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Lake Samplers/Stakeholders
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
Updated: October 03, 2018

Our past and recent volunteer-samplers as well as related volunteers and their activities in brief:
- Barkhouse Jr., Paul
- Bode, Robert
- Bonang, Kevin
- Brown, Kenneth
- Burney PhD PEng, Prof. Jack
- Comeau, Troy
- Conrad, Terry
- Crawley, Don
- Crowe, Evan
- Cushing BEd, Burke
- Dillon FRSC, Prof. Peter
- Doe, Ken
- Doyle, Dennis
- Duncan, Lt. Don
- Farquhar, Tim
- Ferguson, George
- Fisher, Colleen
- Fiske PEng, Jock
- Frizzle, Doug
- Gillis PEng, Ed
- Haliburton MCIP, Fred
- Hattie BEd, Trish
- Hebda, Andrew
- Holt PhD, Prof. Larry
- Horne, Bill
- Jakeman, Ken
- Kerr, Dave
- Knowles BEd BN, Jean
- Lakeview/Windsor Junction/Fall River Fire Department
- Leaman, Mark
- Lee PhD, Spencer
- Lenaghan, Peter
- Lowe, Leonard
- MacCaull, Pat
- MacDonald, Barry
- MacDonald, CWO Robert
- MacInnis, Darrell
- Mandaville Professional Lake Manage., Shalom M.
- Margeson, Councillor Ken
- Maskell, PO Wendell
- McClafferty, Lisa
- McLearn PEng, Doug
- Morash, Vince
- Moss MD, Dr. Mike
- Murray BSc CLS NSLS, Peter
- Owens Jr. MSc(MIT), Capt. John J.
- Pilon, Sergeant Walter
- Ralston BEd, Doug
- Rigden PEng, Steve
- Rix PEng NSLS, Doug
- Rowell PhD, Terry
- Sampson, Ron
- Shacklock, Capt. Mike
- Shacklock, Peter
- Sherwood, Allison
- Somers PhD, Keith
- Stuart, John M.
- Sullivan, Graham
- The Tannahills
- Thomas BEd, S.J.
- Upright, David
- Vrbensky, Jerry
- Wetzel PhD, Prof. Robert
- Willdey, LCdr Tom
- Wismath PEng, Dave
- Worth BEd, Gary
(this is not complete!)
Dedicated to the memory of Lewis Leroy Maxwell of Upper Sackville .......
LCdr Tom Willdey, a resident of District 16, Halifax Regional Municipality (Tom is deceased now)
- Tom has been an extensive volunteer since 1990 and has been very dedicated.
- During 1990, Tom sampled Kearney Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1991, Tom assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in the sampling of Barrett, and Governor lakes under our Stage-I Protocol-
Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
- During 1991-93, Tom assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in our detailed Stage-II Protocol
of lakes Russell, Morris, Penhorn, Bissett, and Second (Shubie River
headwaters) either in total or in part- Chemical analyses by the
Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of Environment Canada, and
the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab. The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1993, Tom was kind enough to assist one of our contractual
biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Bissett and Henry lakes for a
study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
- Throughout 1991-94, Tom showed his interest in Limnology by
assisting in various scientific workshops held by us throughout the
- During July 1996, Tom together with our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
participated in the international "The Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and
the lakes tested were: Kearney, Papermill, Sandy (Bedford), Little
Albro, Albro, Maynard, Penhorn, Oathill, Banook, Loon, Bissett,
Barrett, Tucker, Springfield, Lewis (Sackville), Soldier, and Miller.
- During 1997 and early 1998, Tom was kind enough to assist one of our biologists, Pam Bishop in the sampling of Papermill, Kearney, Wrights and Moody lakes for a study of their Phytoplankton Assemblages.
