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Paleolimnology of lakes within the Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada

Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
August 05, 2017
Salutations to the T.E.A.M.
........ a 5-year (Nov. 2002-Nov. 2007), $600,000 NSERC Strategic Grant to researchers at Queen's and Trent Universities
to study the development and application of water-quality assessment
tools in Nova Scotia and Southern New Brunswick using paleoecological
and modeling techniques; other in-kind contributions from a host of entities involved!
<--Click the icon for a PowerPoint presentation
by the PEARL, Queen's University researchers on "Assessment of water
quality using paleoecological indicators" (download the free PowerPoint Viewer 2003 from Microsoft if needed); or the PDF version
Lakes within HRM in the T.E.A.M project
Halifax Eutrophication Lakes (6 lakes):
- Governor Lake
- Kearney Lake
- Morris Lake
- Papermill Lake
- Pockwock Lake
- Tracking environmental changes using diatoms as paleoecological indicators, April 2005
- Russell Lake
- Tracking environmental changes using diatoms as paleoecological indicators, April 2005
- Subfossil Chironomidae (Diptera) as Indicators of Water Quality Changes, April 2005
Brook Trout Lakes (12 lakes):
5 Bridges Lake, Bare Rock Lake, Bear Lake, Dollar Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Hubley Big Lake, Moores Lake, Philip Lake, Scraggy Lake, Shaw Big Lake, Shubenacadie Grand Lake, Southwest Lake
Water Quality Project (49 lakes):
Albro, Little Albro, Anderson, Banook, Bayers, Bell, Bissett, First Chain, Second Chain, Charles, Chocolate, Colbart, Cranberry, First, Fletcher, Fraser, Frenchman, Frog Pond, Grand, Kinsac, Lamont, Long, Loon, Major, Maynard, McCabe, Micmac, Miller, Oathill, Parr, Penhorn, Powder Mill, Powers Pond, Rocky, Sandy (Bedford), Second, Settle, Sheldrake, Soldier, Spider, Spruce Hill, Susie, Third, Thomas, Topsail, Webber, Whimsical, William (Waverley), and Williams (Jollymore)

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