The Clan Henderson Society of Canada
an canach, cotton grass,
the plant badge for Clan Henderson
Purpose: The Clan Henderson Soeciety of Canada;
* Aims to encourage and to promote Scottish culture and heritage.
* Welcomes into the clan everyone with a "Henry's son" surname and attempts to tell them about their unique history in Scotland and in Canada.
* Gathers, records and maintains a data base of the Henderson genealogies of the members. This huge undertaking is expertly provided the Clan Henderson genealogist who, along with her US counterpart, have a combined file of several thousands of persons.
We welcome and encourage everyone with a "Henry's son" surname to join with us. All of our operating expenses and charitable donations come from the members dues.
To join, complete the membership application and forward it with the dues to the Clan Henderson Secretary. The membership fee is only $15.00 per family per year.
The Clan Henderson Society also welcomes memberships from non Hendersons. Known as "Henderson by affection", these are members who do not have their own clan society but wish to become involved in the promotion of Scottish culture and heritage.
Any member who so wishes, is encouraged to become actively involved in the Society, either by holding an office, convening an event or by contributing to our Newsletter.