- Further, during the Fall of 1997, Tom assisted our biologists, Kim Hynes and Catherine Reeves in the sampling of McGraths and Kearney lakes for a study of their Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
- During the Fall of 1998, Tom assisted our biologists, Monica Gaertner and Angela Jarvis in the sampling of Lakes Dollar and Papermill for a study of their Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
- Since Spring of 2006, Tom represents us on the Recreational Fishing Advisory Council (RFAC) for Area 3 (Halifax/Lunenburg) of the Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
Robert Bode
(now retired) of Albany, New York is an unquestioned world leader in Freshwater
Benthic Ecology. Mr. Bode has published several leading papers as well
as regulatory handbooks for various Governments in the U.S. He has been
quoted extensively by world-class Limnologists. He wrote the chapter on
Chironomids in one of the classic aquatic entomology textbooks,
"Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North America" by
Peckarsky et al. He joined our "Board of Scientific Directors" during February, 1999!
Evan Crowe, formerly a resident of District 8, Halifax Regional Municipality. Evan and I salute ESSO-Imperial Oil for their assistance and partnership.
- During 1990, Evan (at the time a resident of Dartmouth) sampled Morris under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1991-92, Evan assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in our detailed Stage-II Protocol
of lakes Russell, Morris, and Penhorn in part- Chemical analyses by the
Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of Environment Canada, and
the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab. The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- Throughout 1990-92, Evan showed his interest in Limnology by
assisting/attendance in various scientific workshops held by us
throughout the Metro.
- During July 1996, Evan participated in the international "The Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lake of his choice was Morris.
- Evan has also been instrumental in being a key Lake Stakeholder
together with Ralph and Joyce Tannahill in our obtaining considerable
"partnership" from a leading industry.
CWO Robert L. MacDonald, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1993 Bob was kind enough to
assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling
Springfield, Lewis (Sackville), and First (Sackville) lakes for a study
of their phytoplankton assemblages.
- Bob has an avid interest in various ecological issues on a technical level.
- During 1997-98, Bob assisted our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Lakes Lewis and Pigott.
- Further, during the Fall of 1997, Bob assisted our biologists, Kim Hynes and Catherine Reeves in the sampling of Springfield Lake for a study of its Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
- Bob is seen here in March, 1999 handing a gift on behalf of our group to the team leader of Project E-2, Monica Gaertner for her superb performance.
Mark Leaman, a resident of District 23, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1995-96, Mark sampled Coxs (Nine
Mile River w/shed), Whites (Prospect River w/shed), and Hatchet
(Terence Bay River w/shed) lakes under our Stage-IA Protocol
- During July 1996, Mark participated in the international "The Great
1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lakes of his choice were: Coxs, Stillwater,
Whites, Hatchet, and McGrath.
- Mark has a burning interest in the ecosystem of lakes all over Nova
Scotia with a focused interest in the lakes within the western region
of Halifax Regional Municipality.
- Throughout 1994-96, Mark showed his interest in Limnology by
assisting in various scientific workshops held by us throughout the
- During 1997-98, Mark assisted our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Wrights Lake.
- Further, during the Fall of 1997, Mark assisted our biologists, Kim Hynes and Tara Travers in the sampling of Wrights Lake for a study of its Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
Walter Pilon, a resident of District 22, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- Walter was active during 1991-92 in assisting our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
in the extensive sampling of Sheldrake Lake (Woodens River w/shed)-
Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab. This was
part of our detailed Stage-II Protocol, and the final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During September 1993, Walter attended a `by-invitation only' meeting organised by our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
with the then Minister of the NS Dept of Environment, Hon. Robbie
Harrison. The purpose of the meeting, to summarise in the Minister's
own words, was to give a `global perspective' of the water quality of
our lakes in the opinion of a representative group of lake stakeholders.
- Throughout 1991-95, Walter showed his interest in Limnology by assisting in various scientific workshops held by us throughout the Metro.
- During 1995-96, Walter sampled Black Point Lake (Woodens River w/shed) under our Stage-IA Protocol
- During July 1996, Walter participated in the international "The
Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lakes of his choice were Sheldrake
and Black Point.
