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Settle Lake, Dartmouth
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
Updated: August 08, 2018 
Caution: Since Settle is a shallow lake, the standard limnetic (i.e., open-water) trophic parameters may not represent the true trophic status of the lake
Chemical vs Biological monitoring
Select scientific modelling and chemical/biological limnology are part of our miscellaneous archives
The bathymetric map; the morphological data; the location map; the Cow Bay River watershed flow chart; peruse our predictive modelling, and view a relevant model; the Nova Scotia lake hypolimnion project; the paleolimnology of lakes in the HRM
- SETTLE LAKE, Dartmouth:- Eutrophic, comparison with HRM's data of 2006-2011, and suggested restoration parameters; October 30, 2013
- Deep station total phosphorus (TP)- comparison with our hindcast models; October 18, 2013
- Phosphorus:- Details on LCC (Lake Carrying Capacity)/Threshold
values of lakes, and comparison with artificially high values chosen by
the HRM; March 14, 2014
Concerns of stakeholders and Government agencies
- Email from Renee Roberge PEng, Environmental Management Services (EMS), HRM asking for our advice; October 02, 1998
- Complaints by area residents: an article in the Halifax Daily News, August 07, 1999 on Cranberry and Settle Lakes
- A quasi-scientific public presentation made us on October 12, 1994; The New Dartmouth News
- Settle lake among the worst; The New Dartmouth News, September, 15, 1994
- Warnings by DFO biologist, Paul Mandell: The Patriot, June 17-23, 1993
- An aerial photograph of Settle Lake taken sometime during upstream construction
Google Earth for the maps!