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Select Compliments and Requests received
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
Updated: September 19, 2017
- Compliments from the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
- Resolutions in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly and salutations to all MLA's:
- A Foreword written by a leading expert, Robert Bode, senior scientist with the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, in a 2002 handbook authored by Shalom Mandaville
- Compliments from the (OME)- Ontario Ministry of the Environment
- The Preface
that Prof. Dr. Gerrie Mackie of the University of Guelph, Ontario
included re the input provided by Shalom Mandaville on Prof. Mackie's
state-of-the-art textbook in Aquatic Sciences, Second Edition (2004), published by Kendall/Hunt
- Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)'s select acknowledgements
- A gracious letter from the Hon. Kerry Morash, Minister of Nova Scotia Environment (NSE); February 23, 2004
- Other select miscellaneous compliments received
- Examples of yearly requests received
Compliments from the USEPA: [ I ], and [ II ] ........ with our humble salutations to the USEPA- United States Environmental Protection Agency
... a scanned section of their related web page:
Select acknowledgements from the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)
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