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Salutations to Prof. Dr. Robert G. Wetzel
.... a Scientific Director of Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
and a 1992 recipient of the highest international honour in Limnology,
the Naumann-Thienemann Medal! ....

departed Mother Earth on Monday April 18, 2005 at 21:00 hrs and the
universe may never see another such altruistic scientist again!}
"I am an avid consumer of
Hutchinson's words and syntheses with an appreciation similar to that
held for Darwin; both are members of a group that appears only rarely
in a particular discipline, perhaps once in a generation. As one
reporter wrote, Hutchinson was a sage of enlightenment. It was a
privilege to have known him, largely through his works. It is an honor
to be associated by means of the Hutchinson Medal" ...... Bob Wetzel's
response on receiving the 1992 Hutchinson Medal of the ASLO!
July 02, 2015 
Present Position
- William R. Kenan University Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, School of Public
Health, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Erlander Professor, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden (Lifetime Appointment)
- B.Sc., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1958
- M.Sc., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1959
- Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1962
- Ph.D., (Honorary), University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1984
- 1954-62:
- U.S. Naval Reserve (Electronics; Honorable Discharge)
- 1955:
- Assistant, Michigan Department of Conservation
- 1956:
- Assistant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska
- 1957-58:
- Research Assistant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan
- 1958-59:
- Teaching Assistant, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

- 1959:
- Research Technician, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan
- 1959-62:
- Research Assistant, University of California, Davis
- 1960-61:
- Teaching Assistant, University of California, Davis
- 1962-65:
- Research Associate, Indiana University, Bloomington
- 1965-68:
- Assistant Professor of Botany, Michigan State University
- 1968-71:
- Associate Professor of Botany, Michigan State University
- 1971-79:
- Professor of Botany, Michigan State University
- 1979-86:
- Professor of Botany and Adjunct Professor of Zoology, Michigan State University
- 1982-Life:
- Erlander Professor, Institute of Limnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
- 1986-1990:
- Professor of Biology, University of Michigan
- 1990-2001:
- Bishop Professor of Biology, University of Alabama
- 2001-2003:
- Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of North Carolina
- 2003-
- William R. Kenan University Professor, University of North Carolina
- German- Speaking and reading knowledge
- French- Reading (Scientific)
- Russian- Reading (Scientific)
- Spanish- Reading (Scientific)
- Portuguese- Reading (Scientific)
- Swedish- Reading (Scientific)
Professional Organizations:
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Elected Member)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)
- American Institute of Biological Sciences
- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (President, Vice President, Editorial Board)
- American Water Works Association
- Aquatic Plant Management Society
- Asociacion Argentina de Limnologia (Elected Honorary Life Member)
- Brazilian Society of Limnology
- Ecological Society of America (Sustaining)
- Finnish Limnological Society (Scientific Advisor)
- Freshwater Biological Association U. K. (Life)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Elected Honorary Member 2004)
- International Association of Aquatic Vascular Plant Biologists (Founder) (First President, Editorial Board)
- International Association of Crenobiologists
- International Association of Ecology
- International Association for Great Lakes Research
- International Humic Substances Society
- International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
(General Secretary and Treasurer 1968-present; Editor-in-Chief
- International Consortium for Salt Lake Research (Editorial Board Member)
- International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (Founding Member and Scientific Advisory Board)
- International Phycological Society
- Japanese Society of Limnology (Advisory Board and Editorial Board)
- Midwest Plant Management Society
- Netherlands Society of Aquatic Ecology (Editorial Board Member)
- North American Benthological Society
- North American Lake Management Society (Scientific Board Member)
- Phi Sigma Society
- Phycological Society of America
- Royal Danish Academy of Sciences (Elected Foreign Member)
- Russian Society of Aquatic Ecology
- Society of Lake Management
- Society of the Sigma Xi (Full)
- Society of Wetland Scientists (Life)
- Water Academy (Elected Lifetime Member of 500 Worldwide)
- Water Association Finland (Scientific Advisor)
Offices Held in Professional Organizations
- General Secretary and Treasurer,
Editor-in-Chief, and Member of Executive Board, International
Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology
Elected 1968-1971
Re-elected 1971-1974
Re-elected 1974-1977
Re-elected 1977-1980
Re-elected 1980-1983
Re-elected 1983-1986
Re-elected 1986-1989
Re-elected 1989-1992
Re-elected 1992-1995
Re-elected 1995-1998
Re-elected 1998-2001
Re-elected 2001-2004
- Co-Editor, Communications, International Association for Theoretical and Applied Limnology (1968-present)
- Member-at-Large and Member of Board of Directors, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (1968-1971)
- Member of Editorial Board, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (1971-1974)
- Consultant, International Biological Program, London (1967-1975)
- U.S. Representative, Aquatic Ecology Commission, International Association of Ecology (1968-present)
- Member, International Seagrass Commission (1974-1975)
- Member-at-Large and Member of Board of Directors, Ecological Society of America (1970-1972)
- Member of Editorial Board, Aquatic Botany (1975-present)
- Advisory Council, Electric Power Research Institute (1977-1992)
- Chairman, Nominating Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (1976-1977)
- Vice President, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (1979-1980)
- First President, International Association of Aquatic Vascular Plant Biologists (1979-1987)
- President, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (1980-1981)
- Co-Editor, Archiv für Hydrobiologie (1981-1988)
- Member Editorial Board, Journal of Aquatic Biology (1984-present)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Tropical Freshwater Ecology (1987-present)
- Member, Great Lakes Advisory Committee, U.S.-Canada International Joint Commission (1986-1987)
- North American Editor, Archiv f. Hydrobiologie (Main Volumes, Supplements, Ergebnisse), (1988-present)
- Co-Editor, Aquatic Botany (1979-present)
- Executive Member, Council of the International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (1985-present)
- Advisor, Aqua Fennica, Water Association Finland and The Finnish Limnological Society (1990-present)
- Scientific Advisory Board Member, Aquatic Resource Center, Tennessee (1990-present)
- Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Salt Lake Research (1991-present)
- Associate Editor, Biogeochemistry (1993-present)
- Member, Advisory Board, Ecology Prize, Germany (1993-1994)
- Member of Editorial Board, Lakes and Reservoirs (1994-present)
- Scientific Advisory Board Member, North American Lake Management Society (1994-present)
- Editor, Monographs in Aquatic Ecology (Book Series), New York (1996-present)
- Co-Editor, Aquatic Ecology (1997-present)
- Foreign Editor, Korean Journal of Biological Sciences (1998-present)

- Scientific Director, Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH), Nova Scotia, Canada (1998-present)
- Advisory Editor, Environmental Conservation (1998-present)
- Advisory Editor, Journal of Aquatic Biology (1998-present)
- Co-Editor, Journal of Limnology (1999-present)
- Co-Editor, Ecological Studies, Hazards and Solutions (1999-present)
- Co-Editor, Limnology of Developing Countries, Book Series,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
- Editorial Board, Limnology (1999-present)
- Editor, International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (2001-2004)
- Chairperson, Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön, Germany (1992-present)
- Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (2001-present)
- Editorial Board, Limnologia (2001-present)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Wetland Biogeochemistry (2002-present)
- Editorial Board, International Review of Hydrobiology (2002-present)
- Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Münich, Germany (2002)
- Editorial Board, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods (2002-present)
Other Professional Activities, Committees, Awards, etc.
- Tuition Scholarship, University of Michigan, 1954-1958.
- Saylor Award in Fisheries, University of Michigan, 1959.
- Ecology Fellowship, Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hole, 1961.
- Travel Award (NSF) to participate in Symposium on Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments, Italy, 1964.
- Travel Award (NSF) to participate in Symposium on Biogenic Metabolism in Fresh Waters, Germany, 1965.
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1964.
- Travel Award (NSF and NIH) to participate in 16th International Congress of Limnology, Poland, 1965.
- Travel Award (NSF) to participate in 17th International Congress of Limnology, Israel, 1968.
- External Examiner, Department of Zoology, University of Otago, New Zealand, 1970.
- Travel Award (NSF) to participate in Symposium on Production Problems of Fresh Waters, Poland, 1970.
- Travel Award (USSR Academy of Sciences), Leningrad, 1970.
- Travel Award (NSF and Romanian Academy of Sciences) to participate in Symposium on Aquatic Macrophytes, Romania, 1970.
- Travel Award (SIL) to participate in 18th International Congress of Limnology, Leningrad, USSR, 1971.
- Travel Award (IBP-UNESCO) Symposium on Detritus and Its Ecological Role in Aquatic Ecosystems, Italy, 1972.
- Member, Synthesis Advisory Board, International Biological Program, London, 1972.
- Member, Advisory Council, Aquatic Plant Management Section, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1972.
- External Examiner, Department of Zoology, Rhodes University, South Africa, 1973.
- Member, Stream Ecosystem Workshop, Stroud Research Center, Pennsylvania, 1973.
- Member, Decomposition Working Group, 1st International Seagrass Workshop, Amsterdam, 1973.
- Travel Award (NSF) 1st International Seagrass Workshop, Amsterdam, 1973.
- Travel Award (SIL) to participate in 19th International Congress of Limnology, Canada, 1974.
- External Examiner, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, 1974.
- Member, Committee for Scientific Presentations, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1975-1976.
- Advisor, Aquatic Plant Management Research, University of Florida, 1975.
- National Evaluator, Ecology Programs for ERDA-NSF, Battelle
Northwest National Laboratories and Lawrence Laboratories, University
of California, Berkeley, 1976.
- Cited in Who's Who in the World and a number of other international and national biographical archives, 1976-present.
- Travel Award (NSF) 2nd International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Poland, 1976.
- Travel Award (SIL) to participate in 20th International Congress of Limnology, Denmark, 1977.
- Travel Award, Uppsala University to participate in 500th Year Jubilee Celebration of Uppsala University, Sweden, 1977.
- External Examiner, Department of Botany, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1978.
- Invited Participant, EPA-DOE Workshop on Effects of Acid Precipitation on Aquatic Ecosystems, New York, 1978.
- Travel Award (Japanese Academy of Sciences) to organize 21st International Congress of Limnology, Sandi and Kyoto, Japan, 1979.
- National Advisor on Ecological Sciences Improvement, State of Arkansas, 1979.
- Member, Committee on Biospheric CO2 Enrichment Effects, Institute of Ecology, 1978-present.
- External Examiner and Travel Award, Institute of Limnology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, April 1980.
- Member, International Steering Committee, International Wetlands Committee, International Association for Ecology, 1979-present.
- Advisor, Acid Rain Workshop, Electric Power Research Institute, Airlie, Virginia,February 1980.
- Member, Biological Effects Advisory Board, National
Atmospheric Deposition Program, Environmental Protection Agency,
- Advisor, Integrated Lake Watershed Acidification Study,
Electric Power Research Institute, Syracuse and Sagamore, New York,
September 1980.
- Travel Award, 21st Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Kyoto, Japan, August 1980.
- Travel Grant, First International Wetlands Conference, New Delhi, India, September 1980 (unable to accept).
- Leader, Limnological Exchange Group, and Travel Award, Peoples' Republic of China to:
- South China Sea Marine Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhow (Canton)
- Pearl River Institute of Freshwater Products, Guangzhow (Canton)
- Hydrobiological Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan)
- Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Peking)
- Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection, Beijing (Peking)
- Shanghai Fisheries Research Institute, Shanghai
- Department of Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, 1980.
- Advisor, National Acidic Precipitation Research Evaluation, EPA-EPRI, Atlanta, March 1981.
- Chairperson, Aquatic Section, International Study on the
Direct Biological Effects on Plants of Increasing Atmospheric CO2,
AAAS.DOE-National Academy, 1981-1982.
- Chairperson and Organizer, 1st International Workshop on
Periphyton in Freshwater Ecosystems, University of Lund, Lund and
Växjö, Sweden, September, 1982.
- Advisor, Aluminum Biogeochemistry Workshop, EPA-University of Maine-EPRI, Orono, Maine, December 1982.
- Travel Award, 22nd Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Lyon, France, August, 1983
- Recipient, First Tage Erlander National Professorship, Swedish
National Research Council and University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1982-1983.
- Advisor, Aluminum Biogeochemistry/Toxicity Workshop, EPRI-DOE, University of Syracuse, New York, 1983.
- Member, Publications Council, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1983-1984.
- Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1984.
- Organizing Committee, Third International Phycological Congress (1985-1988).
- Advisor, Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake
Acidification Workshop, EPRI-University of Michigan, Douglas Lake,
Michigan, 1985.
- External Doctoral Examiner, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 1985.
- National Advisor, Scientific Programs in Hydrobiology in Finland, Finnish Academy of Sciences, Helsinki, Finland, 1985.
- International Advisor, Scientific Programs in Aquatic Ecology of Denmark, Danish Academy of Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1986.
- Foundation Member, Inaugural Assembly, International Lake Environment Committee, Otsu, Japan, 1986-1996.
- Advisor, Regional Integrated Lake Watershed Acidification Study, Workshop, EPRI-EPA, Palo Alto, California, 1986.
- External Doctoral Examiner, University of New Delhi, Delhi, India, 1986.

- Steering Committee Member, International Conference on Basic Issues in Great Lakes Research, Michigan, 1986-1987.
- Elected Member, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1986.
- Advisor, Eastern Brook Lake Watershed Acidification Study, Sierra Workshop, Ontario, California, 1987.
- Advisor, ROPIS, Effects of Acidification and Aluminum Toxicity
on Forests, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1987),
Stanford University (1987), Penn State University (1988), Boyce
Thompson Plant Research Institute (1989), and Oregon State University
- Member, Governor's Wetlands Committee, Department of Natural Resources, State of Michigan (1987-1990).
- Trustee, Center of Excellence for Ecosystems, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky (1987-present).
- Member, Organizing Committee, International Committee on Biomanipulation, Amsterdam (1988-present).
- Advisory Council, Electric Power Research Institute (1977-present)
- Advisor, Wetland Ecosystems of the Crystal River, Friends of the Crystal River (1987.present).
- External Ph.D. Examiner, University of Patanian Malaysia, Sendang, Malaysia (1988).
- External Ph.D. Examiner, University of Tasmania, Australia (1988).
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, Conway, Michigan (1988-present).
- Baldi Memorial Award and Lecturer, International Association
of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 24th Congress, Munich, Federal
Republic of Germany, August 1989.
- Award of Distinction, University of California, Davis, September 1989.
- International Steering Committee, Conference on Land-Water Interactions, New Delhi, India (1990-1991).
- Chairperson, Joint Task Group, Periphyton Section, Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public
Health Association, Washington, D.C., 1990-present.
- Member, Advisory Committee, Lake Baikal Research Association
and Baikal International Center for Ecological Research, University of
South Carolina (1991-present).
- Member, Advisory Committee, Aquatic Ecology, Swedish National Science Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991.
- Associate Director, Southeast Regional Center, National
Institute for Global Environmental Change, University of Alabama
- Advisory Committee, Professorship of Limnology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 1991-1992.
- Member, Challenges for Limnology Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1991-present.
- Co-Editor, Aquatic Plant Management Manual, Environmental
Protection Agency and North American Lake Management Society,
- Member, Committee on Interdisciplinary Research and Education
in the Study of Inland Waters, National Research Council, National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, January 1992.
- Member, Steering Committee, Freshwater Imperative Workshop, National Science Foundation, Seattle, Washington, 1992-1993.
- G. Evelyn Hutchinson Medal, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, February 1992.
- Naumann-Thienemann Medal, International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Barcelona, Spain, August 1992.
- Member, Hutchinson Medal Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1993-1997.
- Advisory Committee, Macrophyton Section, Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health
Association, Washington, DC, 1993-present.
- Member, Challenges for Limnology Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1992-1993.
- Distinguished Professor, Land-Water Interfaces and Freshwater
Aquatic Ecosystems, 21-lecture series, Hydrobiological Center,
University of São Carlos, Brazil, August 1993.
- Scientific Advisory Board, World Book Encyclopaedia, Chicago, IL, 1993-1996.
- Chairperson, Scientific Advisory Board, Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön, Germany, 1992-present.
- Member, Financial Advisory Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1993-1994.
- Member, Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Water Quality and Limnology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995.
- Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993.
- Advisory Board Member, Faculty of Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 1993.
- Honorary Life Member, Asociacion Argentina de Limnologia, Republic of Argentina, 1993- .
- External Examiner, Doctor of Science, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1994.
- Member, Organizing Committee, Trophic Cascades Conference, Mikolajki, Poland, 1994-1995.
- Chairperson, Scientific Advisory Board, Wetlands Division, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, 1994.
- Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1994.
- Executive Committee Member, National Research Council -
National Academy of Sciences Committee on Research and Education in
Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Sciences, Washington, DC, 1994-1996.
- U.S. Representative, International Water-Related Associations Liaison Committee, Paris, 1994-present.
- Distinguished Professor, Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology 24-lecture
series, Institüt f. Limnologie und Zoologie, Universität Innsbruck,
Innsbruck, Austria, June 1994.
- External Assessor of Faculty, University of Pertanian Serdang, Malaysia, 1995-present.