- Walter has shown considerable leadership in his area and was
instrumental in ensuring a large audience for our presentations on Lake
Carrying Capacities.
- Walter regularly attends(attended) the monthly meetings of the
Watershed Advisory Board (of area formerly within Halifax County
Municipality) as an "observer".
- Walter is an `environmental steward' generally in the western
region and monitors various construction projects from the perspective
of siltation.
- During 1997-98, Walter assisted our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Lake Moody..
Dr. Keith Somers PhD,
a senior Benthic Ecologist at the Dorset Research Centre, Ontario
Ministry of the Environment and Energy. He joined our Board of
Scientific Directors in February, 1999!
- Dr. Somers gave invaluable scientific advise to the volunteer supervisor of Project E, Shalom Mandaville, and also carried out the correspondence analysis (CA) for Project E-2.
- Dr. Somers also
teaches at the University of Toronto as well as at Trent University in
addition to his many other responsibilities with the Ontario Ministry
of Environment and Energy.
Ron Sampson, a resident of District 3, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1993 Ron was kind enough to
assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling
Chezzetcook, and Petpeswick lakes for a study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
- During 1995-96, Ron sampled Lower Porters, Chezzetcook and Petpeswick lakes under our Stage-IA Protocol
- During July 1996, Ron participated in the international "The Great
1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lakes of his choice were: Lower Porters,
Chezzetcook, and Petpeswick.
- During 1997, Ron assisted our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Lakes Paces and Charlotte.
Research Biologist, Peter Shacklock, a resident of District 18, Halifax Regional Municipality (deceased now)
- Peter has been a `partner' going as far back as 1989 (even prior to formation of this Society) when he joined as a volunteer of our previous Community Cable educational show, "In Harmony With Nature" produced at Shaw Cable, Lower Sackville. During 1993-1994, he became the "Associate Producer" of the successor shows, "Science Is Your World" and "Science & Nature". Production ceased end of 1996.
- During 1990, Peter sampled Portuguese Cove, and Hubley Big lakes under our Stage-I Protocol. The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- Throughout 1990-95, Peter showed his interest in Limnology by
assisting in various scientific workshops held by us throughout the
- During July 1996, Peter together with our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
participated in the international "The Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and
the lakes tested were: William (Jollimore), Long (Spryfield),
Chocolate, Portuguese Cove, Run (Pennant River w/shed), Sheehan
(Pennant River w/shed), and Grand (Pennant River w/shed).
- Peter was an active `member-at-large' of the Halifax Watershed
Advisory Board (HWAB) since its inception as the Halifax County
Watershed Advisory Board (February 1996). The Board is an advisory body
to the Halifax Regional Municipality on matters pertaining to the area
formerly within the Halifax County Municipality, and now also includes
Mainland Halifax area.
- Peter developed a superb video for our Project E-2.
- Peter continues to be active in some of our public-oriented activities, e.g., Maynard Lake littoral cleanup of 2004!
- Commencing February 2007, Peter is one of our associates who
is representing us on the Dartmouth Area Watershed Network spearheaded
by the MLA for the Dartmouth-Portland Valley, Marilyn More.
Peter Murray BSc, CLS., NSLS, a resident of District 15, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1991, Peter was one of the principal organisers of the physical cleanup of Kearney Lake and its environs.
- Throughout 1992-96, Peter showed his interest in ecology by assisting in various scientific workshops held throughout the Metro.
- His wife, Mary Murray was one of the organisers of our scientific presentation on the first day of the Environment Week- 1996.
Prof. Dr. Robert Wetzel
(deceased now) of the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama joined our society in
1998 and it gave us a tremendous boost. Dr. Wetzel has extensive
world-wide accomplishments in the domain of Limnology and received the
highest award of Limnology in the world, namely the Naumann-Thienemann award.
He has also received the coveted Evelyn G. Hutchinson award from ASLO.
