& Copyright
Notices; Optimized for the MS Edge
on Water Quality
Soil & Water Conservation Society of
Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
Modified: July 27,
Our narrative on
limnological science may
not bear direct relationship to recreational human uses of lakes such
as swimming, boating, snorkeling except perhaps in the extreme cases.
It is mostly about cultural eutrophication (i.e., nutrient enrichment), and
biodiversity as well as cumulative impacts of post-development stressors on
freshwater biota (e.g., on key biological indicators, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, chironomid mentum deformities)
Management Challenges based on paleoecological analyses
salutations to Prof.
Dr. John Smol FRCS, a recipient of several national/international
awards among which is the NSERC's Gerhard
Herzberg Gold Medal in 2004. It is Canada's top scientist or
engineer medal)
We salute the Chebucto
Community Net (CCN) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for
hosting our web site, and we applaud its volunteers for their devotion
in making `CCN' the best community net in the world