- Member, Committee on the Pantanal of South America, Society of Wetland Scientists, 1996-present.
- Board Member, Advisory Board, Ecosystems Center, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, 1996-present.
- Scientific Advisor, Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, 1996.
- Member, Aquatic Sciences Council, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1996-present.
- External Examiner, Graduate Program, Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam, India, 1996-present.
- External Examiner, Graduate Program, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, Orissa, India, 1996-present.
- External Examiner, Graduate Program, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Bengal, India, 1996-present.
- Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Boreal Environmental Research, 1996-present.
- Scientific Advisor, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany, 1996.
- International Advisor, Aquatic Sciences Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1996-present.
- Member, Education Planning Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1997-present.
- Member, Advisory Board, International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC), Shiga, Japan, 1997-present.
- Member, Committee, New York City Watershed Management
Strategy, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences,
- Member Intersociety and International Interactions Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1997-present.
- Member, Scientific Coordinating Committee, Diversitas Biodiversity Science, Paris, France, 1998-present.
- Member, Scientific Committee, International Conference on Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems, New Delhi, India, 1999-2000.
- Member, Technical Sessions, Wetlands 2000 International Conference, Oxford, Mississippi, 1999-2000.
- Member, International Scientific Committee, International Conference of Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems, Nainital, India, 1999.
- Member, Scientific Committee, International Symposium on
Refractory Organic Substances in the Environment, Karlsruhe, Germany,
- Member, Editorial Board, Ecological Studies, Moscow, Russia, 1999-present.
- Elected Lifetime Member (of 500 members maximum, worldwide), The International Water Academy, Oslo, Norway, 1999-present.
- Executive Committee Member, National Academy of Science
Committee on Missouri River Basin: Scientific Basis for Adaptive
Management, Washington, DC, 1999-2001.
- Faculty Advisor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1999-2000.
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Society of Wetland Scientists, 2000.
- Member, Committee on Protection of Ecology and Resources of the Caspian Sea, National Academy of Science, Washington, DC, 2001.
- Member, Editorial Board, Ecological Studies, University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia, 2001-present.
- External Examiner, Doctoral Program, University of Calcutta, India, 2001-present.
- External Examiner, Doctoral Program, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, 2001-2003.
- External Examiner, Department of Biology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, 2001-present.
- External Examiner, Doctoral Program, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 2001-present.
- External Examiner, Doctoral Program, University of Adelaide, Australia, 2001-2003.
- Steering Committee, International Workshop on Restoration and Management of Eutrophicated Lakes, Kunnan, China, 2001.
- External Examiner, Doctoral Program, University of Zürich and EAWAG, Zürich, Switzerland, 2002.
- Advisory Board, Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms, Moscow State University, Russia, 2002.
- Member, Publications Committee, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 2002-2003.
- William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 2003
- Member, Aquatic Ecology Programs Committee, National Science
Foundation-American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 2002-2003.
- Associate Editor, International Review of Hydrobiology, Germany, 2002-present.
- Aquatic Ecologist of Year 2002, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2003.
- External Evaluator, PhD Dissertation, EAWAG, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2003.
- Member Executive Council, World Water and Climate Network, World Water Forum III, Kyoto, Japan, 2003-present.
- External Examiner, D.Sc. Habilitation, Institute of Ecology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2003.
- Chairperson, Scientific Committee, International Symposium on
the Eutrophication Process and Control in Large Shallow Lakes,
Nanjing-Wuxi, China, 2005
- Referee for Research Proposals of the National Science
Foundation (US), US Geological Survery (US), US Environmental
Protection Agency (US), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Munich), National
Science Foundation (Israel), National Science Foundation (Ireland),
National Science Board (Great Britain), International Science
Foundation (Paris), 1993-present.
- Member Program Committee, Aquatic Ecosystems and Organisms
International Conference, University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia, April

- Wetzel, R. G. 1975. Limnology. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 743 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. E. Likens. 1979. Limnological Analyses. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 357 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1979. Limnologia. Ediciones Omega, Barcelona. 890 pp. (In Spanish)
- Gopal, B., R. E. Turner, R. G. Wetzel and D. Whigham
(Editors). 1982. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Proceedings of the
1st International Congress on Wetlands. International Scientific
Publications, Jaipur. 514 pp.
- Gopal, B., R. E. Turner, R. G. Wetzel and D. F. Whigham
(Editors). 1982. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Part II. Proceedings
of the 1st International Congress on Wetlands. International Scientific
Publications, Jaipur. 156 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Limnology. (2nd Edition; Complete Revision) Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia. 858 pp.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1983. To Quench Our Thirst.
Present and Future Freshwater Resources of the United States.
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 153 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. (Editor). 1983. Periphyton of Freshwater
Ecosystems. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Periphyton of Freshwater Ecosystems. Developments in Hydrobiology, Vol.
17. B. V. Junk Publishers, The Hague. 356 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. E. Likens. 1991. Limnological Analyses. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York. 391 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Limnology. 2nd Edition. Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (In Hungarian).
- Gopal, B., A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska, and R. G. Wetzel, Editors.
1993. Wetlands and Ecotones: Studies on Land-Water Interactions.
National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi. 301 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. Limnologia. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Av. de Berna, Lisbon, Portugal. 1030 pp. (In Portuguese).
- Wetzel, R. G., A. G. van der Valk, R. E. Turner, W. J. Mitsch,
and B. Gopal, Editors. 1994. Recent Studies on Ecology and Management
of Wetlands. International Scientific Publications, New Delhi. 246 pp.
- Gopal, B. and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 1995. Wetland Ecology. National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi. 320 pp.
- Aumen, N. and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 1995. Lake Okeechobee: A
Synthesis. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlungen, Stuttgart. 356 pp.
- Gopal, B. and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 1995. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol I. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlungen,
Stuttgart. 230 pp.
- Brezonik, P. L., E. R. Blood, W. T. Edmondson, T. M. Frost,
E. Gorham, D. R. Knauer, D. M. McKnight, G. W. Minshall, C. R. O’Melia,
K. W. Potter, D. B. Premo, D. W. Schindler, and R. G. Wetzel. 1996.
Freshwater Ecosystems: Revitalizing Educational Programs in Limnology.
National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 364 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Gopal, Editors. 1999. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol. II. Schweizerbart’sche
Verlagsbuchhandlungen, Stuttgart. 330 pp.
- O’Melia, C. R., M. J. Pfeffer, P. K. Barten, G. E. Dickey, M.
W. Garcia, C. N. Haas, R. G. Hunter, R. R. Lowrance, C. L. Moe, C. L.
Paulson, R. H. Platt, J. L. Schnoor, T. R. Schueler, J. M. Symons, and
R. G. Wetzel. 1999. Watershed Management for Potable Water Supply.
National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 475 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. E. Likens. 2000. Limnological Analyses. 3rd Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York. 429 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems. Academic Press, San Diego. 1006 pp.
- Wetzel, R.G., and B. Gopal, Editors. 2001. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol III. Schweizerbart'sche
Verlagsbuchhandlungen, Stuttgart. 189 pp.
- Twilley, R. R., E. J. Barron, H. L. Gholz, M. A. Harwell, R.
L. Miller, D. J. Reed, J. B. Rose, E. H. Siemann, R. G. Wetzel, and R.
J. Zimmerman. 2001. Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast
Region. Island Press, California. 96 pp.
- Gloss, S. P., R. K. Davis, D. T. ford, G. E. Galloway, L. W.
Hesse, W. C. Johnson, P. A. Johnson, K. D. Keenlyne, S. S. Light, E. T.
Smerdon, A. D. Tarlock, and R. G. Wetzel.. 2002. The Missouri River
Ecosystem: Exploring the Prospects for Recovery. National Academy
Press, Washington, DC 175 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Gopal. 2003. Limnology of Developing
Countries. Vol. IV. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlungen,
Stuttgart. (In press)
- Wetzel, R. G. 2003. Ecology of Aquatic Plants and Wetland Ecosystems. Academic Press, San Diego (In preparation)
- Wetzel R. G. and G. E. Likens, Chief Editors. 2003.
Encyclopedia of Aquatic Sciences. Five volume work. Academic Press, San
Diego. (In preparation)
- Wetzel, R. G., Editor. 2003. A Manual for Assessments of
Periphyton Communities. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
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- Wetzel, R. G. and D. L. McGregor. 1968. Axenic culture and
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H. King. 1972. Organic enrichment with leaf leachate in
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chlorophyll a and 14C-labelled photosynthate in aquatic angiosperms by
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humic materials on carbon assimilation and alkaline phosphatase
activity in natural algal-bacterial assemblages. Freshwat. Biol.
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cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP) from lakes of differing
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B. Macdonald. Limnol. Oceanogr. 27:395-396.
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- Beer, S. and R. G. Wetzel. 1982. Photosynthesis in submersed macrophytes of a temperate lake. Plant Physiol. 70:488-492.
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The State of Our Understanding." (P. E. Greeson, J. R. Clark, and J. E.
Clark, Editors). Ecology 63:1193-1194.
- Grace, J. B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1982. Variations in growth and
reproduction within populations of two rhizomatous plant species: Typha
latifolia and Typha angustifolia. Oecologia 53:258-263.
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between two rhizomatous plant species: Typha latifolia and Typha
angustifolia. Canadian Journal of Botany 60:46-57.
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(Editors). 1982. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Proceedings of the
1st International Congress on Wetlands. International Scientific
Publications, Jaipur. 514 pp.
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(Editors). 1982. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Part II. Proceedings
of the 1st International Congress on Wetlands. International Scientific
Publications, Jaipur. 156 pp.
- Boon, J. J., W. Windig, R. G. Wetzel and G. L. Godshalk.
1983. The analytical pyrolysis of particulate residues of decomposing
Myriophyllum heterophyllum. Aquatic Botany 15:307-320.
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of Typha species in relation to cutting treatments. Aquatic Bot.
Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Limnology. (2nd Edition; Complete Revision) W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 858 pp.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1983. To Quench Our Thirst.
Present and Future Freshwater Resources of the United States.
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 153 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. and J. B. Grace. 1983. Atmospheric CO2
enrichment effects on aquatic plants. In: E. H. Lemon, Editor. The
Response of Plants to Rising Levels of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.
American Association Advancement Science. Washington, D.C. pp. 223-280.
- Wetzel, R. G. (Editor). 1983. Periphyton of Aquatic
Ecosystems. Developments in Hydrobiology. Vol. 17. B. V. Junk
Publishers, The Hague. 346 pp.
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functional adaptations of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to the anaerobic
sediment environment. Can. J. Bot. 61:1421-1428.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Review of "A Manual of Lake Morphology." (L. Håkansson) Earth Science Reviews 19:88-89.
- Losee, R. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1983. Selective light
attenuation by the periphyton complex. In: R. G. Wetzel, Editor.
Periphyton of Freshwater Ecosystems. Developments in Hydrobiology
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Fact or myth, and when and how? In: R. G. Wetzel, Editor. Periphyton of
Freshwater Ecosystems. Developments in Hydrobiology 17:207-215.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Recommendations for future research on
periphyton. In: R. G. Wetzel, Editor. Periphyton of Freshwater
Ecosystems. Developments in Hydrobiology 17:339-346.
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V. Ilmavirta, R. I. Jones and P.-E. Persson, Editors. B. V. Junk,
Publishers, The Hague. 222 pp. Aquatic Botany 16:304-305.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Review of "Freshwater Marshes: Ecology
and Wildlife Management." (M. W. Weller). Univ. Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis. 146 pp. Quart. Rev. Biol. 58:458.
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Rhodomonas minuta v. nannoplanctica Skuja (Cryptophyceae) in a
hardwater lake. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 22:536-541.
- Ward, A. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1984. Molecular weight
fractionation of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon compounds from
two lakes of differing trophic status. Arch. f. Hydrobiol. 101:481-488.
- Brammer, E. S. and R. G. Wetzel. 1984. Uptake and release of
K+, Na+, and Ca++ by the water soldier, Stratiotes aloides L. Aquatic
Botany 19:119-130.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1984. The physiological
ecology of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in vascular
aquatic plants. I. In situ dynamics and relationship to primary
production in a hardwater lake. Aquatic Botany 19:13-22.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. Comparative primary productivity. Citation Classic, Current Contents, AB&ES 15(9):16.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1984. The physiological
ecology of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in vascular
aquatic plants. II. cAMP as a modulator of carbon assimilation. Aquatic
Botany 19:23-35.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. Review of "Trask Bera: The Ecology of a
Tropical Swamp". J. Furtado and S. Mori, Editors. B. V. Junk
Publishers, Den Hague. 495 pp. Limnol. Oceanogr. 29:447.
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substrates. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47:1154-1157.
- Wetzel, R. G., E. S. Brammer and C. Forsberg. 1984.
Photosynthesis of submersed macrophytes in acidified lakes. I. Carbon
fluxes and recycling of CO2 in Juncus bulbosus L. Aquatic Botany
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Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41:1541-1542.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. Acidification and the future. Vatten 40:289-293.
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carbon functions in aquatic ecosystems. Bull. Mar. Sci. 35:503-509.
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sediment organic matter in a hardwater lake with reference to lake
ontogeny. Bull. Mar. Sci. 35:576-586.
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Ecol. 73:535-552.
- Morling, G., C. Forsberg and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Lake
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1985. Photosynthesis of submersed macrophytes in acidified lakes. II.
Carbon limitations and utilization of benthic CO2 sources.
Aquatic Botany 22:107-120.
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of the capacity for rapid reversibility of lake acidification. Ambio
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B12 with calcium carbonate in hardwater lakes. Arch. f. Hydrobiol.
- Wetzel, R. G. and W. S. White. 1985. Alteration of iron-CaCO3
precipitation by yellow organic acids of aquatic angiosperm origin.
Arch. f. Hydrobiol. 104:247-251.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1985. Metabolism in interfacing zones between
the watersheds and lakes: Effects on eutrophication. In: T. Kira,
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Environment. Proceedings pp. 133-138.
- Carlton, R. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. A box-corer for
studying metabolism of epipelic microorganisms under in situ
conditions. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30:422-426.
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1983. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 22:3373-3400.
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Estimates of net annual aboveground production: Sensitivity to sampling
frequency. Ecology 67:650-659.
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modification of the Utermöhl technique for improved identification and
cell enumeration of diatoms and silica-scaled Chrysophyceae. Trans.
Amer. Microsc. Soc. 105:68-72.
- Walker, G., M. F. Coveney, M. J. Klug, and R. G. Wetzel.
1986. Isocratic HPLC analysis of adenine nucleotides in environmental
samples. J. Microbiol. Methods 5:255-264.
- Wetzel, R. G., Z. M. Gliwicz, B.-O. Jansson, T. Pearson, and
H. A. Regier. 1986. Research in Hydrobiology in Finland. Research
Council for Natural Sciences, The Academy of Finland. 65 pp.
- Andersen, S. O., C. G. Forsberg, J. S. Gray, A. Soivio, and
R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Danish hydrobiology. Dansk Naturvidenskab,
Copenhagen. 45 pp.
- Bachmann, M. D., R. G. Carlton, J. M. Burkholder, and R. G.
Wetzel. 1986. Symbiosis between salamander eggs and green algae:
Microelectrode measurements inside eggs demonstrate effects of
photosynthesis on oxygen concentration. Can. J. Zool. 64:1586-1588.
- Carlton, R. G., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Distributions and
fates of oxygen in periphyton communities. Can. J. Botany 65:1031-1037.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1987. Review of "Hydrobiology of the Mangal:
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and "The Mangrove Ecosystem: Research Methods" (Snedaker, E. C. and J.
G. Snedaker, Eds.). Limnol. Oceanogr. 32:777-778.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1987. Reservoir limnology: An overview. In:
Kennedy, R. H. and J. Nix, Editors. Proceedings of the DeGray Lake
Symposium. Technical Report E-87-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. pp. 623-633.
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internal diffusion effects on phosphorus fluxes in lake periphyton.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 32:1181-1194.
- Lehman, J. T., R. C. Aller, R. W. Flint, R. E. Hecky, J. F.
Kitchell, R. J. Naiman, K. H. Nealson, and R. G. Wetzel (Editors).
1987. Basic Issues in Great Lakes Research: Proceedings of a Workshop
sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and The University of
Michigan. Special Report No. 123 of the Great Lakes Research Division,
The University of Michigan. 174 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Water as an environment for plant life.
In: J. J. Symoens, Ed. Vegetation of Inland Waters. Handbook of
Vegetation Science, Vol. 15. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht,
Netherlands. pp. 1-30.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Review of "Plant Life in Aquatic and
Amphibious Habitats" (R. M. M. Crawford, Editor). J. Exp. Bot.
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Oligotrophic Lake." (S. J. Casper, Editor). J. N. Amer. Benthol. Soc.
- Losee, R. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Water movement within submersed littoral vegetation. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 23:62-66.
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components of sediment accumulation: Contrasting roles as phosphorus
sinks. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 23:386-393.
- Carlton, R. G., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Phosphorus flux from
lake sediments: Effect of epipelic algal photosynthesis. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 33:562-570.