One of his greatest accomplishments is assisting the so-called third
world develop a series of books on tropical Limnology, a first ever in
the history of Limnology. Our group adheres to the philosophy enshrined
by Dr. Wetzel, "professional altruism"! Prof. Wetzel departed Mother Earth on April 18, 2005 at 21:00 hrs!
Darrell MacInnis, a former resident of Lakeland, East Hants:
- Darrell was originally the Technical
Director at Shaw Cable, Sackville and in that capacity he assisted us
greatly in the production of our educational shows, "Science Is Your World" and "Science & Nature"..
- During July 1996, Darrell participated in the international "The
Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lakes of his interest were: Pentz
(East Hants), Lily (East Hants), Cockscomb (East Hants), Pigott (East
Hants), and Cameron (West Hants).
- During 1997-98, Darrell assisted our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Lakes Lewis and Pigott.
Meteorologist, Capt. John J. Owens Jr. MSc (MIT) a resident of District 6, Halifax Regional Municipality (deceased now):
- During September 1993, John attended a `by-invitation only' meeting organised by our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
with the then Minister of the NS Dept of Environment, Hon. Robbie
Harrison. The purpose of the meeting, to summarise in the Minister's
own words, was to give a `global perspective' of the water quality of
our lakes in the opinion of a representative group of lake stakeholders.
Professor of Biological Engineering, Prof. Jack Burney PhD., P.Eng. (retired now), a resident of District 5, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- Prof. Dr. Burney has provided us
considerable `partnership' by lending research facilities to our
contractural professional staff (professional biologists and engineers)
during various years.
- Jack Burney has been our appointee to the Halifax Watershed Advisory Board (HWAB) during the period September 1996 to December 1999, and from February 2004 onwards.
Professional Aquatic Toxicologist, Ken Doe, a resident of East Hants:
- Ken has been quite supportive of our research endeavours and other ancillary activities like physical cleanups, etc.
- Ken is also on the Advisory Committee on Toxicology with the CAEAL (Candian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories.
- Ken was our `appointee' to the Recreational Fisheries Advisory Council, for the Hants area until he resigned in 1997.
- Ken is one of our appointees to the Halifax Harbour Watershed Coalition (HHWC) spearheaded by the Ecology Action Centre (EAC)
P.C. MacCaull, resident of District 8, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Lakeview/Windsor Junction/Fall River- Fire Stn.#44 of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Dr. Peter Dillon PhD, (now with Trent University) Director of the Dorset Research Centre, Ontario Ministry of Environment
& Energy has been an associate since 1995. He is one of the leading
scientists not only in Canada but also internationally. His phosphorus
models are being applied worldwide. Prof. Pete Dillon is now the
Industrial Research Chair at Trent University, Ontario.
S. M. Mandaville Professional Lake Manage., a resident of District 5, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- Was the principal Founder of our Society
during December 1989, and is the overall Volunteer Co-Ordinator and
Supervisor of all of the activities, and these activities will not be
enunciated here except those relating to lake sampling and modelling.
- During 1990, Shalom sampled the outflow of Russell Lake and the inflow of Morris Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1991, Shalom with the assistance of LCDR. Tom Willdey, Doug
McLearn, Evan Crowe, David Upright and Don Duncan sampled Barrett,
First (Sackville), Springfield, and Governor (Timberlea) lakes under
our Stage-I Protocol-
chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
- During 1991-93, Shalom assisted by LCdr. Tom Willdey, Evan Crowe,
Walter Pilon, Doug McLearn, Steve Rigden, David Upright, Dr. Mike Moss,
Dr. Larry Holt, and Terry Conrad conducted our detailed Stage-II Protocol
of lakes Russell, Morris, Penhorn, Bissett, Settle, Sheldrake, Fish,
and Second (Sackville)- Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality
Laboratories (N.B.) of Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental
Chemistry Lab. The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1992-93, Shalom assisted and supervised biologists Julie Sircom and Lisa McClafferty, and engineers, Dave Wismath P.Eng., and Tom Campbell in their contractual work for our Society.
