Joe Landry is the bookbinder. He is a partner in Leaf by Leaf Book and Paper Conservation Services here in Nova Scotia.