- Coveney, M. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Experimental
evaluation of conversion factors for the (3H)thymidine incorporation
assay of bacterial secondary productivity. Appl. Environmental
Microbiology 54:2018-2026.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Review of "The Ecology and Management of
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Significance of sedimentary phosphorus to a submersed freshwater
macrophyte (Najas flexilis) and its algal epiphytes. Aquatic Botany
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Preface. Tropical Freshwater Biology 1(1):1.
- Taylor, W. D., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Phytoplankton community
dynamics in Lawrence Lake of southwestern Michigan. Arch.
Hydrobiologie/Suppl. 81:491-532.
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Aquatic Botany 31:373-374.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. General Secretary's Report, 23rd
Congress, New Zealand, International Association of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology. Verhand. Internat. Verein. Limnologie 23:2298-2319.
- Coveney, M. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1989. Bacterial metabolism of algal extracellular carbon. Hydrobiologia 173:141-149.
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microalgae on a natural substratum in a hardwater lake: Seasonal
dynamics of community structure, biomass and ATP content. Arch.
Hydrobiol./Suppl. 83:1-56.
- Carlton, R. G., G. R. Walker, M. J. Klug, and R. G. Wetzel.
1989. Relative values of oxygen, nitrate, and sulfate to terminal
microbial processes in the sediments of Lake Superior. J. Great Lakes
Res. 15:133-140.
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microbial colonization on natural and artificial macrophytes in a
phosphorus-limited hardwater lake. J. Phycology 32:51-59.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Freshwater ecology: Changes, predictions, and requirements. Bull. New Jersey Acad. Sci. 34:21-29.
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protein degradation by a freshwater wetland sediment community. Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 55:1963-1967.
- Wetzel, R. G. et al. 1989. Nutrient, energy and water flows
through land-water ecotones. In: Naiman, R. J., H. Decamps, and F.
Fournier, Editors. The Role of Land/Inland Water Ecotones in Landscape
Management and Restoration: A Proposal for Collaborative Research.
UNESCO, Paris. pp. 61-64.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Wetland and littoral interfaces of lakes:
Productivity and nutrient regulation in the Lawrence Lake ecosystem.
In: R. R. Sharitz and J. W. Gibbons, Editors. Freshwater Wetlands and
Wildlife. DOE Symposium Series 61. US DOE Office Sci. Technical Info.,
Oak Ridge, TN. pp. 283-302.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Reservoir ecosystems: Conclusions and
Speculations. In: K. W. Thornton, B. L. Kimmel and F. E. Payne,
Editors. Reservoir Limnology: Ecological Perspectives. John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York. pp. 227-238.
- Burkholder, J. M., and R. G. Wetzel. 1990. Alkaline
phosphatase and algal biomass on natural and artificial plants in an
oligotrophic lake: Re-evaluation of the role of macrophytes as a
phosphorus source for epiphytes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 35:736-747.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Land-water interfaces: Metabolic and
limnological regulators. Edgardo Baldi Memorial Lecture. 24th Congress
Societas Internationalis Limnologiae. Verhand. Internat. Verein.
Limnol. 24:6-24.
- McKnight, D., P. Behmel, D. A. Francko, E. T. Gjessing, U.
Münster, R. C. Petersen, Jr., O. M. Skulberg, C. E. W. Steinberg, E.
Tipping, S. A. Visser, P. W. Werner, and R. G. Wetzel. 1990. How do
organic acids interact with solutes, surfaces and organisms? In:
Perdue, E. M., and E. T. Gjessing, Editors. Organic Acids in Aquatic
Ecosystems. Dahlem Konferenzen. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
pp. 223-243.
- Burkholder, J. M., R. G. Wetzel, and K. L. Klomparens. 1990.
A direct comparison of phosphate uptake by adnate and loosely attached
microalgae within an intact biofilm matrix. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
- Cotner, J. B., and R. G. Wetzel. 1991. Characterization of
bacterial phosphatases from different habitats in a small, hardwater
lake. In: J. Chróst, Editor. Microbial Enzymes in Aquatic Environments.
Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 186-204.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Extracellular enzymatic interactions in
aquatic ecosystems: Storage, redistribution, and interspecific
communication. In: R. J. Chróst, Editor. Microbial Enzymes in Aquatic
Environments. Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 6-28.
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. E. Likens. 1991. Limnological Analyses. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York. 391 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. On the teaching of limnology: Need for a national initiative. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:213-215.
- Cotner, J. C. and R. G. Wetzel. 1991. 5'-nucleotidase activity
and inhibition in a eutrophic and an oligotrophic lake. Appl. Environ.
Microbiol. 57:1306-1312.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Limnological education - Reply to the comment by Kalff. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:1502.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. General Secretary's Report, 24th Congress,
Federal Republic of Germany, International Association of Theoretical
and Applied Limnology. Verhand. Internat. Verein. Limnologie
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Reviews of "Ecology and Management of
Aquatic Vegetation in the Indian Subcontinent" (B. Gopal, Ed.) Kluwer
Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 257 pp. and "Wetland Ecology and Management"
(D. F. Whigham, et al., Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 180 pp.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:1066-1068.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Detritus, macrophytes, and nutrient cycling in lakes. Mem. Istituto Italiano Idrobiologia 47:233-251.
- Carrick, H. J., G. L. Fahnenstiel, E. F. Stoermer, and R. G.
Wetzel. 1991. The importance of zooplankton-protozoan trophic couplings
in Lake Michigan. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36:1335-1345.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Gradient-dominated ecosystems: Sources
and regulatory functions of dissolved organic matter in freshwater
ecosystems. In: T. Kairesalo and R. I. Jones, Editors. Dissolved
Organic Matter in Lacustrine Ecosystems: Energy Source and System
Regulator. Hydrobiologia 229:181-198.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Concluding remarks. In: T. Kairesalo and
R. I. Jones, Editors. Dissolved Organic Matter in Lacustrine
Ecosystems: Energy Source and System Regulator. Hydrobiologia
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Review of "Wetlands and Shallow
Continental Water Bodies. Vol. 1. Natural and Human Relationships"
(B.C. Patten, Ed.) SPB Academic Publ., The Hague. 759 pp. Aquatic Bot.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Clean water: A fading resource. In: V.
Ilmavirta and R. I. Jones, Editors. The Dynamics and Use of Lacustrine
Ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 243/244:21-30.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Concluding remarks: Limnology now and in
the future. In: V. Ilmavirta and R. I. Jones, Editors. The Dynamics and
Use of Lacustrine Ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 243/244:481-485.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Wetlands: Gates to nutrient loading to lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 18:529-532.
- Wetzel, R. G. and A. K. Ward. 1992. Primary production. In: P.
Calow and G. E. Petts, Editors. Rivers Handbook. Blackwell Scientific
Publs., Oxford. pp. 354-369.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Review of "Isozymes in Water Plants" (L.
Triest, Ed.) Opera Botanica Beligica 4, National Botanic Garden of
Belgium, Meise. 264 pp. Aquat. Bot. 43:209-210.
- Cotner, J. B., Jr. and R. G. Wetzel. 1992. Uptake of
dissolved inorganic and organic phosphorus compounds by phytoplankton
and bacterioplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37:232-243.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1992. Effects of nutrients
on specific growth rate of bacterioplankton in oligotrophic lake water
cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:150-156.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Professional altruism. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37:1831-1833.
- Losee, R. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. Littoral flow rates
within and around submersed macrophyte communitites. Freshwat. Biol.
- Lock, M. A., J. Anderson, J. M. Laybourn-Parry, E. A. Woods,
and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. Nutrient regeneration at primary production:
Closing the loop. Ecology Group Symposium Report, Dublin Meeting. Soc.
Gen. Microbiol. Quart. 20:15-16.
- Spencer, W. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. Acclimation of
photosynthesis and dark respiration of a submersed angiosperm beneath
the ice in a temperate lake. Plant Physiology 101:985-991.
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Habitat Management of Wetlands" (N. F. Payne). Quarterly Rev. Biol.
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Linking nutrient regeneration and high sustained aquatic primary
production. Netherlands J. Aquat. Ecol. 27:3-9.
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Complexation, inactivation, and reactivation of surface-bound and
extracellular enzymes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:122-128.
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substances on the alkaline phosphatase and the growth of microalgae.
Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:129-132.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Constructed Wetlands: Scientific
foundations are critical. In: Moshiri, G. A., Editor. Constructed
Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement. Lewis Publishers, Inc.,
Chelsea, MI. pp 3-7.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Review of "Biodiversity of the
Southeastern United States: Aquatic Communities." Wiley, New York. 779
pp. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38:1588-1589.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Limnology: An Overview. Citation Classic, Current Contents AB&ES 24(36):6.
- Manny, B. A., W. C. Johnson, and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Nutrient
additions by waterfowl to lakes and reservoirs: Predicting their
effects on productivity and water quality. Hydrobiologia
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. Limnologia. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Av. de Berna, Lisbon, Portugal. 1030 pp. (In Portuguese).
- Wetzel, R. G., A. G. van der Valk, R. E. Turner, W. J. Mitsch,
and B. Gopal, Editors. 1994. Recent Studies on Ecology and Management
of Wetlands. International Scientific Publications, New Delhi. 246 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. Future directions in research on controls
of eutrophication. In: Proceedings 5th International Conference on Lake
Conservation. Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. 52:71-78.
- Spencer, W. E., J. Teeri, and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Acclimation
of photosynthetic phenotype to environmental heterogeneity. Ecology
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. Review of "Einführung in der Limnologie."
(7th Ed.) Fischer, Stuttgart. 387 pp. Aquatic Botany 47:355-356.
- Karentz, D., R. G. Wetzel, et al. 1994. Impact of UV-B
radiation on pelagic freshwater ecosystems. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih.
Ergebn. Limnol. 43:31-69.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. General Secretary's Report. 25th
Congress, International Association of Theoretical and Applied
Limnology. Barcelona, Spain. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
- Wetzel, R. G., T. S. Bianchi, and P. T. Buonora. 1994.
Dissolved organic carbon from wetlands: Rates of decomposition, fluxes,
and loss processes in recipient aquatic ecosystems. Rept. Environmental
Inst. Southeast Regional Center NIGEC. 36:1-8.
- Thomaz, S. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. 3H-Leucine
incorporation methodology to estimate epiphytic bacterial biomass
production. Microbial Ecol. 29:63-70.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Limnology: Inland Aquatic Ecosystems. In:
W. A. Nierenberg, Editor. Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology Vol. 2.
Academic Press, New York. pp 433-441.
- Lemke, M. J., P. F. Churchill, and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Effect
of substrate and cell surface hydrophobicity on phosphate utilization
in bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:913-919.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Review of "Nutrient dynamics and
retention in land-water ecotones of lowland, temperate lakes and
rivers." A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska and E. Piecyznska, Editors.
Developments in Hydrobiology 82. 361 pp. Aquatic Bot. 49:273-282.
- Lewis, W. M., Jr., S. W. Chisholm, C. F. D'Elia, E. J. Fee,
N. G. Hairston, Jr., J. E. Hobbie, G. E. Likens, S. T. Threlkeld, and
R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Challenges for limnology in the United States and
Canada: An Assessment of the discipline in the 1990's. Bull. Amer. Soc.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 4(2):1-20.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Review of: "Proceedings of the Third
International Workshop on Phosphorus in Sediments" (P. C. M. Boers, et
al., Editors; Kluwer, Dordrecht). Aquatic Bot. 51:344-345.
- Aumen, N. and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 1995. Lake Okeechobee: A
Synthesis. Advances in Limnology 45. E. Schweizerbart'sche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 356 pp.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Biomass, production,
and specific growth rate of bacterioplankton and coupling to
phytoplankton in an oligotrophic lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:1187-1200.
- Gopal, B. and R. G. Wetzel, Editors. 1995. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol. 1. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Stuttgart. 230 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G., P. G. Hatcher, and T. S. Bianchi. 1995.
Natural photolysis by ultraviolet irradiance of recalcitrant dissolved
organic matter to simple substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:1369-1380.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Death, detritus, and energy flow in aquatic ecosystems. Freshwater Biol. 33:83-89.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Review of Lake Veluwe, A
Macrophyte-Dominated System under Eutrophication Stress. (W. v.
Vierssen, M. Hootsmans, and J. Vormaat, Eds. 1994. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
375 pp.) Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:646-647.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Training of aquatic ecosystem scientists:
Continue to languish or accept our responsibilities? Water Resour.
Update 98:15-20.
- Neely, R. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Simultaneous use of 14C
and 3H to determine autotrophic production and bacterial protein
production in periphyton. Microbial Ecol. 30:227-237.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Forward. Lakes in China: Research of their Environment. China Ocean Press, Beijing. pp. 7-8.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Dissolved organic carbon
and its utilization in a riverine wetland ecosystem. Biogeochemistry
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Benthic algae and nutrient cycling in
standing freshwater ecosystems. In: Stevenson, R. J., M. Bothwell, and
R. Lowe, Editors. Algal Ecology: Benthic Algae in Freshwater
Ecosystems. Academic Press, New York. pp. 641-667.
- Bianchi, T. S., M. E. Freer, and R. G. Wetzel. 1996. Temporal
and spatial variability of methane fluxes from the Sabine River
floodplain: The role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Arch.
Hydrobiol. 136:261-287.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Training of aquatic ecosystem scientists.
In: Freshwater Ecosystems: Revitalizing Educational Programs in
Limnology. National Research Council, National Academy Press,
Washington, DC. pp. 218-233.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1996. Loading and bacterial
utilization of dissolved organic carbon from emergent macrophytes.
Aquatic Bot. 53:61-72.
- Wetzel , R. G. and D. Pickard. 1996. Application of secondary
production methods to estimates of net aboveground primary production
of emergent aquatic macrophytes. Aquatic Botany 53:109-120.
- Spencer, W. E., R. G. Wetzel, and J. Terri. 1996.
Photosynthetic phenotype plasticity and the role of phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxylase in Hydrilla verticillata. Plant Science 118:1-9.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Foreword. In: A. V. Zhulidov, J. V.
Headley, R. D. Robarts, A. M. Nikanorov, and A. A. Ischenko. Atlas of
Russian Wetlands: Biogeography and Metal Concentrations. Environment
Canada, Ottawa. pp. 1-2.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Review of Aquatic Ecosystems of China:
Environmental and Toxicological Assessment. (M. Munawar, et al.,
Editors.) Quart. Rev. Biol. 71:590-591.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1996. Organic carbon oxidation
and suppression of methane production by microbial Fe(III) oxide
reduction in vegetated and unvegetated freshwater wetland sediments.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 41:1733-1748.
- Williams, W. D. and R. G.Wetzel. 1996. Forward: Water as a
limiting resource, conservation and management. Proc. Int. Assoc.
Limnol. 26.
- Wetzel, R. G., A. K. Ward and M. Stock. 1997. Effects of
natural dissolved organic matter on mucilaginous matrices of biofilm
communities. Arch. Hydrobiologie 139:289-299.
- Mulholland, P. J., G. R. Best, C. C. Coutant, G. M.
Hornberger, J. L. Meyer, P. J. Robinson, J. R. Stenberg, R. E. Turner,
F. Vera-Herrera and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Effects of climate change on
freshwater ecosystems of the south-eastern United States and Gulf Coast
of Mexico. In: Effects of Climate Change on Inland Waters of North
America. Hydrological Processes 11:949-970.
- Grimshaw, H. J., R. G. Wetzel, M. Brandenburg, K. Segerblom,
L. J. Wenkert, G. A. Marsh, C. Charnetzky, J. E. Haky, and C. Carraher.
1997. Shading of periphyton communities by wetland emergent
macrophytes: Decoupling of algal photosynthesis from microbial nutrient
retention. Arch. Hydrobiol. 139:17-27.
- Neely, R. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Autumnal production by
bacteria and photosynthetic microbiota attached to Typha latifolia L.
detritus. J. Freshwat. Ecol. 12:253-267.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Vittorio Tonolli Memorial Fund for furthering limnology in developing countries. SILNEWS 23:1-2.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Edgardo Baldi Memorial Lecture of SIL. SILNEWS 24:1-2.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Shoot:root dynamics
during growth stages of the aquatic rush Juncus effusus L. Aquatic
Botany 59:63-73.
- Wetzel, R. G. and P. G. Hatcher. 1997. Ultraviolet
irradiance: Natural photolysis of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter
to simple substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism. Verh. Internat.
Verein. Limnol. 26:412.
- Wetzel, R. G. and M. Søndergaard. 1998. Role of submerged
macrophytes for the microbial community and dynamics of dissolved
organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems. In: Jeppesen, E., Ma.
Søndergaard, Mo. Søndergaard and K. Christoffersen, Eds. The
Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes. Springer-Verlag,
New York. pp. 133-148.
- Moeller, R. E., R. G. Wetzel, and C. W. Osenberg. 1998.
Concordance of phosphorus limitation in lakes: Bacterioplankton,
phytoplankton, epiphyte-snail consumers, and rooted macrophytes. In:
Jeppesen, E., Ma. Søndergaard, Mo. Søndergaard and K. Christoffersen,
Eds. The Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes.
Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 318-325.
- Carpenter, S. R., E. van Donk, and R. G. Wetzel. 1998.
Nutrient loading gradient in shallow lakes. In: Jeppesen, E., Ma.
Søndergaard, Mo. Søndergaard and K. Christoffersen, Eds. The
Structuring Role of Submerged Macrophytes in Lakes. Springer-Verlag,
New York. pp. 393-396.
- Grace, J. B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Long-term dynamics of Typha populations. Aquatic Botany 61:137-146.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. Foreward. pp. 1-3. In: M. T. Arts and B.
Wainman, Editors. Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. Review of “Freshwaters (sic) of Alaska: Ecological Syntheses”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43:1021.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. General Secretary’s Report. 26th Congress,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, São
Paulo, Brazil. Verhand. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26:2452-2489.
- Bicudo, D. C., A. K. Ward, and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Fluxes of
dissolved organic carbon within attached aquatic microbiota. Proc. Int.
Assoc. Theor. Appl. Limnol. 26:1608-1613.
- Lemke, M. J., P. F. Churchill, and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Humic
acid interaction with extracellular layers of wetland bacteria. Proc.
Int. Assoc. Theor. Appl. Limnol. 26:1621-1624.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Regulation of methane
production in freshwater wetland sediments by competing anaerobic
microbial processes. Proc. Int. Assoc. Theor. Appl. Limnol. 26:1364.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. Preface. pp. 1-3. Aquatic Humic Substances: Ecology and Biogeochemistry. Kluwer Publishers, Amsterdam.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. Review of Vegetation Processes in the
Pelagic: A Model for Ecosystem Theory (By C. S. Reynolds). Environ.
Conserv. 25:284.
- Boavida, M.-J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Inhibition of
phosphatase activity by dissolved humic substances and hydrolytic
reactivation by natural UV. Freshwater Biology 40:285-293.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1999. Biodiversity and shifting energetic
stability withing freshwater ecosystems. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues
Advances in Limnology 54:19-32.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1999. Photosynthesis and
stomatal conductance of Juncus effusus L. in a temperate wetland
ecosystem. Aquatic Botany 63:127-144.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1999. Plants and water in and adjacent to
lakes. In: A. J. Baird and R. L. Wilby, Editors. Eco-hydrology: Plants
and Water in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments. Routledge, London.
Pp. 269-299.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1999. Organic phosphorus mineralization in
soils and sediments. In: K. R. Reddy, Editor. Phosphorus
Biogeochemistry in Florida Ecosystems. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton.
Pp. 225-245.
- Wetzel, R. G. and M. J. Howe. 1999. Maximizing production in
a herbaceous perennial aquatic plant by continuous growth and
synchronizing population dynamics. Aquatic Botany 64:111-129.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. O. Gessner, R. G. Wetzel, and K. Suberkropp.
1999. Decomposition and CO2 evolution from standing litter of the
emergent macrophyte Erianthus giganteus. Microb. Ecol. 38:50-57.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Gopal, Editors. 1999. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol. II. E. Schweizerbart’sche
Verlagsbuchhandlungen, Stuttgart. 330 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1999. Review of Lake Erken: 50 Years of
Limnological Research. (C. Forsberg and R. Petersson, Eds.) Limnol.
Oceanogr. 44:1184-1185.
- Kahn, W. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1999. Effects of ultraviolet
radiation and microscale water level fluctuations on periphytic
microbiota. Microb. Ecol. 38:253-263.
- Robarts, R. D. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. The looming global
water crisis and the need for international education and cooperation.
SILNEWS 29:1-3.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. Hydrology of an impounded
riverine wetland. I. Wetland sediment characteristics. Wetlands
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. Hydrology of an impounded
riverine wetland. II. Subsurface hydrology. Wetlands 20:33-47.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. Effects of the emergent
macrophyte Juncus effusus L. on the chemical composition of
interstitial water and bacterial productivity. Biogeochemistry
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Freshwater ecology: Changes, requirements, future demands. Limnology 1:3-9.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. Allelochemical
autotoxicity in the emergent wetland macrophyte Juncus effusus
(Juncaceae). American Journal of Botany 87:853-860.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. J. Lemke, K. Suberkropp, and R. G. Wetzel.
2000. Microbial biomass and production associated with decaying leaf
litter of the emergent macrophyte Juncus effusus. Limnol. Oceanogr.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Fundamental processes within natural and
constructed wetland ecosystems: Short-term vs. long-term objectives.
In: Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control. Vol. 1., Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton. pp. 3-11. (Selected to be published in Water
Science and Technology 2001. 44:1-8 subsequently; see below.)
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Review of Water Technology: An
Introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers. (N. Gray)
Environmental Conservation 27:219-220.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Natural photodegradation by UV-B of
dissolved organic matter of different decomposing plant sources to
readily degradable fatty acids. Verhand. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
- Ostroumov, S. A., S. Dodson, D. Hamilton, S. Peterson, and R.
G. Wetzel. 2000. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological
studies for the 21st century. In: S. A. Ostroumov, Editor. Aquatic
Ecosystesm and Organisms 2. Max Press, Moscow. Pp. 25-27.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems. Academic Press, San Diego. 1006 pp.
- Espeland, E. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Complexation,
stabilization, and UV photolysis of extracellular and surface-bound
glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase: Implications for biofilm
microbiota. Microbial Ecology 42:572-585.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Gopal (Eds). 2001. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol. III. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Stuttgart. 189 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Review of Limnology and Lake Management
2000+. Archiv f. Hydrobiologie Special Issues Advances in Limnology 55.
593 pp. SILNews 35:14-15.
- Twilley, R. R., E. J. Barron, H. L. Gholz, M. A. Harwell, R.
L. Miller, D. J. Reed, J. B. Rose, E. H. Siemann, R. G. Wetzel, and R.
J. Zimmerman. 2001. Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast
Region. Island Press, California. 96 pp.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Freshwater ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia
of Biodiversity. Volume 3. Academic Press, San Diego. Pp. 75-87.
- Espeland, E. M., S. N. Francoeur, and R. G. Wetzel. 2001.
Influence of algal photosynthesis on biofilm bacterial production and
associated glucosidase and xylosidase activities. Microbial Ecol.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Protists: Key ecosystem regulators. BioScience 51:997.
- Francoeur, S. N., R. G. Wetzel, and R. K. Neely. 2001. A new
spatially-explicit method for detecting extracellular protease activity
in biofilms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:4329-4334.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Fundamental processes within natural and
constructed wetland ecosystems: Short-term versus long-term objectives.
Water Sci. Technol. 44:1-8.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Seed fall and field germination of needlerush, Juncus effuses L. Aquat. Bot. 71:233-237.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2001. The siren call of biodiversity. Annual Circular SIL 2001:1-2.
- Espeland, E. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Effects of
photosynthesis on bacterial photsphatase production in biofilms.
Microbial Ecology 42:328-337.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. O. Gessner, R. G. Wetzel, and K. Suberkropp.
2001. Standing litter decomposition of the emergent macrophyte
Erianthus giganteus (plumegrass). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Kinetics of microbial
Fe(III) oxide reduction in freshwater wetland sediments. Limnology and
Oceanography 47:198-211.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Influence of a dominant
macrophyte, Juncus effusus, on wetland plant species richness,
diversity, and community composition. Oecologia 130:626-636.
- Tuchman, N. C., R. G. Wetzel, S. T. Rier, K. A. Wahtera, and
J. A. Teeri. 2002. Elevated atmospheric CO2 lowers leaf litter
nutritional quality for stream ecosystem food webs. Global Change
Biology 8:163-170.
- Gloss, S. P., R. K. Davis, D. T. Ford, G. E. Galloway, L. W.
Hesse, W. C. Johnson, P. A. Johnson, K. D. Keenlyne, S. S. Light, E. T.
Smerdon, A. D. Tarlock, and R. G. Wetzel.. 2002. The Missouri River
Ecosystem: Exploring the Prospects for Recovery. National Academy
Press, Washington, DC 175 pp.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Effects of sodium
hypochlorite sterilization and dry cold storage on germination of
Juncus effusus L. Wetlands 22:191-195.
- Reir, S. T., N. C. Tuchman, R. G. Wetzel, and J. A. Teeri.
2002. Elevated CO2-induced changes in the chemistry of quaking aspen
(Populus tremuloides) leaf litter: Subsequent mass loss and microbial
response in a stream ecosystem. Journal of the American Benthological
Society 21:16-27.
- Espeland, E. M., S. N. Francoeur, and R. G. Wetzel. 2002.
Microbial phosphatase in biofilms: A comparison of whole community
enzyme activity and individual bacterial cell-surface phosphatase
expression. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 153:581-593.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2002. Human activities and the integrity of
lake ecosystems. In: R. Schmidt and M. Dokulil, Editors. Effects of
Industrial Tailings on the Ecological Integrity of a Deep Oligotrophic
lake (Traunsee, Austria). Water, Air Soil Pollut. 2:7-8.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2002. Societas Internationalis Limnologiae:
Twenty-Eighth Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2001. General Secretary’s
Report. Verhand. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:1920-1970.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2002. Dissolved organic carbon: Detrital
energetics, metabolic regulators, and drivers of ecosystem stability of
aquatic ecosystems. In: S. Findlay and R. Sinsabaugh, Editors. Aquatic
Ecosystems: Interactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter. Academic Press,
San Diego. Pp. 455-477.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2002. Origins, fates, and ramifications of
natural organic compounds of wetlands. In: M. M. Holland, M. L. Warren,
and J. A. Stanturf, Editors. Sustainability of Wetlands and Water
Resources. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-50. U. S. Forest Service, Asheville, NC.
Pp. 183-189.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2003. Freshwater and wetland ecology:
Challenges and future frontiers. In: M. M. Holland, E. R. Blood, and L.
R. Shaffer, Editors. Achieving Sustainable Freshwater Systems: A Web of
Connections. Island Press, Washington, DC. Pp. 111-123.
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Extracellular
enzyme-clay mineral complexes: Enzyme adsorption, alteration of enzyme
activity, and protection from photodegradation. Aquatic Ecology
- Francoeur, S. N., E. M. Espeland, and R. G. Wetzel. 2003.
Short-term effects of nitrogen and extracellular protease amendment on
algal productivity in nitrogen-deprived periphyton. J. Freshwat. Ecol.
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Seasonal and spatial
distribution of bacterial biomass and the percentage of viable cells in
a reservoir of Alabama. Journal of Plankton Research 25:1521-1534.
- Vähätalo, A. V., K. Salonen, U. Münster, M. Järvinen, and R.
G. Wetzel. 2003. Photochemical transformation of allochthonous organic
matter provides bioavailable nutrients in a humic lake. Archiv für
Hydrobiologie 156:287-314.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2003. Solar radiation as an ecosystem
modulator. In: E. W. Helbling and H. Zagarese, Editors. UV Effects in
Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems. Comprehensive Series in Photochemical
and Photobiological Sciences. European Society of Photobiology,
Cambridge. Pp. 3-18.
- Francoeur, S. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Regulation of
periphytic leucine-aminopeptidase activity. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- Engelhaupt, E., T. S. Bianchi, R. G. Wetzel, and M. Tarr.
2003. Photochemical transformations of high-molecular-weight dissolved
organic carbon in a southern Louisiana tidal stream (Bayou Trepagnier).
Biogeochemistry 62:39-58.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Competition between
Fe(III)-reducing and methanogenic bacteria for acetate in iron-rich
freshwater sediments. Microbial Ecology 45:252-258.
- Tuchman, N. C., K. A. Wahtera, R. G. Wetzel, and J. A. Teeri.
2003. Elevated atmospheric CO2 alters leaf litter quality for stream
ecosystems: An in situ leaf decomposition study – decomposition of
elevated CO2-altered leaf litter. Hydrobiologia 495:203-211.
- Tuchman, N. C., K. A. Wahtera, R. G. Wetzel, N. M. Russo, G.
M. Kilbane, L. M. Sasso, and J. A. Teeri. 2003. Nutritional quality of
leaf detritus altered by elevated atmospheric CO2: Effects on
development of mosquito larvae. Freshwater Biology 48:1432-1439.
- Erwin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. An ecological
perspective of allelochemical interference in land-water interface
communities. Plant and Soil 256:13-28.
- Ostroumov, S. A., S. Dodson, D. Hamilton, S. Peterson, and R.
G. Wetzel. 2003. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological
studies. Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 96:327-332.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2003. What is limnology? Website of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (www.aslo.org) 4 pp.
- Rier, S. T., N. C. Tuchman, and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Effects of
elevated CO2 on the chemistry and subsequent in-stream decomposition of
leaf litter from three tree species common to the riparian zones of
northern Michigan streams. Global Change Biology (In review)
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Freshwater Ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia
of Science and Technology. 9th Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. (In press)
- Ervin, G. N., E. M. Epseland, and R. G. Wetzel. 2004.
Utilization of macrophyte-derived dissolved organic carbon by
freshwater bacteria from differing habitats. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
(In review)
- Espeland, E. M., A. K. Ward, and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. The
effect of light on dissolved organic carbon fate in a simulated wetland
habitat. Biogeochemistry (In review)
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2004. Effects of atmospheric
CO2 enrichment on the productionof plant degradation products and their
natural photodegradation and biological utilization. Limnology and
Oceanography (In review)
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Gopal (Eds) 2004. Limnology of
Developing Countries. Vol. IV. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
Stuttgart. (In press)
- Reddy, K. R., R. G. Wetzel, and R. H. Kadlec. 2004.
Biogeochemistry of phosphorus in wetlands. In: Biogeochemical Cycling
in Wetland Ecosystems. Academic Press (In press)
- Vähätalo, A. V. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Photochemical and
microbial decomposition of CDOM during simulated transport from fresh
to marine waters. Marine Chemistry (In press)
- Edwards, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Nutrient cycling. In:
J. Peters, Editor. Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Elesiver
Publishers, London. (In press)
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Incidental autotoxicity
in aggressively growing, clonal herbaceous plants. Journal of Ecology
(In review)
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Invasive plants of wetland ecosystems:
Disturbance experiments that mediate ecological understanding. Plant
and Soil (In press)
- Vähätalo, A. V. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Contribution of
dissolved organic matter, particles, and pigments to total light
absorption in the drainage basin and estuary of Neuse River, North
Carolina (USA). Journal of Plankton Research (In review)
- Tietjen, T., A. V. Vähätalo, and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Effects
of clay mineral turbidity on dissolved organic carbon and bacterial
production. Limnology and Oceanography (In review)
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. E. Likens, Editors. 2004. Encyclopedia of Aquatic Sciences. Academic Press, San Diego. (In development)
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Wetland ecosystem processes. In: D. P.
Batzer and R. R. Sharitz, Editors. Ecology of Freshwater and Estuarine
Wetlands. Academic Press, San Diego. (In press)
- Miller, B. E., M. H. Wen, F. J. Molz, E. E. Roden, R. G.
Wetzel, and C. A. Lange. 2004. Modeling reactive iron transport in a
freshwater wetland sediment. Journal of Hydrology (Submitted)
- Carlton, R. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Epipelic periphyton
productivity in an oligotrophic marl lake: Annual contribution to
primary productivity. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. (In preparation).
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. The Ecology of Aquatic Plants and Littoral Ecosystems. Academic Press, San Diego. (In preparation).