- During July 1996, Shalom together with LCdr. Tom Willdey and Peter Shacklock
participated in the international "The Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and
the lakes tested were: Kearney, Papermill, Sandy (Bedford), Little
Albro, Albro, Maynard, Penhorn, Oathill, Banook, Loon, Bissett,
Barrett, Tucker, Springfield, Lewis (Sackville), Soldier, Miller,
William (Jollimore), Long (Spryfield), Chocolate, Portuguese Cove, Run
(Pennant River w/shed), Sheehan (Pennant River w/shed), and Grand
(Pennant River w/shed).
- Shalom was the Founder and Producer of our educational scientific and quasi-scientific Community Cable Tv shows, namely, "In Harmony With Nature" followed by "Science Is Your World" and subsequently by "Science & Nature". Production ceased end of 1996.
- During 1993-97, Shalom made ca. 24 public and private scientific
presentations on Predictive TP Modelling and Lake Carrying Capacities.
- Shalom developed an unique spreadsheet Model in Excel 5.0 format
which incorporates the latest models developed by world authorities,
namely by Dillon et al (1974-1996) of the Dorset Research Centre,
Ontario Ministry of the Environment; the world consensus OECD(1982)
Report; and the Vollenweider(1976) Report. This spreadsheet also has
some unique facilities as one could vary the inputs and obtain answers
to "what if?". 664 lakes and ponds have been
modelled to date which makes this project perhaps the largest in all of
Canada and are available in the public domain. For further info on this
predictive phosphorus modelling, link here. The work is still ongoing for new lakes.
- During 1997-98, Shalom supervised our biologist, Pam Bishop in the study of Phytoplankton Assemblages of Lakes Charlotte, Eagle, Paces, Winder, Kearney, Papermill, Moody, Wrights, Lewis and Pigott.
- Also during 1997-98, Shalom supervised our biologists, Kim Hynes, Tara Travers and Catherine Reeves in the study of Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lakes Wrights, Springfield, McGraths, Kearney and Morris.
- Further, during Jan-March 1998, Shalom supervised our biologist, Joanne Vokey in the Development of Unit Urban Phosphorus Export Coefficients in the local watersheds of 2 Mesotrophic Lakes, Settle and Bissett.
- Shalom completed Project E-1 as a total volunteer and it culminated part time volunteer research spanning over 12 months.
- During 1998-99, Shalom supervised our biologists, Monica Gaertner and Angela Jarvis in the study of Sublittoral Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lakes Dollar, Russell, Stillwater, Kinsac and Papermill.
- There have been numerous other activities Shalom has been involved
in and it is not possible to list all of them here. But for a general
overall picture, see our accomplishments, and select compliments and acknowledgements received!
Paul Barkhouse Jr., while a resident of District 9, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1993-95, as a resident of the Albro lake area and as the representative of the "Friends of Albro Lake", Paul Jr. showed considerable interest in the ecology of the said lake.
Biologist, Lisa McClafferty BSc, a resident of District 5, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1994, Lisa assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in organising public scientific presentations in Limnology in Dartmouth and Cole Harbour.
Dave Wismath PEng, formerly of Halifax:
- During early 1994, Dave
as a total volunteer continued his field sampling of the P-export in
the local watersheds of Settle and Bissett Lakes, a process he
commenced during Spring of 1993, at the time as a `contractual
- During 1994 and 1995 Dave attended select public
presentations by Shalom Mandaville on Lake Carrying Capacities.
Further, Dave assisted in the `by-invitation only' presentation to
select staff of the NS Dept. Of the Environment during December 1994.
Doug McLearn PEng, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Doug sampled Second Lake (Sackville) under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1991, Doug assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in further sampling of First Lake (Sackville) under our Stage-I Protocol.
- Doug was also very active during 1991-92 in assisting our Co-Ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
in the extensive field sampling of Second Lake (Sackville)- Chemical
analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab. This was
part of our detailed Stage-II Protocol, and the final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- Throughout 1990-95, Doug showed his interest in Limnology by
assisting/attendance in various scientific workshops held by us
throughout the Metro.
