The Anglican Church of
Saint Andrew
A Community of Faith Since 1794
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Malachi Praise Band

Malachi Praise Band leads music on the fourth Sunday of each month, September - June. Please contact the church office for more information.

An Oracle: The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi. - Malachi 1:1 {NIV}

Malachi Praise Band offers the scripture writing to you in this way: the word of the Lord to his people through the music and ministry of Malachi.

Malachi Praise Band was formed in 2001 with a goal of offering a modern alternative form of music at the Church of St. Andrew. The name "Malachi" was chosen because of its symbolism. The Book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament, making it, in effect, the "bridge" between the Old and the New Testaments. By offering both fresh, contemporary music and traditional well-loved hymns in a praise band style, we too, hope to act as a bridge between the old and new forms of music.

We believe that music can convey messages that words alone cannot express. Experience has shown society how powerful the words of music are in influencing our youth. As a praise band, we hope to offer the power of the Holy Spirit through music to our youth and to all those who embrace music in their lives.

Malachi Praise Band leads music in our church community on the fouth Sunday of each month. The members of the band have a lot of fun learning and introducing new songs to the congregation, as well as planning and rehearsing the music for each service. The band currently consists of drums, piano/keyboard, guitars, bass, and vocals, but there is always room for more talent. If you are an experienced musician or love to sing and are 16 years of age and older, perhaps this is the ministry for you. Please contact the church office for more information.

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. - Victor Hugo.