- Wetzel, R. G., Editor. 2004. A Manual for the Assessment of
Periphyton Communities. Junk Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. (In
Invited Lectures and Seminars
- Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1964)
- Department of Botany, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (1964)
- Zoology Department, Indiana University, Bloomington (1964)
- Symposium on Primary Productivity in Aquatic Environments, Hydrobiological Institute, Pallanza, Italy (1964)
- Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, Michigan (1965)
- Symposium on Biogenic Metabolism in Fresh Waters, Hydrobiologische Anstalt, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Plön, Germany (1965)
- Institute of Ecology, University of Warsaw, Poland (1965)
- Institute of Physiological Botany, University of Uppsala, Sweden (1965)
- Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland (1965)
- Department of Biology, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (1966)
- Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1967)
- Limnological Research Center, Department of Geology, University of Minneapolis, Minnesota (1967)
- Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Iowa State University, Ames (1967)
- Department of Biology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana (1969)
- Departments of Civil Engineering and Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle (1969)
- Department of Zoology-Institute of Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (1969)
- Rudolfs Research Conference on Organic Compounds in Aquatic Environments, Rutgers University, New Jersey (1969)
- Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, Ontario (1970)
- Department of Biology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (1970)
- Afdelingen Vegetatiekunde en Exp. Oecologie, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (1970)
- Hydrobiological Laboratory, Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia (1970)
- Symposium on Production Problems of Freshwaters, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland (1970)
- Limnological Institute, Soviet Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, USSR (1970)
- Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit (1970)
- Symposium on Aquatic Macrophytes, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Tulcea, Romania (1970)
- Institute of Limnology, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania (1970)
- Symposium on Algal Populations, Freshwater Biological Association, Windermere, England (1970)
- Aquatic Primary Productivity Workshop, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1970)
- Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, Carbon and the Biosphere, Brookhaven National Laboratories, Upton, New York (1971)
- Symposium on Nutrients and Eutrophication, The Limiting
Nutrient Controversy, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Michigan State University (1971)
- Department of Biology, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1971)
- Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens (1971)
- Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire (1971)
- Department of Soils Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing (1972)
- Center for Great Lakes Research, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1972)
- Symposium Semisaeculare, International Association of Limnology, Germany (1972)
- IBP-UNESCO Symposium on Detritus and Its Ecological Role in Aquatic Ecosystems, Pallanza, Italy (1972)
- Aquatic Plant Management Workshop, U.S. Department of the Agriculture, Denver (1972)
- UNESCO-IBP Synthesis Symposium on Freshwater Research, University of Reading, England (1972)
- Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University (1972)
- Stream Ecosystem Workshop, Stroud Research Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania (1973)
- Decomposition Working Group, 1st International Seagrass Workshop, Amsterdam (1973)
- Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1973)
- Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit (1974)
- Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax (1974)
- Department of Biology, University of Guelph, Ontario (1974)
- Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (1974)
- Conference on Lake Protection and Lake Management, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1974)
- Department of Biological Sciences, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts (1975)
- Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (1975)
- Colloquium Speaker, University of Michigan, Dearborn (1975)
- Aquatic Plant Investigations Symposium, University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (1975)
- Invited Speaker, Symposium on Atmospheric Pollution of Lakes,
International Association for Great Lakes Research, Geneva Park,
Ontario (1975)
- Colloquium Speaker, American Institute of Fishery Biologists, Michigan State University, East Lansing (1976)
- Department of Biology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana (1976)
- Great Lakes Research Division and Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1976)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Botany, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (1976)
- National Evaluator Ecology Programs for ERDA-NSF, Battelle Northwest National Laboratories, Richmond, Washington (1976)
- National Evaluator Ecology Programs for ERDA-NSF, Lawrence Laboratories, University of California, Berkeley (1976)
- Invited Speaker, Symposium on Productivity of Marshes, Ecological Society of America, New Orleans (1976)
- Invited Speaker, Symposium on Interactions between Sediments and Water, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1976)
- Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit (1976)
- Invited Speaker, Second International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Warsaw, Poland (1976)
- Michigan Botanical Club, Southwestern Michigan Chapter, Kalamazoo (1977)
- Invited Speaker, National Symposium on Freshwater Wetlands, Rutgers University, New Jersey (1977)
- Colloquium Speaker, Division of Systematics and Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (1977)
- Seminar Speaker, Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing (1977)
- Seminar Speaker, Division of Biological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington (1977)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Limnology, University of Oslo, Norway (1977)
- Invited Speaker, Symposium on Lake Metabolism and Lake Management, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (1977)
- Seminar Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1977)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Botany and Department of Zoology,
University of Winnipeg, Manitoba (1978)
- Seminar Speaker, Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec (1978)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan (1978)
- Turner Distinguished Lecture, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1979)
- Plenary Speaker, North American Lake Management Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing (1979)
- Senior Science Lecture, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario (1979)
- Invited National Lecture, Japanese Society of Limnology, Sendai, Japan (1979)
- Seminar Speaker, Department of Botany and Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville (1979)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1980)
- Invited Plenary Speaker, Workshop on Aquatic Ecosystem Management,
U.S. Corps of Engineers, Monterey, California (1980)
- Invited Colloquium Speaker, Institute of Limnology, University of Lund, Sweden (1980)
- Invited Speaker, Departments of Botany, Fisheries & Wildlife and Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (1980)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Ecology and Behavioral Biology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1980)
- Invited Speaker, Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1981)
- Colloquium Speaker, Department of Botany, University of Rhode Island,
Kingston, Rhode Island (1981)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin (1981)
- Invited Lecturer, 13th International Botanical Congress, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (1981)
- Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Forest Ecology and
Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- Dalgarno Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Botany, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba (1981)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lansing (1982)
- Erlander Professorship Inaugural Address, Swedish National Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden (1982)
- Invited Speaker (Series), Institute of Limnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (1983)
- Keynote Speaker, Rotary International, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (1983)
- Invited Speaker, Algal Ecology, Institute of Plant Ecology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (1983)
- Invited Discussant, Tvärminne Zoological Station, University of Helsinki, Tvärminne, Finland (1983)
- Invited Speaker, Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki,
Lammi, Finland (1983)
- Invited Speaker, Norwegian Institute for Water Research and University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (1983)
- Keynote Speaker, National Federated Garden Clubs of America, Mackinac Island, Michigan (1983)

- Green Distinguished Lectureship, Department of Biology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (1983)
- Invited Speaker, EPSCOR Program, State of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas (1983)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas (1983)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma,
Norman, Oklahoma (1984)
- Keynote Speaker, Annual Meetings, Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Stillwater, Oklahoma (1984)
- Distinguished Lecture Series, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma (1984)
- Speaker, Swedish Science Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden (1984)
- Keynote Speaker, Erlander Symposium on Freshwater Acidification,
University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden (1984)
- Keynote Speaker, Shiga Conference '84 on Conservation and Management of World Lake Environment, Otsu, Japan (1984)
- Invited Speaker, Submersed Macrophyte Symposium, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York (1984)
- Advisor, Acidification of Lakes and Streams and Aluminum Toxicity Programs,
Washington, D.C. (1985)
- Keynote Address, 81st Annual Convention, Michigan Audubon Society,
Kalamazoo, Michigan (1985)
- Advisor, Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (1985)
- Invited Speaker, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York (1985)
- Invited Speaker, Biology Colloquium, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio (1985)
- Advisor, Conference on Moose River Acidification Research Program,
Hamilton, New York (1985)
- National Advisor, Scientific Research in Hydrobiology of Finland, Finnish Academy of Sciences, Helsinki, Finland (1985)
- Advisor, Conference on SO2 and Plant Productivity, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California (1985)
- Invited Speaker, Limnological Institute, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden (1985)
- Invited Speaker, Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1986)
- Invited Speaker, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1986)
- Keynote Speaker, Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife Symposium,
University of Georgia and Savannah River Ecology Laboratory,
Charleston, South Carolina (1986)
- Invited Speaker, Michigan Society of Professional Engineers, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1986)
- Colloquium Speaker, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (1987)
- Invited Speaker, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina (1987)
- Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Scientific
Perspectives in Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Verbania Pallanza,
Italy (1988)
- Advisor, International Lake Environment Foundation, Lake Biwa, Otsu, Shiga, Japan (1988)
- Dedication Speaker, Max-Planck-Institute für Limnologie, Plön, Holstein, Federal Republic of Germany (1988)
- Advisor, Conference on Responses of Plants to Interacting
Stress, Boyce Thompson Plant Research Institute, Ithaca, New York
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1988)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1989)
- Advisor, Regional Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California (1989)
- Bessey Memorial Lecturer, Department of Botany, Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa (1989)
- Invited Seminar Speaker, Department of Botany, Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa (1989)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio (1989)
- Keynote Speaker, New Jersey Academy of Sciences, Wayne, New Jersey (1989)
- Invited Speaker, Dahlem Internationale Konferenz, Berlin,
Federal Republic of Germany (1989)
- Plenary Speaker, International Workshop on Exoenzymes in Aquatic Ecosystems, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (1989)
- Baldi Memorial Lecturer, 24th Congress, International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Munich, Federal
Republic of Germany (1989)
- Invited Ecology Speaker, Resource Ecology Series,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1989)
- Keynote Speaker, Wetlands Research Conference, Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve, Huron, Ohio (1989)
- Invited Speaker, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, New York Botanical Gardens, Millbrook, New York (1990)
- Keynote Speaker, Future Directions in Botanical Research,
Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana (1990)
- Keynote Speaker, Lake Environment Forum, Nagano Research Institute for Health and Pollution, Nagano, Japan. (1990)
- Invited Evaluator, Suwa Hydrobiological Station, Suwa City, Japan (1990)
- Invited Speaker, 3rd Annual Meeting, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, Otsu, Japan. (1990)
- Invited Evaluator, Genetics and Ecology of Microbial Biofilms, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (1990)
- Keynote Lecturer, International Symposium on Dissolved Organic
Matter in Lacustrine Ecosystems: Energy Source and System Regulator.
Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki, Lammi, Finland (1990)
- Keynote Lecturer, International Symposium on the Dynamics and
Use of Lacustrine Ecosystems, Finnish Limnological Society, Helsinki,
Finland (1990)
- Keynote Speaker, Minnesota Lake Management Federation Conference, Brainerd, Minnesota (1990)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan (1990)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State City, Mississippi (1990)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana (1990)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Botany and Center for Wetland
Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1990)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi (1991)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences and Center
for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Invited Evaluator, Genetic Ecology of Biofilms and
Microbially Induced Corrosion, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Tennessee (1991)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana (1991)
- Keynote Speaker, Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1991)
- Keynote Speaker, Symposium on the Past Quarter Century of
Ecological Science, W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State
University, Hickory Corners, Michigan (1991)
- Speaker, 1st International Conference on the Limnology and
Fisheries of Lake Tanganyika, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland
- Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement, Pensacola, Florida (1991)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama (1992)
- Keynote Lecture, International Symposium on New Perspectives
in Aquatic Ecosystem Research, Royal Netherlands Academy of Science,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1992)
- Keynote Lecture, International Symposium on Nutrient
Regeneration in Ecosystems, British Society of General Microbiology,
Dublin, Ireland (1992)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas (1992)
- Invited Speaker, School of Law, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1993)
- Invited Speaker, National Institute for Global Environmental
Change Symposium on Global Change Research, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1993)
- Invited Speaker, Eutrophication Colloquium, 5th International
Conference of the International Lake Environment Committee, Stresa,
Italy (1993)
- Keynote Speaker, Minorities Colloquium, Annual Meetings,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Edmonton, Alberta
- Invited Speaker, Southeastern Marine Ecology Consortium, Dauphin Island, Mobile, Alabama (1993)
- Invited Speaker, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, Aiken, South Carolina (1993)
- Invited Speaker, Symposium on Phosphorus-Enzyme Complexes, American Society of Soil Science, Cinncinati, Ohio (1993)
- Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Impacts of UV-B
Radiation on Pelagic Communities of Freshwater Ecosystems, Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1993)
- Invited Speaker, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia Athens, Georgia (1994)
- Invited Speaker, Institute of Aquatic Resources, University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut (1994)
- Lecture Series, Institut für Zoologie, Abt. Limnologie, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (1994)
- Invited Speaker, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation Lake Biwa Research Institute, Otsu, Japan (1994)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky (1994)
- Invited Speaker, Alabama Experimental Programs to Stimulate
Competitive Research University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1994)
- Plenary Speaker, Environmental and Ecology Program, Alfred University, Alfred, New York (1994)
- Invited Plenary Speaker, Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Orlando, Florida (1994)
- Invited Speaker, Oakmulgee Chapter, Society of American Foresters, Talladega, Alabama (1994)
- Invited Speaker, Workshop on Carbon Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems, Woods Hole, Massachusetts (1995)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (1995)
- Invited Plenary Speaker, 6th Congress, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, Kasumigaura, Japan (1995)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, 3rd National Congress of Portuguese Biologists Association, Lisbon, Portugal (1995)
- Invited Plenary Speaker, Wetlands Section, Soil Science Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri (1995)
- Invited Speaker, Entering Medical Class, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1996)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences and
Sigma Xi Honorary Lecturer, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio (1996)
- Invited Speaker, Ohio Lake Management Society, Columbus, Ohio (1996)
- Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Role of Submerged
Macrophytes in Structuring the Biological Community and Biogeochemical
Dynamics in Lakes, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark (1996)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Symposium on Contemporary Limnology, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden (1996)
- Invited Speaker, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana (1996)
- Invited Plenary Lecturer, Irish Academy of Sciences, Dublin, Ireland (1996)
- Invited Speaker, Master Energy Education Teachers Colloquium, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1996)
- Invited Keynote Speaker, Centennial of the Freshwater
Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Invited Speaker, Department of Biology, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois (1997)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (1997)
- Lecture Series in Aquatic Ecology, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (1997)
- Invited Plenary Lecturer, Institüt für Zoologie und Limnologie, Universität Innsbruck, Austria (1997)
- Invited Lecture, Institut für Limnologie, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Plön, Germany (1997)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, Limnologische Gesellschaft Deutschland, Frankfurt, Germany (1997)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (1997)
- Invited Speaker, Departments of Biology and of Fisheries and Wildlife, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas (1997)
- Invited Lecture, British Ecological Society, Sheffield, England (1997)
- Invited Lecture, Institute of Limnologie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (1998)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, Division of Limnology, EAWAG, Dübendorf/ Zürich, Switzerland (1998)
- Invited Lecture, National Center for the Development of
Natural Products, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi,
Oxford, Mississippi (1998)
- Pettingill Lecturer, University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan (1998)
- Invited Lecture, Institut für Mikrobiologie, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Bremen, Germany (1998)
- Invited Lecture, Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Universität Berlin, Neuglobsow, Germany (1998)
- Invited Lecture, Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön, Germany (1998)
- Invited Distinguished Lecture, School of the Environment, Duke University Durham, North Carolina (1998)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio (1999)
- Keynote Lecture, 100th Anniversary of Japanese Society of Limnology, University of Shiga Prefecture, Hikone, Japan (1999)
- Invited Lecture, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (1999)
- Invited Lecture, School of Ocean Environments, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan (1999)
- Invited Lecture, Ecological Research Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1999)
- Invited Lecture, Lake Biwa Museum, Otsu, Shiga, Japan (1999)
- Invited Lecture, Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön, Germany (1999)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, Workshop on Dissolved Organic Matter, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York (2000)
- Invited Lecture, Phi Beta Kappa, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, International Symposium on
Sustainability of Wetlands and Water Resources, University of
Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, International Symposium on Chemical
Ecology, National Center for Natural Products Research, Oxford,
Mississippi (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, Linkages between Terrestrial and
Aquatic Ecosystem Workshop, Annual Meetings, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Copenhagen, Denmark (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, 2nd International Symposium on
Refractory Organic Substances in the Environment, Universität
Karlsruhe, Germany (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, Wetlands at the Millennium, International Association of Ecology, Québec City, Québec, Canada (2000)
- Invited Seminar Lecture, Department of Environmental Sciences
and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina (2000)
- Invited Plenary Lecture, 7th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Orlando, Florida (2000)
- Invited Lecture, Départment de Sciences Biologiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada (2001)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (2001)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Environmental Sciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (2002)
- Invited Lecture, Carolina Environmental Program, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (2002)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (2003)
- Invited Lecture, Curriculum in Ecology, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (2003)
- Invited Lecture, Environmental Program, IBM Corporation, Research Triangle, North Carolina(2003)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (2003)
- Invited Lecture, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Moorehead City, North Carolina (2003)
- Invited Lecture, Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina (2003)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Biology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina (2004)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (2004)
- Invited Lecture, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota (2004)
Abstracts (Published) of Papers Given at Scientific Meetings
- Wetzel, R. G. 1960. Marl decomposition of hydrophytes in several Michigan lakes. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 41:42.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1962. Primary productivity of aquatic
macrophytes. Absts., 15th International Congress of Limnology, Madison,
- Wetzel, R. G. 1965. Productivity and nutritional
relationships in marl lakes of northeastern Indiana. Absts., 16th
International Congress of Limnology, Poland.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1968. Nutritional factors influencing
photosynthesis by aquatic macrophytes in hard-water lakes. Absts.
17th Int. Congress Theor. Appl. Limnology, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1969. Dissolved organic matter of marl lakes.
Rudolfs Research Conference on Organic Compounds in Aquatic
Environments. Rutgers University, New Jersey.
- Miller, M. C. and R. G. Wetzel. 1969. Ultraviolet absorption
in lake waters: Its relationship to dissolved organic carbon. Absts.,
73rd Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters,
Ann Arbor.
- Wetzel, R. G. and H. L. Allen. 1969. Functions and
interactions of dissolved organic matter in lake metabolism. Absts.,
11th International Botanical Congress, Seattle.
- Rich, P. H. and R. G. Wetzel. 1969. Benthic respiration:
Significance to detrital metabolism and a method of measurement.
Absts., 73rd Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and
Letters, Ann Arbor.
- Allen, H. L. and R. G. Wetzel. 1969. Primary productivity of
epiphytic algae. Absts., 73rd Annual Meeting, Michigan Academy of
Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Ann Arbor.
- Wetzel, R. G. and P. H. Rich. 1970. Production and role of
aquatic macrophytes in a southern Michigan marl lake. Absts.,
IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Aquatic Macrophytes, Romanian Academy of
Sciences, Tulcea, Romania.
- Wetzel, R. G. and H. L. Allen. 1970. Functions and
interactions of dissolved organic matter and the littoral zone in lake
metabolism and eutrophication. Absts., Symposium on Productivity
Problems of Fresh Waters. Kazímierz Dolny, Poland.
- Miller, M. C., B. A. Manny and R. G. Wetzel. 1970.
Ultraviolet photolysis of dissolved organic nitrogen compounds. I.