- During July 1996, Doug participated in the international "The Great
1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lakes of his interest were: First
(Sackville), Second Lake (Sackville), Third (Windsor Junction), Kinsac,
Powder Mill, Rocky (Waverley), and Three Mile.
- Doug was our `appointee' to the Recreational Fisheries Advisory Council, RFA-3 (Central-Halifax and Lunenburg Counties) until he resigned in 1997.
Steve Rigden PEng, a resident of District 7, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Steve sampled Settle Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- Steve was also active during 1991-92 in assisting our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
in the extensive field sampling of Settle Lake- Chemical analyses by
the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of Environment Canada,
and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab. This was part of our detailed
Stage-II Protocol, and the final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During September 1993, Steve attended a `by-invitation only' meeting organised by our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
with the then Minister of the NS Dept of Environment, Hon. Robbie
Harrison. The purpose of the meeting, to summarise in the Minister's
own words, was to give a `global perspective' of the water quality of
our lakes in the opinion of a representative group of lake stakeholders.
- During 1993 Steve was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Settle lake for a study of its phytoplankton assemblages.
- Steve was a prime organiser of a major physical cleanup of Settle
Lake and its environs on the first day of Environment Week, 1994.
- During July 1996, Steve participated in the international "The
Great 1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lake of his interest was Settle.
Fred Haliburton, a resident of District 6, Halifax Regional Municipality (Fred passed away a few years ago):
- During 1990, Fred sampled MicMac Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During July 1996, Fred participated in the international "The Great
1996 Secchi DipIn", and the lake of his interest was Mic Mac.
Peter Lenaghan, a resident of District 23, Halifax Regional Municipality:
George Ferguson, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1995-96, George sampled Fenerty and Soldier lakes under our Stage-IA Protocol.
Graham Sullivan, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Graham sampled Beaverbank Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1993 Graham was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Beaverbank, and Kinsac lakes for a study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
Ken Margeson, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality, and a former Halifax County Councillor (Ken, a.k.a `Mr. Beaverbank', passed away several years ago):
S.J. Thomas BEd, a resident of District 4, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, he sampled Loon Lake (Westphal) under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1993 Mr. Thomas was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Loon Lake (Westphal) for a study of its phytoplankton assemblages.
Doug Frizzle, a resident of District 22, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- Doug was active during 1991 in sampling Stillwater Lake. This was part of our basic Stage-I Protocol.
- During 1993 Doug was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Stillwater, Hubley Mill, Coxs, Five Island, and Hubley Big lakes for a study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
Doug Ralston BEd, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Doug sampled Third Lake (Windsor Junction) under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1993 Doug was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Third lake for a study of its phytoplankton assemblages.
Vince Morash, a former resident of District 16, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Vince sampled Papermill Lake under our Stage-I Protocol.
- At various times during 1991-96, Vince assisted in a handful of our
lake (and environs) cleanup projects held throughout the Metro.
Capt. Mike Shacklock, formerly a resident of District 21, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Capt. Michael sampled Sandy Lake (Bedford) under our Stage-I protocol.
- Michael has been a `partner' going as far back as 1989 (even prior to formation of this Society) when he joined as a volunteer of our previous Community Cable educational show, "In Harmony With Nature" produced at Shaw Cable, Lower Sackville. He continued his superb technical assistance to our successor shows, "Science Is Your World" and "Science & Nature". Production ceased end of 1996.
Lt. Don Duncan, a resident of District 5, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1990, Don sampled Maynard Lake under our Stage-I Protocol- The final Report has been placed at various university and government libraries.
- During 1991, Don assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in further sampling of Kinsac, and Springfield lakes under our Stage-I Protocol-
Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
Bill Horne, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1993, Bill, an inorganic chemist
with Environment Canada, was kind enough to analyse TP in some of the
runoff samples collected by one of our civil engineers at the time, David Wismath PEng, taken in the local watersheds of Settle and Bissett lakes.
