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Our sampling protocols, in brief
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
June 18, 2015 
Basic Stage-I protocol:
Although our founding partner, Dr. John K. Underwood
of the Nova Scotia Dept. of the Environment (NSEL), had issued us the
following basic sampling procedures in 1990, it was actually developed
for us by one of our founding members, the Prof. Dr. Gordon Ogden III of Dalhousie University, and formerly of the leading Yale University at Connecticut.
Even back in 1990, we revised the Fall sampling to coincide with total Fall overturn in stratified lakes!
Stage-II and Stage-IIA protocols:
These protocols basically involve greater
frequency in sampling as well as discrete depth sampling for various
parameters inclusive of Temp/DO profiles.
Many times, under ice winter sampling is also included.
Stage-III protocols: Phycology:
This essentially involves studies of
phytoplankton succession and development of various internationally
peer reviewed indices. In addition, live diatom studies have been
included as opportunity presents itself!
Work is ongoing and essentially involves sublittoral lake sampling
at five (5) representative stations out of an initial survey of the
bottom substrates of fifty (50) to sixty (60) stations per lake!
These have mostly involved RBP II (Rapid Bioassessment Protocol II), and if and when deemed necessary, the RBP III (Rapid Bioassessment Protocol III) protocols.
As opportunity presents itself, we are embarking in the specialized discipline of chironomid mentum deformity studies (photo courtesy of Elske, 2004)!
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