Modification of the technique for dissolved organic nitrogen
determination in fresh water. Absts., 33rd Annual Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island.
- Manny, B. A., M. C. Miller and R. G. Wetzel. 1970.
Ultraviolet combustion of dissolved organic nitrogenous compounds. II.
Quantification and characterization of labile and refractory fractions
in lake waters. Absts., 33rd Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. Ulehlová. 1971. Decomposition and
mineral cycling. In: IBP/ UNESCO Symposium on Macrophytes.
Hidrobiologia (Romania) 12:391-392.
- Rich, H., R. G. Wetzel and N. Van Thuy. 1971. Distribution,
production and role of aquatic macrophytes in a southern Michigan marl
lake. In: IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Macrophytes. Hidrobiologia
(Romania) 12:199-201.
- Kvêt, J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1971. Emergent macrophytes. In:
IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Macrophytes. Hidrobiologia (Romania)
- Wetzel, R. G. 1971. Dissolved and particulate organic
detritus in lakes. Absts., Symposium on Role of Detritus in Ecosystems,
Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1971. Sedimentary pigment degradation products
of a marl lake in southern Michigan. Absts., 75th Annual Meeting,
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- Rich, P. H. and R. G. Wetzel. 1971. Benthic detritus in a
small Michigan lake. Absts., 18th International Congress of Theoretical
and Applied Limnology, Leningrad, USSR.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. A. Manny. 1971. Excretion of organic
carbon and nitrogen by aquatic macrophytes. Absts., 18th International
Congress of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Leningrad, USSR.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1972. Photorespiration in
aquatic macrophytes: Measurement and ecological significance. Absts.,
35th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Tallahassee, Florida.
- Wetzel, R. G. and P. H. Rich. 1972. Metabolism of dissolved
and particulate detrital carbon in a temperate hard-water lake.
In: IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Detritus and Its Role in Aquatic
Ecosystems. Pallanza, Italy.
- Otsuki, A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1972. Coprecipitation of
phosphate with carbonate in a marl lake. Absts., 35th Annual Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Tallahassee, Florida.
- Manny, B. A. 1972. Organic nitrogen content of natural net
and nannophytoplankton. Absts., 35th Annual Meeting, American Society
of Limnology and Oceanography, Tallahassee, Florida.
- Manny, B. A., R. G. Wetzel and K. W. Cummins. 1972. Diurnal
changes in dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in a natural hardwater
stream. Absts., Special Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography and American Institute of Biological Sciences,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. A. Manny. 1972. Decomposition of
dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen compounds from leaves in an
experimental hardwater stream. Absts., Special Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography and American Institute of
Biological Sciences, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1972. Measurement and
significance of photorespiration in submersed aquatic macrophytes.
Absts., 1972 Annual Meeting, American Society of Plant Physiologists.
- White, W. S. and R. G. Wetzel. 1973. Annual cycle of
sedimentation in a small hardwater lake. Absts., 75th Annual Meeting,
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1973. Research on structure and function of
detritus of stream ecosystems of a small lake watershed, southwestern
Michigan. Absts., Conference on Stream Ecosystems, Stroud Water
Research Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1973. In situ photorespiration
and organic carbon release in submersed macrophytes: diel, seasonal,
and community relationships. Absts., 36th Annual Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
- White, W. S. and R. G. Wetzel. 1973. The role of calcium
carbonate precipitation in lake metabolism. Absts., 36th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Otsuki, A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1974. Release of dissolved
organic matter by autolysis of a submersed macrophyte, Scirpus
subterminalis. Absts., 19th International Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Manny, B. A., R. G. Wetzel and W. C. Johnson. 1974. Annual
contribution of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus by Canada geese to a
hardwater lake. Absts., 19th International Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- White, W. S. and R. G. Wetzel. 1974. Nitrogen, phosphorus,
particulate and colloidal carbon content of sedimenting seston of a
hard-water lake. Absts., 19th International Congress of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1974. The release of dissolved
organic carbon by submersed aquatic macrophytes: diel, seasonal, and
community relationships. Absts., 19th International Congress of
Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1975. CO2 compensation point,
internal CO2 recycling, and photorespiration in aquatic plants. Absts.,
38th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Ward, A. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1975. Some effects of sodium on
blue-green algal growth. Absts., Annual Meeting, Phycological Society
of America.
- McKinley, K. R. and R. G. Wetzel. 1975. Photoheterotrophy:
Its occurrence and significance to the total carbon budget of a small
hard-water lake. Absts., Annual Meeting, Phycological Society of
- Wetzel, R. G. 1976. Freshwater marshes: Roles in the
metabolism of lake systems. Symposium on Production Ecology of
Freshwater Tidal and Nontidal Marshes. Absts., Ecological Society of
America, New Orleans.
- Ward, A. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1976. Molecular weight
fractionation of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon compounds from
two lakes of differing trophic status. Absts., Annual Meeting,
Ecological Society of America, Savannah, Georgia.
- Barko, J. W., P. G. Murphy and R. G. Wetzel. 1976. Primary
production and ecosystem metabolism in a Lake Michigan dune pond. 39th
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Savannah, Georgia.
- Hough, R. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1976. Evaluation of
photosynthetic status (C3 vs C4) of some aquatic plants. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Plant Physiologists, Savannah, Georgia.
- Godshalk, G. L. and R. G. Wetzel. 1976. Decomposition of
macrophytes: Release and utilization of dissolved organic matter.
Absts., 39th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia.
- McKinley, K. R. and R. G. Wetzel. 1976. Interactions between
submersed macrophytes and members of the phytoplankton via dissolved
materials. Absts., 39th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia.
- Wetzel, R. G. and G. L. Godshalk. 1976. Decomposition of
macrophytes and the metabolism of dissolved organic matter in littoral
sediments. Absts., International Symposium on Interactions between
Sediments and Water, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Manny, B. A., R. G. Wetzel and R. E. Bailey. 1976.
Paleolimnological sedimentation rates of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus,
and fossil pigments in a hypereutrophic hardwater lake: A case history
of eutrophication. Absts., 2nd International Symposium on
Paleolimnology, Mikolajki, Poland.
- Wetzel, R. G. and B. A. Manny. 1976. Postglacial chronology
of sedimentation, nutrient deposition, and pigment derivatives of a
hardwater marl lake of Michigan. Absts., 2nd International Symposium on
Paleolimnology, Mikolajki, Poland.
- Cunningham, H. W. and R. G. Wetzel. 1977. Fulvic acid
interferences on ATP determinations in sediments. Absts., 40th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, East Lansing,
- Mickle, A. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 1977. Effectiveness of
submersed angiosperm-epiphyte complexes on exchange of nutrients and
organic carbon in continuous-flow littoral systems. Absts., 40th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, East Lansing,
- Godshalk, G. L. and R. G. Wetzel. 1977. Decomposition in the
littoral zone of lakes. National Symposium on Freshwater Wetlands:
Present Status and Future Needs. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New
- Godshalk, G. L. and R. G. Wetzel. 1977. Decomposition of a
marine angiosperm, Zostera marina L. 40th Annual Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, East Lansing, Michigan.
- Wissmar, R. C. and R. G. Wetzel. 1977. Analysis of five North
American lake ecosystems. VI. Consumer community structure and
production. Absts., 20th International Congress, International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wetzel, R. G. and J. E. Richey. 1977. Analysis of five North
American lake ecosystems. VIII. Control mechanisms and regulation.
Absts., 20th International Congress, International Association of
Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1977. The role of the littoral zone and
detritus in lake metabolism. Absts., 1st International Symposium on
Lake Metabolism and Lake Management, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
- Ward, A. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1978. Photosynthetic responses
of blue-green algal populations to variable light intensities. Absts.,
41st Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Victoria, British Columbia.
- Cunningham, H. W. and R. G. Wetzel. 1978. The hydrology and
associated chemical release from a temperate, hardwater wetland.
Absts., 41st Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Victoria, British Columbia.
- Penhale, P. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1978. Carbon transport and
excretion of dissolved organic carbon in seagrasses. Absts., 41st
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Victoria, British Columbia.
- Wetzel, R. G., P. A. Penhale and R. L. Iverson. 1978. Primary
productivity, carbon transport, and excretion of dissolved organic
carbon in seagrasses. 2nd International Congress of Ecology, Jerusalem,
- Cunningham, H. W. and R. G. Wetzel. 1979. Nitrogen metabolism
of a temperate hardwater Typha-Carex wetland. Absts., Winter Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Corpus Christi, Texas.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1979. Isolation of cyclic
adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate from cultured algae and natural
communities. Absts., 42nd Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Stony Brook, New York.
- Grace, J. B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1979. Morphological responses
of Typha latifolia in wetland habitats. Absts., Annual Meeting,
Ecological Society of America, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1979. Lake metabolism: Plant, carbonate, and
detrital controls. National Plenary Lecture, Absts., 39th Annual
Meeting Japanese Society of Limnology, Sendai, Japan.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1980. Regulation of algal growth and population
succession in lake ecosystems. Plenary lecture, Symposium on Regulation
of Aquatic Ecosystems, Monterey, California.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. Cyclic adenosine
monophosphate: Isolation and potential phytoplanktonic significance in
two lakes of differing trophic status. Absts., Annual Meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Detroit.
- Stewart, A. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. Asymmetrical
relationships between absorbance, fluorescence and dissolved organic
carbon. Absts., 43rd Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1980. Longterm alkaline phosphatase activity
dynamics in a hardwater lake and effects of phosphorus enrichments on
phytoplankton growth. Absts., 43rd Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. Cyclic AMP: Seasonal
variations in two lakes and potential ecological significance. Absts.,
43rd Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Dickerman, J. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. Cohort structure
within a Typha latifolia population. Absts., 43rd Annual Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Crumpton, W. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. A method for the
preparation of permanent, quantitative mounts of phytoplankton for
critical microscopy. Absts., 43rd Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Crumpton, W. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 1980. Differential effects
of growth and loss processes in controlling natural phytoplankton
populations. Absts., 43rd Annual Meetings, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1980. Algal changes, problems, and prevention.
Absts., EPA Workshop on Algal Management and Control, Monterey,
- Wetzel, R. G. 1980. Longterm dynamics of alkaline phosphatase
activity of phytoplankton in a hardwater lake in relation to lake
stability and phosphorus enrichments. Absts., 21st Congress,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Kyoto,
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1981. Regulation of primary
productivity in aquatic macrophytes by cyclic AMP. Absts., 44th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Milwaukee,
- Stewart, A. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1981. Dissolved humic
materials: Photodegradation, sediment effects, and reactivity with
phosphate and calcium carbonate precipitation. Absts., 44th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Milwaukee,
- Wetzel, R. G. 1981. Littoral and wetland communities: Their
relationships to freshwater ecosystems. Absts., 13th International
Botanical Congress, Sydney, Australia.
- Stewart, A. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1981. Influence of dissolved
humic materials on carbon assimilation and alkaline phosphatase
activity in natural algal-bacterial assemblages. Absts., Symposium of
Terrestrial and Aquatic Humic Materials, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1982. Attached algal-substrata interactions:
Fact or myth, and when and how? Absts., 1st International Workshop on
Freshwater Periphyton, University of Lund, Växjö, Sweden.
- Losee, R. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1982. Epiphyte shading;
Characterization and effects on submersed macrophyte growth. Absts.,
1st International Workshop on Freshwater Periphyton. University of
Lund, Växjö, Sweden.
- Francko, D. A. and R. G. Wetzel. 1982. Stimulation of
bicarbonate uptake in submersed aquatic macrophytes by dissolved cyclic
AMP. Absts., Plant Biochemistry-Physiology Symposium, Columbia,
- McKinley, K. R. and R. G. Wetzel. 1982. Effects of the
submersed Scirpus subterminalis on algae: Species specific rates of
photosynthesis and correlations to seasonal succession. Absts., 1st
International Workshop on Freshwater Periphyton, University of Lund,
Växjö, Sweden.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1982. Attached Freshwater Microbiota: Future
Directions. 1st International Workshop on Freshwater Periphyton,
University of Lund, Växjö, Sweden.
- Taylor, W. T. and R. G. Wetzel. 1983. Longterm daily
population dynamics of Rhodomonas minuta in a hardwater lake. Absts.,
22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Lyon,
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. Reservoir Limnology: an Overview. Absts., Arkansas Lakes Symposium, Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1983. DOC-POC functions in aquatic ecosystems.
Absts., International Symposium on Detritus Dynamics in Aquatic
Ecosystems, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, University of Georgia,
Savannah, Georgia.
- Dickerman, J. A., A. J. Stewart and R. G. Wetzel. 1984.
Macrophyte production methods and their sensitivity to sampling
frequency. Absts., 2nd International Workshop on Aquatic Primary
Productivity, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. Acidification and the future. Absts.,
40th Annual Meeting, Föreningen for Vattenhygien, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. The role of the littoral in normal and
acidified lakes. Erlander Seminar on Acidified Aquatic Ecosystems,
Uppsala, Sweden.
- Wetzel, R. G. and E. S. Brammer. 1984. Benthic plant
metabolism in acidified lakes. Erlander Seminar on Acidified Aquatic
Ecosystems, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1984. Metabolism of interfacing zones between
the watersheds and lakes: Effects on eutrophication. Absts., Shiga
Conference '84 on Conservation and Management of World Lake
Environment, Otsu, Japan.
- Carlton, R. G., R. L. Losee and R. G. Wetzel. 1984.
Comparative microscale oxygen dynamics in periphyton communities.
Absts., 4th Winter Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, San Francisco, California, December, 1984. Trans. Amer.
Geophys. Union 65:902.
- Burkholder, J. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Evidence for
significant metabolic interactions between aquatic epiphytes and
macrophytes. Absts., 5th Midwest Ecology Conference, Michigan State
University, Hickory Corners, Michigan.
- Taylor, W. D. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Cryptophyte ecology in
a hardwater lake of Michigan. Absts., 5th Midwest Ecology Conference,
Michigan State University, Hickory Corners, Michigan.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Bacterial utilization
of organic carbon excreted by phytoplankton. Absts., Aquatic Microbial
Ecology International Symposium, Burlington, Ontario, May 1985.
- Walker, G. S., M. F. Coveney, M. J. Klug and R. G. Wetzel.
1985. Isocratic HPLC analysis of adenine nucleotides in environmental
samples. Absts., Aquatic Microbial Ecology International Symposium,
Burlington, Ontario, May 1985.
- Burkholder, J. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Epiphytic alkaline
phosphatase activity and community structure on natural and artificial
aquatic plants: Are interactions significant between macrophytes and
epiphytes? Absts., 48th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1985.
- Taylor, W. D. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Cryptophyte
productivity and growth in a hardwater lake of Michigan using track
autoradiography. Absts., 48th Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1985.
- Carlton, R. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Photosynthetic oxygen
production by epipelic algae mediates sediment phosphorus release.
Absts., 48th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1985.
- Losee, R. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Effect of physical
structure on periphyton light transmission. Absts., 48th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, June 1985.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Algal vs non-algal
sources of organic substrates for bacterioplankton. Absts., 48th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, June 1985.
- Burkholder, J. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 1985. Seasonal population
dynamics of microalgae epiphytic on a natural substratum in a hardwater
lake. Absts., Annual Meeting, Phycological Society of America,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
- Carlton, R. G. and R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Photosynthetic oxygen
production by epipelic algae causes diurnal fluctuations in phosphorus
release from lake sediments. Absts., 50th Annual Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island, June
- Taylor, W. D. and R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Short-term changes of
in situ cryptophyte growth rates over an annual period in an
oligotrophic lake. Absts., 50th Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1986.
- Burkholder, J. M., R. G. Wetzel, and K. L. Klomparens. 1986.
A direct comparison of phosphorus uptake by adnate and loosely attached
microalgae from intact epiphyte communities. Absts., 50th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Kingston,
Rhode Island, June 1986.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Seasonal and spatial
patterns of bacterial secondary productivity in an oligotrophic lake.
Absts., 50th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1986.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1986. Productivity and resiliency of freshwater
wetlands. Absts., International Symposium on Freshwater Wetlands and
Wildlife: Perspectives on Natural, Managed and Degraded Ecosystems.
Charleston, South Carolina, March 1986.
- Moeller, R. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Assessing the limiting
role of phosphorus in the littoral zone of a phosphorus-limited lake.
Absts., 50th Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1986.
- Carlton, R. G., and R. G. Wetzel. 1986. Nutrient transport
from sediment in water: Use of microelectrodes and isotope tracers to
define the roles of oxygen, pH, and epipelic algae. Absts., Winter
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San
Francisco, California, December 1986.
- Coveney, M. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Bacterial metabolism
of algal extracellular carbon. Absts., 23rd Congress of the
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology,
Hamilton, New Zealand, February 1987.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1987. Groundwater and nutrient seepage fluxes
through subaqueous sediments of a hardwater lake. Absts., 50th Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Madison,
Wisconsin, June 1987.
- Coveney, M. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Experimental
evaluation of conversion factors in the 3H-thymidine assay for
bacterial productivity. Absts., 50th Annual Meeting, American Society
of Limnology and Oceanography, Madison, Wisconsin, June 1987.