Professional Engineer, Ed Gillis PEng,a resident of District 20, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Dennis Doyle, a resident of District 4, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Tim Farquhar, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Don Crawley, as a resident of District 17, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Gary Worth BEd, was/is a resident of District 9, Halifax Regional Municipality:
John M. Stuart, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Kevin Bonang, was/is a resident of District 4, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Burke Cushing BEd, as a resident of District 7, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Jerry Vrbensky, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
PO Wendell Maskell, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Jock Fiske PEng, a resident of District 16, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Terry Rowell PhD, as a resident of District 5, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Ken Jakeman, a resident of District 22, Halifax Regional Municipality:
David Upright, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1991, David assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in our detailed Stage-II Protocol
of Lakes Russell, and Morris either in total or in part- Chemical
analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories (N.B.) of
Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
Terry Conrad, was/is a resident of District 22, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1991-92, Terry assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in the extensive sampling of Sheldrake Lake whenever Walter Pilon
was absent- Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories
(N.B.) of Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
This was part of our detailed Stage-II Protocol,.
Dr. Mike Moss MD, formerly as a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1991-92, Mike assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in our detailed Stage-II Protocol of Fish Lake (Oakfield)
in part- Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories
(N.B.) of Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
Prof. Larry Holt PhD, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1991-92, Larry assisted our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville in our detailed Stage-II Protocol of Fish Lake (Oakfield)
in part- Chemical analyses by the Environmental Quality Laboratories
(N.B.) of Environment Canada, and the QEII Environmental Chemistry Lab.
Kenneth Brown, a resident of District 3, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1993, Ken was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Upper & Lower Porters lakes for a study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
- During September 1993, Kenny attended a `by-invitation only' meeting organised by our Co-ordinator, S.M. Mandaville
with the then Minister of the NS Dept of Environment, Hon. Robbie
Harrison. The purpose of the meeting, to summarise in the Minister's
own words, was to give a `global perspective' of the water quality of
our lakes in the opinion of a representative group of lake stakeholders.
Troy Comeau, at the time an instructor at the Oranda Canoe club, Lake Echo, District 3, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Allison Sherwood, a resident at the time of District 17, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1994, Allison, a biologist sampled Settle, and Russell lakes and produced a Report on the Epiphytic Diatom Flora on the two lakes for us.
Trish Hattie BEd, a resident of District 2, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During late 1990, Ms. Hattie, a teacher
at the Holland Road School organized a presentation to the students by
Dr. Jack R. Vallentyne PhD a.k.a. Johnny Biosphere who had been a
valued guest on our Ch-10 Tv programs.
- During 1993, Ms. Hattie was kind enough to assist one of our contractual biologists, Lisa McClafferty in sampling Lake Fletcher at 2 stations for a study of their phytoplankton assemblages.
Cliff Tyner PEng, a resident of District 7, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Barry MacDonald, now a resident of East Hants:
Don Rix PEng, NSLS, a resident of District 3, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Colleen Fisher, a resident of District 19, Halifax Regional Municipality:
Jean Knowles BEd, a resident of District 20, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- During 1988-90, Jean sampled the Little
Sackville River at five different stations under a Provincial-Federal
Monitoring Program.
Scientist-Microbiologist, Prof. Spencer Lee PhD, then a resident of District 13, Halifax Regional Municipality:
- Dr. Lee has been consistent in his support of our scientific phase by providing us advanced research facilities.
Curator, Andrew Hebda, a resident of Colchester County:
- Andrew had been consistent in his support of some of our scientific phases.
- Andrew was not only a fequent guest on our educational Tv shows, but also a valued host!
We salute the Chebucto Community Net (CCN) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
for being gracious in hosting our Web site and further we applaud the
past, present and future volunteers of `CCN' for their undying devotion
in making `CCN' among the best community nets in the world!