- Burkholder, J. M., R. G. Wetzel, and K. L. Klomparens. 1987.
SEM-autoradiography to assess uptake of radioisotopes by adnate
epiphytes in their undisturbed microenvironment. Absts., 50th
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Madison, Wisconsin, June 1987.
- Carlton, R. G., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Microelectrode
studies of the distribution of oxygen and microbial respiration in
sediments of Lake Superior. Absts., 30th Conference, International
Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 1987.
- Carlton, R. G., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Applications of
microelectrode technology in aquatic microbial ecology. Absts., 50th
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Madison, Wisconsin, June 1987.
- Moeller, R. E., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Littoral vs.
profundal components of sediment accumulation and their contrasting
roles as phosphorus sinks. Absts., 23rd Congress, International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Hamilton, New
Zealand, February 1987.
- Losee, R. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1987. Water movement rates
and patterns within littoral vegetation. Absts., 23rd Congress,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology,
Hamilton, New Zealand, February 1987.
- Losee, R. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Water movement rates
within a submersed macrophyte bed. Winter Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 1988.
- Cotner, J. B., Jr., and R. G. Wetzel. 1988. Orthophosphate
inhibition of bacterial alkaline phosphatase activity. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Boulder,
Colorado, June 1988.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Longterm primary productivity of lake
ecosystems: Ontogenetic effects of littoral organic accretions. Absts.,
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Boulder, Colorado, June 1988.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Seasonal activities of carboxylation
enzymes in submersed freshwater macrophytes. Absts., Annual Meeting,
Ecological Society of America, Davis, California, August 1988.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Detritus, macrophytes, and nutrient
cycling in lakes. Absts., International Conference on Scientific
Perspectives in Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Verbania Pallanza,
Italy, September 1988.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1988. Limnologische Grundlagenforschung:
Heutiger Stand und zukünftige Richtungen. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft für
Limnologie, Plön, Holstein, Federal Republic of Germany, September
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Organic acids in aquatic ecosystems. Dahlem Konferenzen. Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, May 1989.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Aquatic Ecology: Changes, predictions, and
projections. Proceedings New Jersey Academy of Sciences, April 1989.
- Kirk, K. L., and R. G. Wetzel. 1989. Processing of dissolved
organic carbon by the macrophyte-epiphyte complex. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Fairbanks,
Alaska, June 1989.
- Losee, R. F., and R. G. Wetzel. 1989. Submersed
macrophyte-epiphyte complex boundary-layer development. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Fairbanks,
Alaska, June 1989.
- Cotner, J. B., Jr., and R. G. Wetzel. 1989. Algal and
bacterial utilization of dissolved organic phosphorus compounds.
Absts., Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Fairbanks, Alaska, June 1989.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Exoenzymatic interactions in aquatic
ecosystems: Soliloquy or interspecific communication? Absts., First
International Workshop on Exoenzymes in Aquatic Ecosystems, Munich,
Federal Republic of Germany, July 1989.
- Cotner, J. B., and R. G. Wetzel. 1989. Bacterial
phosphatases: From oligotrophy to eutrophy. Absts., First International
Workshop on Exoenzymes in Aquatic Ecosystems, Munich, Federal Republic
of Germany, July 1989.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1989. Land-water interfaces: Metabolic and
limnological regulators. Baldi Memorial Lecture, Absts., 24th Congress
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Munich,
Federal Republic of Germany, August 1989.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Extracellular enzyme activities in
freshwater ecosystems. Absts., Annual Meetings, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Gloucester Point, Virginia, June 1990.
- Cotner, J. B., and R. G. Wetzel. 1990. Algal-bacterial
competition for dissolved organic phosphorus compounds. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Gloucester
Point, Virginia, June 1990.
- Spencer, W., and R. G. Wetzel. 1990. PEP carboxylase and
respiratory activities in submersed aquatic angiosperms. Absts., Annual
Meeting, American Society of Plant Physiologists, Indianapolis,
Indiana, August 1990.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Nutrient retention by wetlands. Great Lakes Program Newsletter, March 1990.
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1990. Bacterioplankton growth
dynamics in an oligotrophic lake. Absts., Annual Meeting American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Gloucester Point, Virginia, June
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Gradient-dominated ecosystems: Sources
and regulatory functions of dissolved organic matter in freshwater
ecosystems. Absts., International Symposium on Dissolved Organic Matter
in Lacustrine Ecosystems, Lammi, Finland, May 1990.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1990. Clean water: A fading resource. Absts.,
International Symposium on The Dynamics and Use of Lacustrine
Ecosystems, Helsinki, Finland, August 1990.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Wetlands: A need for functional
initiatives. Absts., Annual Meetings, Society of Wetland Scientists,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 1991.
- Spencer, W. E., J. Teeri, and R. G. Wetzel. 1991. Phenotypic
variation in photosynthetic pathway: Patterns in Hydrilla physiology
within environmental gradients. Absts., Annual Meetings, Ecological
Society of America, San Antonio, Texas, August 1991.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Humic compounds from wetlands:
Complexation, inactivation, transport, and reactivation of microbial
extracellular enzymes. Absts., Annual Meetings, Ecological Society of
America, San Antonio, Texas, August 1991.
- Spencer, W. E., J. A. Teeri, and R. G. Wetzel. 1991. Adaptive
significance of the variable C3/C4 photosynthetic physiology in
Hydrilla verticillata. Absts., Annual Meetings, Aquatic Plant
Management Society, Detroit, Michigan, September 1991.
- Spencer, W. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1991. The accumulation of
phosphorus by Ceratophyllum demersum beneath the ice. Absts., Annual
Meetings, Aquatic Plant Management Society, Detroit, Michigan,
September 1991.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1991. Constructed wetlands: Scientific
foundations are critical. Absts., International Symposium on
Constructued Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement, Pensacola,
Florida, October 1991.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Storage and phased degradation of
dissolved organic matter: An aquatic stabilizer. Absts., Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, February 1992.
- Losee, R. L. and R. G. Wetzel. 1992. Submersed
macrophyte-epiphyte hydrodynamic boundary layers. Absts., Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, February 1992.
- Spencer, W. E., R. G. Wetzel, and J. A. Teeri. 1992.
Ecological significance of C4-like photosynthesis in the submersed
aquatic angiosperm Hydrilla verticillata. International Symposium on
the Biology and Management of Aquatic Plants, Absts., 32nd Annual
Meeting, Aquatic Plant Management Society, Daytona Beach, Florida, July
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Dissolved organic matter: A stabilizer of
aquatic ecosystem metabolism. Absts., International Symposium on New
Perspectives in Aquatic Ecosystem Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
May 1992.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Humic compounds from wetlands:
Complexation, inactivation, transport, and reactivation of microbial
extracellular enzymes. Absts., 25th Congress, International Association
of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Barcelona, Spain, August 1992.
- Kim, B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1992. The effect of dissolved humic
substances on the alkaline phosphatase and the growth of microalgae.
Absts., 25th Congress, International Association of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology, Barcelona, Spain, August 1992.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1992. Nutrient recycling: The key to biofilm
productivity. Absts., International Symposium on Nutrient Recycling in
Ecosystems, British Society of Microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, September
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Dissolved organic carbon from wetlands:
Rates of decomposition, fluxes, and loss processes in recipient aquatic
ecosystems. Absts., NIGEC Symposium on Global Change Research,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, April 1993.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Future directions in research on controls
of eutrophication. Absts., 5th International Conference on Lake
Conservation, Stresa, Italy, May 1993.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Longterm climate-related changes in lake
heating, stratification, primary productivity, and loading of dissolved
organic matter. Absts., Annual Meetings, North American Benthological
Society, Calgary, Alberta, May 1993.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Ultraviolet photolysis of dissolved
organic compounds: Enhanced bacterial productivity on humic compounds
and total dissolved organic carbon. Absts., Annual Meetings, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Edmonton, Alberta, June 1993.
- Lemke, M. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. Interaction among
extracellular enzymes and matrix components in aquatic bacteria.
Absts., Annual Meetings, Ecological Society of America, Madison,
Wisconsin, August 1993.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Minorities and careers in aquatic sciences. Bull. Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. 4:4-6.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. UV photolysis of dissolved organic
compounds and alterations of bacterial productivity. Absts., Workshop
on UV-B Radiation on Pelagic Freshwater Ecosystems, Lehigh University,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, September 1993.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1993. Interactive roles of humic substances,
extracellular enzymes, and UV irradiance in regulating phosphorus
bioavailability in wetlands. Absts., Annual Meetings, Soil Science
Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1993.
- Kim, B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. The inhibition kinetics of
algal alkaline phosphatase by dissolved humic substances from aquatic
macrophytes. Absts., Annual Meetings, North American Lake Management
Society, Seattle, Washington, December 1993.
- Freer, M. E., T. S. Bianchi, and R. G. Wetzel. 1993. Temporal
and spatial variability in methane fluxes and production across the
Sabine River floodplain of southeast Texas. Absts., Annual Meetings,
Estuarine Research Federation, Charleston, South Carolina, December
- Ward, G. M., A. K. Ward, and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Spatial and
temporal patterns of surface water hydrology and dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) in a small lotic wetland. Abstracts, Winter Meetings,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San Diego, California,
February 1994.
- Lemke, M. J., P. F. Churchill, and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. The
effect of substrate and cell surface hydrophobicity on phosphate uptake
in wetland bacteria. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Miami, Florida, June 1994.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Dissolved organic carbon
in a riverine wetland ecosystem. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Miami, Florida, June 1994.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1994. Nutrient regeneration in wetlands:
Microbial-macrophyte mutualism. Abstracts, 3rd Symposium on
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Orlando, Florida, June 1994.
- Neely, R. K. and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Bacterial response to
manipulation of algal photosynthesis in periphyton. Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Miami,
Florida, June 1994.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Loading and bacterial
utilization of dissolved organic carbon from emergent macrophytes.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Ecological Society of America, Knoxville,
Tennessee, August 1994.
- Howe, M. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1994. Population dynamics and
seasonal growth and biomass patterns of an emergent rush (Juncus
effusus L.) in a subtemperate Alabama wetland. Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, Ecological Society of America, Knoxville, Tennessee, August
- Stock, M. S., R. G. Wetzel, and A. K. Ward. 1995. The effects
of dissolved organic carbon on periphyton extracellular mucilage
development. Abstracts, North American Benthological Society, Keystone,
Colorado, May 1995.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Water quality: Scientific foundations
underlie effective water resource management. Absts., 3rd National
Congress, Portuguese Biologists Association, Lisbon, Portugal, June
- Coveney, M. F. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Biomass, production,
and specific growth rate of bacterioplankton and coupling to
phytoplankton in an oligotrophic lake. Abstracts, Annual Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Reno, Nevada, June
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Regulation of methane
production in freshwater wetland sediments by competing anaerobic
microbial processes. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Reno, Nevada, June 1995.
- Wetzel, R. G. and P. G. Hatcher. 1995. Natural UV-B
photolysis of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter to simple
substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism. Abstracts, Annual Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Reno, Nevada, June
- Lemke, M. J., P. Churchill, and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Humic
acid interaction with extracellular layers of wetland bacteria.
Abstracts, 26th Congress, International Association of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Ultraviolet irradiance: Natural
photolysis of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter to simple
substrates for rapid bacterial metabolism. Abstracts, 26th Congress,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, July 1995.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1995. Regulation of methane
flux from freshwater wetland sediments by competing anaerobic microbial
processes. Abstracts, 26th Congress, International Association of
Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995.
- Bicudo, D. C., A. K. Ward, R. G. Wetzel, and M. S. Stock.
1995. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon within attached aquatic
microbiota. Abstracts, 26th Congress, International Association of
Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 1995.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1995. Interdisciplinary analyses of
biogeochemical controls of organic carbon fluxes in a subtemperate
lotic wetland. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Soil Science Society of
America, St. Louis, Missouri, November 1995.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Ultraviolet photolysis and bacterial
utilization of recalcitrant dissolved organic compounds released from
decomposing emergent macrophytes, Abstracts, 4th Symposium of
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1996.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1996. Fe(III) oxide regulation
of methane production in freshwater wetland sediments. Abstracts, 4th
Symposium of Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, New Orleans, Louisiana, March
- Wetzel, R. G. and M. Søndergaard. 1996. Microbial community
and dissolved carbon dynamics. Abstracts, International Symposium on
The Role of Submersed Macrophytes in Structuring the Biological
Community and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Lakes, Silkeborg, Denmark,
June 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Concordance of phosphorus limitation in
lakes: Bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, epiphytes, and rooted
macrophytes. Abstracts, International Symposium on the Role of
Submersed Macrophytes in Structuring the Biological Community and
Biogeochemical Dynamics in Lakes, Silkeborg, Denmark, June 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. Decomposition-induced changes in simple organic
substrates released by ultraviolet photolysis from recalcitrant
dissolved organic matter of degrading aquatic macrophytes. Abstracts,
Annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society, Kalispell,
Montana, June 1996.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1996. Microhydrology in wetland
sediments. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Graduate education and training in
aquatic ecosystem sciences. Invited paper, National Convocation on
Doctoral Science and Engineering Education, National Academy of
Sciences, Washington, DC, June 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. and P. G. Hatcher. 1996. Natural photolysis of
UV-B of lignin-based dissolved organic matter to readily degradable
fatty acids. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Chemical Society,
Orlando, Florida, August 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Coupling atmospheric ozone depletion to
bacterial productivity of fresh waters. Limnological Workshop, 50 Years
of Limnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Needs in future limnological research.
Limnological Workshop, 50 Years of Limnology, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden, October 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1996. Coupling atmospheric ozone depletion to
nutrient cycling and productivity of fresh waters. Abstracts, Royal
Irish Academy Proceedings, Dublin, Ireland, November 1996.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Long-term changes in the efficacy of
natural photodegradation by UV-B of dissolved organic matter of
different lignin-based sources to readily degradable fatty acids.
Abstracts, Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1997.
- Roden, E. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Iron oxide suppression
of methane production in freshwater wetland sediments. Abstracts,
Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, February 1997.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Subsurface water flow
patterns in a wetland ecosystem. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February
- Kahn, W. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Effects of UV irradiance and
microscale water level fluctuations on periphytic microbiota.
Abstracts, Annual Meeting, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1997.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Research priorities in freshwater ecology
and global societal needs. Abstracts, 100 Years of Freshwater Biology:
Present and Future Research, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
Denmark, May 1997.
- Kahn, W. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Effects of UV irradiance
and microscale water level fluctuations on periphytic microbiota.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Greenville, South Carolina, April 1997.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. J. Lemke, K. Suberkropp, and R. G. Wetzel.
1997. Microbial biomass and production associated with submerged leaf
litter of the emergent macrophyte Juncus effusus. Abstracts, Annual
Meeting, North American Benthological Society, San Marcos, Texas, May
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Atmospheric ozone reduction: Couplings to
nutrient cycling and productivity in fresh waters. Abstracts, Annual
Meeting, Deutsche Gesellschaft Limnologie, Frankfurt, Germany,
September 1997.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Limnological leadership and
responsibility. Annual Meeting, Deutsche Gesellschaft Limnologie,
Frankfurt, Germany, September 1997.
- Boavida, M. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1997. Efficacy of
phosphatase activity in freshwater ecosystems: Inhibition by dissolved
humic substances and UV reactivation. Abstracts, International
Symposium on Phosphatases in Natural Ecosystems, London, England,
September 1997.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1997. Plants and water in and adjacent to
lakes. Abstracts, British Ecological Society, Sheffield, England,
October 1997.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Shoot:root dynamics
during growth stages of the rush Juncus effusus. Abstracts, Annual
Meeting, Ecological Society of America, St. Louis, June 1998.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. The functional three-dimensionality of
littoral ecosystems. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of
America, St. Louis, June 1998.
- Mann, C. J. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Photosynthesis and
stomatal conductance of Juncus effusus L. in a subtemperate wetland
ecosystem. Abstracts, Annual Meeting. American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, St. Louis, June 1998.
- Engelhaupt, E. D., T. S. Bianchi, M. Tarr, and R. G. Wetzel.
1998. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the composition and microbial
utilization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Bayou Trepagnier,
Louisiana. Abstracts, Annual Meeting. American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, St. Louis, June 1998.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. O. Gessner, R. G. Wetzel and K. Suberkropp.
1998. Standing litter decomposition of the emergent macrophyte Setaria
magna (giant fox-tail). Abstracts, 27th Congress, International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Dublin, August 1998.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1998. Natural photodegradation by UV-B of
dissolved organic matter of different plant sources to readily
degradable fatty acids. Abstracts, 27th Congress, International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Dublin, August 1998.
- Kuehn, K. A., M. O. Gessner, R. G. Wetzel, and K. Suberkropp.
1998. Standing litter decomposition of the emergent macrophyte
Erianthus giganteus. Abstracts, European Reed Conference,
Geobotanisches Institut ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, October 1998.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Allelochemical
autotoxicity in the freshwater rush Juncus effusus L. Abstracts,
Wetlands Society of America, South Central Chapter, Memphis, Tennessee,
October 1998.
- Francoeur, S. N., E. M. Espeland, and R. G. Wetzel. 1999.
Molecular flux in periphyton communities: Coupling structure to
function. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1999.
- Wetzel, R. G., S. N. Francoeur, and E. M. Espeland. 1999.
Microscale architecture of periphyton communities. Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, February 1999.
- Espeland, E. M., S. N. Francoeur, and R. G. Wetzel. 1999.
Determination of alkaline phosphatase profiles within
heterotrophic/autotrophic biofilms. Abstracts, Annual Meetings,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
February 1999.
- Wetzel, R. G. 1999. Essential commitments to international
limnology. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1999.
- Engelhaupt, E., T. Bianchi, R. G. Wetzel, and M. Tarr. 1999.
Effects of UV radiation on the composition and microbial utilization of
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Bayou Trepagnier, LA, USA. Abstracts,
Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, February 1999.
- Tuchman, N. C., K. A. Wahtera, and R. G. Wetzel. 1999.
Elevated atmospheric CO2-induced changes in leaf litter chemistry:
Effects on aquatic microbial activity and detritivore growth.
Abstracts, Annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society,
Duluth, Minnesota, May 1999.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 1999. Inter- and intraspecific
allelochemical effects of Juncus effusus along a continuum of plant
growth stages. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland
Scientists, Norfolk, Virginia, June 1999.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 1999. Effects of
stratification and sterilization on seeds of the freshwater rush Juncus
effusus. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists,
Lafayette, Louisiana, November 1999.
- Ervin, G. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2000. Effects of shading by
Juncus effusus on wetland plant community composition. Abstracts,
British Ecological Society/Ecological Society America Meetings,
Orlando, Florida, March 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Origins, fates, and ramifications of
natural organic compounds of wetlands. Abstracts, International
Symposium on Chemical Ecology and Natural Products of Wetlands.
National Center for Natural Products Research, University of
Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, May 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Freshwater and wetland ecology:
Challenges and future frontiers. Abstracts, International Symposium on
Sustainability of Wetlands and Water Resources, University of
Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, May 2000.
- Wahtera, K. A., N. C. Tuchman, and R. G. Wetzel. 2000.
Elevated atmospheric CO2-induced changes in leaf litter chemistry:
Effects on in situ aquatic microbial activity and leaf decomposition
rates. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society,
Keystone, Colorado, May 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. A synthesis: Integrating approaches to
microbial-dissolved organic carbon trophic linkages. Abstracts,
International Workshop on DOC-Trophic Interactions. Institute for
Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, May 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Detrital bowls, not algal bowls: Coupling
of allochthonous organic matter to heterotrophic energetic fluxes and
regulation of freshwater ecosystems. Abstracts, Annual Meeting,
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Copenhagen, Denmark,
June 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Origins and fates of natural organic
compounds in natural waters: Importance of photodegradation. Abstracts,
2nd International Symposium on Refractory Organic Substances in the
Environment, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Sources, fates, and consequences of
natural organic compounds of wetlands. Abstracts, Special Session,
Global Wetlands and Greenhouse Gases, INTECOL VI International Wetland
Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada, August 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2000. Fundamental processes within natural and
constructed wetland ecosystems: Short-term vs. long-term objectives.
Abstracts, 7th Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution
Control. Orlando, Florida, November 2000.
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2001. Effects of CO2
enrichment on the production of humic degradation products, their
natural photodegradation, and biological utilization. Absts., 28th
Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied
Limnology, Melbourne, Australia, February 2001.
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Effects of suspended
clay particles in the distribution of dissolved organic carbon. Absts.,
Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, February, 2001.
- Espeland, E. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Bacterial phosphatase
in biofilms: A comparison of enzyme activity and individual phosphatase
expression. Absts., Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2001.
- Francoeur, S. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Experimental
investigation of the regulation of periphytic extracellular
leucine-aminopeptidase activity. Absts., Annual Meetings, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
February 2001.
- Rier, S. T., N. C. Tuchman, and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Microbial
responses to changes in leaf litter nutritional quality induced by leaf
growth under elevated atmospheric CO2. Abstracts, Annual Meetings,
North American Benthological Society, Aspen, Colorado, June 2001.
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2001. Effects of CO2
enrichment on the production of degradation products of Typha latifolia
and their natural photodegradation and biological utilization. Absts.,
Annual Meetings, Ecological Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin,
August 2001.
- Francoeur, S. N. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Experimental
investigation of the regulation of periphytic extracellular
leucine-aminopeptidase activity. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, New
Zealonad Hydrological and New Zealand Limnological Society,
Chrischurch, New Zealand, November 2001.
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2001. Spatial variations in
the distribution of bacteria in a turbid southeaster (USA) reservoir.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings, North American Lake Management Society,
Chicago, Illinois, November 2001.
- Vähätalo, A. V. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Photochemical
decomposition of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in surface
water. Abstracts, American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences, Honolulu,
Hawaii, February 2002. (2002. Eos. Trans. AGU 83(4), Ocean Sciences
Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31B-17).
- Vähätalo, A. V. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Photochemical
decomposition of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in surface
water: Spectral dependence and environmental rates. Abstracts,
Environmental Chemistry Division, 223rd National Meeting, American
Chemical Society, Orlando, Florida, April 2002. Extended ACS Abstracts
- Wetzel, R. G. 2002. Widening dichotomies in education of
aquatic ecology and management. Invited Lecture, Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Victoria,
British Columbia, June 2002.
- Vähätalo, A. V., K. Salonen, U. Münster, M. Järvinen, and R.
G. Wetzel. 2002. Photochemical transformation of dissolved organic
matter provides bioavailable nutrients in a humic lake. Abstracts,
Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography,
Victoria, British Columbia, June 2002.
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2002. Solar radiation as
thesimultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic modulator of aquatic
ecosystems. Invited Lecture, Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American
Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Victoria, British Columbia, June
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2002. Spatial variations in
the distribution of bacteria in a turbid southeastern (USA) reservoir.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings, North American Benthological Society,
Madison, Wisconsin, June 2002.
- Tuchman, N. C., B. Swedo, S. Abichandani, S. T. Rier, and R.
G. Wetzel. 2002. Elevated atmospheric CO2 alters leaf litter
nutritional quality: Impacts on three trophic levels in detritus-based
aquatic food webs. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, North American
Benthological Society, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2002.
- Tietjen, T. E. and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Extracellular
enzyme-clay mineral complexes: Enzyme adsorption, alteration of enzyme
activity, and protection from photodegradation. Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Salt Lake
City, Utah, February 2003.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2003. Allochthonous organic matter, solar
radiation, and protists: Interdependent fulcra of lake and river
metabolism. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2003.
- Vähätalo, A. V., L. E. Band, and R. G. Wetzel. 2003.
Photochemical reactivity, decomposition, and transport of CDOM in the
drainage basin of the Neuse River, North Carolina. Abstracts, Annual
Meetings, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Salt Lake
City, Utah, February 2003.
- Rier, S. T., N. C. Tuchman, and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. Influence
of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the chemistry and in situ decomposition
of leaf litter from three common riparian tree species in Northern
Michigan. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, North American Benthological
Society, Athens, Georgia, May, 2003.
- Kominoski, J. S., N. C. Tuchman, P. A. Moore, C. G. Peterson,
and R. G. Wetzel. 2003. DOC derived from elevated CO2-altered leaf
litter: Impacts on stream periphyton growth and community structure.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings, North American Benthological Society,
Athens, Georgia, May, 2003.
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2003. Photolytic alteration
of dissolved organic matter leached from wetland plants. Abstracts,
Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana,
June 2003.
- Wetzel, R. G. and N. C. Tuchman. 2004. Interactions of
atmospheric CO2 enrichment and light on chemical composition of wetland
plants and their decomposition. Abstracts, International Wetlands
Conference, International Association of Ecology, Utrecht, Netherlands,
July 2004.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Interactions of atmospheric CO2
enrichment and light on the chemical composition of plant organic
matter and decomposition of humic leachates. Abstracts, Humic
Substances Seminar VII, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts,
March 2004.
- Leech, D. M. and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Indirect effects of
elevated CO2 and UV on energy transfer within the microbial loop.
Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia, June 2004.
- Tuchman, N. C., S. T. Rier, and R. G. Wetzel. 2004. Elevated
atmospheric CO2 alters leaf litter nutritional quality: Effects on
three trophic levels in streams. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, North
American Benthological Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 2004.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Organic phosphorus compounds: Modulators
of phosphorus cycling and fluxes to and in aquatic ecosystems. Invited
Plenary Lecture. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia, June 2004.
- Wetzel, R. G. 2004. Transudation of elevated atmospheric CO2
and natural UV light through altered carbon fluxes and higher trophic
level production in aquatic ecosystems. Abstracts, 29th Congress,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Lahti,
Finland, August 2004.
Dissertations Under the Direction of Robert G. Wetzel
- Allen, H. L. 1967. Chemo-organotrophic
utilization of dissolved organic compounds by planktic algae and
bacteria in a pond. [M.Sc. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Allen, H. L. 1969. Primary productivity, chemo-organotrophy,
and nutritional interactions of epiphytic algae and bacteria on
macrophytes in the littoral of a lake. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan
State University]
- Rich, P. H. 1970. Utilization of benthic detritus in a marl lake. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Manny, B. A. 1971. Interactions of dissolved and particulate
nitrogen in lake metabolism. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Miller, M. C. 1972. The carbon cycle in the epilimnion of two Michigan lakes. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Hough, R. A. 1973. Photorespiration and release of organic
carbon in submersed aquatic vascular plants. [Ph.D. Dissertation,
Michigan State University]
- Ward, A. K. 1974. Sodium: A factor in growth of blue-green algae. [M.Sc. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- White, W. S. 1974. Role of calcium carbonate precipitation in lake metabolism. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]

- McKinley,
K. R. 1975. Investigations on the role of dissolved organic matter in
determining ecosystem structure and function: The plankton and
photoheterotrophy. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Cunningham, H. W. 1977. Adenosine triphosphate concentration
in relation to microbial biomass in aquatic systems. [M.Sc.
Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Godshalk, G. L. 1977. Decomposition of aquatic plants in lakes. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Ward, A. K. 1978. Interactions of carbon and nitrogen
metabolism with changing light intensity in natural populations and
cultures of planktonic blue-green algae. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan
State University]
- Weaver, C. I. 1979. Occurrence of carbonic anhydrase in
aquatic macrophytes and internal lacunal CO2 concentrations. [M.Sc.
Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Francko, D. A. 1980. An investigation on the occurrence and
significance of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate in phytoplankton
and natural aquatic communities. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Grace, J. B. 1980. Phenotypic and genotypic components of
growth and reproduction in Typha latifolia: Experimental studies in
three contrasting marshes. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Crumpton, W. G. 1980. Differential effects of growth and loss
processes in controlling natural phytoplankton populations. [Ph.D.
Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Stewart, A. J. 1980. Littoral-pelagial interactions: The role
of dissolved humic materials. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Dickerman, J. A. 1982. The pattern and process of clonal
growth in a common cattail (Typha latifolia L.) population. [Ph.D.
Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Losee, R. L. 1983. Characterization of selective light
attenuation by periphyton. [M.Sc. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Burkholder, J. M. 1986. Seasonal dynamics, alkaline
phosphatase activity and phosphate uptake of adnate and loosely
attached epiphytes in an oligotrophic lake. [Ph.D. dissertation,
Michigan State University]
- Carlton, R. G. 1986. Oxygen dynamics in periphyton
communities and associated effects on phosphorus release from lake
sediments. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University]
- Taylor, W. D. 1988. Ecology of the Cryptophyceae in a north
temperate hardwater lake. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Cotner, J. B., Jr. 1990. Utilization of dissolved phosphorus
compounds by bacteria and algae in lakes. [Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Michigan]
- Carrick, H. J., Jr. 1990. Planktonic protozoa in Lake
Michigan: Distribution, production, and fate. [Ph.D., Dissertation,
University of Michigan]
- Losee, R. F. 1991. Water movements within and around
submersed aquatic macrophytes. [Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State
- Hendricks, S. 1992. Longitudinal physicochemical and
biological patterns near the groundwater-surface water interface
(hyporheic zone) within a sandy-bed, third-order stream. [Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Michigan]
- Spencer, W. E. 1992. Ecological significance of C4-like
photosynthesis in a non-C4 submersed aquatic angiosperm. [Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Michigan]
- Mann, C. J. 1995. Dissolved organic matter: Plant leachates,
surface and groundwater inputs to a wetland. [M.Sc. Dissertation,
University of Alabama].
- Kahn, W. 1997. Effects of ultraviolet radiation and
microscale water level fluctuations on periphytic microbiota. [M.Sc.
Dissertation, University of Alabama].
- Mann, C. J. 1998. Transport and utilization of dissolved
organic matter in a lotic wetland ecosystem. [Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Alabama].
- Ervin, G. 2000. Competition ecology of the dominant wetland
macrophyte, Juncus effusus. [Ph.D. Dissertation, University of
- Espeland, E. M. 2001. Bacterial production and enzyme
activity within attached microbial communities. [Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Alabama].
- Francoeur, S. N. 2001. Protease activity in periphyton.
[Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama]. Gogolin, K. 2002. Effects
of salinity gradients on development and growth of Phragmites australis
[M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alabama].
- Tietjen, T. E. 2002. Interactions of dissolved organic matter
and clay in reservoirs. [Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama].
- Patrick, A. 2003. Photolytic degradation of dissolved organic
matter released from decaying aquatic macorphytes. [M.Sc. Thesis,
University of North Carolina]
- Kwak, M.-K. 2004. Photolytic degradation of dissolved organic
phosphorus compounds in aquatic ecosystems. [M.Sc. Thesis, University
of North Carolina]
- Riggsbee, A. 2004. Dam removal and river restoration. [Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina]
- McMillan, S. 2004. Nitrogen loading variability with land use. [Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina]
- Waters, M. N. 2005. Transformations of dissolved humic
substances by light in aquatic ecosystems. [Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of North Carolina]
Post-doctoral Tenures in Association with Research Programs of Robert G. Wetzel
- Dr. B. A. Manny (1971-1973). Currently
Nearshore Leader, Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, U.S. Department of
Interior, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Dr. A. Otsuki (1971-1973). Currently Chief,
Environmental Control Division, National Institute for Environment, Yatabe, Japan.
- Dr. R. A. Hough (1973-1975). Currently Professor, Department of Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
- Dr. K. R. McKinley (1975-1976). Professor, Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Deceased 1995)
- Dr. A. M. Mickle (1977-1978; 1981; 1984). Currently Professor,
Department of Biology, LaSalle College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Dr. S. F. Mitchell (1979). Currently Professor, Department of
Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Deceased 2001)
- Dr. J. B. Grace (1981). Currently, Senior Research Scientist,
National Wetlands Center, U. S. Geological Survey, Layafatte,
- Dr. D. A. Francko (1980-1981). Currently Professor, Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
- Dr. M. Søndergaard (1980). Currently Professor, University of Copenhagen, Hillerød, Denmark.

- Dr. P. A. Penhale (1979-1980). Currently Director, Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
- Dr. G. L. Godshalk (1982; 1983). Currently Professor, Department of Biology, Alfred University, Alfred, New York.
- Dr. J. B. Glime (1982). Currently Professor, Department of
Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton,
- Dr. P. J. M. Sale (1981). Currently Director, Aquatic Plant Management Division, CISRO, Griffith, Australia.
- Dr. S. Beer (1978; 1982). Currently Professor, Department of Botany, University of Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Dr. J. Boon (1980; 1982). Currently Research Associate,
FOM Institute of Physics and Molecular Biology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Dr. E. S. Brammer (1983). Currently Research Scientist, Institute of Limnology, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Dr. R. E. Moeller (1980-1984). Currently Research Associate,
Department of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem,
- Dr. H. H. Riber (1984). Currently Research Scientist, Department of Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
- Dr. M. F. Coveney (1982-1988). Currently Research Scientist, State of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
- Dr. K. L. Kirk (1988-1989). Currently Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Northern New Mexico, New Mexico.
- Dr. B. Kim (1991-1992). Currently Professor, Department of
Environmental Science, Kangweon National University, Chunchon, Korea.
- Dr. M. Lemke (1992 - 1995). Currently Associate Professor,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern Missouri,
- Dr. R. Neely (1993). Currently Professor, Department of Biology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
- Dr. M. Stock (1993 - 1994). Research Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- Dra. D. Bicudo (1994). Currently Associate Professor of Botany, Instituto de Botanica, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Dr. C. Bicudo (1994). Currently Professor and Director, Instituto de Botanica, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Dr. M. J. Boavida (1997). Currently Professor, Departamento de
Zoologia e Antropologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Dr. R. Stross (1997). Currently Emeritus Associate Professor,
Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York,
Albany, New York.
- Dr. H. Pizarro (2000). Currently Assistant Professor,
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Dr. A. Vähätalo (2000-2002). Currently Research Associate,
Photochemical Laboratories, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Athens, Georgia.
- Dr. D. Leech (2003-2005) Department of Environmental Sciences
and Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North

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