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Hendersons in Military WWI - 891 of them!

  • Hendersons who served in WWI
  • MacKendricks and other Henderson surnames who served in WWI
  • “The spreadsheet contains the soldier’ regimental number.. home on enlistment and birthplace.

    There are a few with no information as there were no Attestation Papers available.

    Having gone through all 891 sets of AP’s some interesting highlights stand out. There were two medical doctors – one from Jamaica, one Veterinarian, one man born in Henderson Vale, another in Henderson Corners, three were born in Lucknow ON... these would all be ancestors of Paul Henderson who scored the famous goal in 1972... one man came from Valpariso Chile to enlist, there’s another from Melbourne, Australia and a surprising number of Americans.

    Hope you can make use of the list on your military page. I had an enjoyable time putting it together.”

    Paul Henderson

    Sarnia, ON


    Do you know who your grandparents are? Have you passed on to your children or younger sybllings, their history?

    This is the basis of know who you are and where you come from. It is an ongoing process.

    The Clan HENDERSON Society of Canada has appointed me Clan Genealogist. It is my task to gather unto one place as many HENDERSON Kith and Kin as I can and preserve that information for posterity. To date I have gathered some 12000 people, dead and alive, into my database. I have shared this information with our American Cousin, The Clan HENDERSON Society of USA Genealogist. Together we are trying to gather all known HENDERSON lines into one database in Georgia. At this point in time this information is not accessible to the public.

    I call the information I gather a ‘statistical genealogy’ because it is the bare bones of your life and that of the other members of your family.

    I request from each new member as much of their family tree as they may have knowledge of. Many of you have sent me your family trees back to the first ancestors in this country. Others have sent me just their immediate family. Thank you. Still others have never acknowledged the request for information.

    It is to these people that I speak now. Your family line is important to us. It may help me join lost cousins or round out a line someone else has sent in the hopes I can find out “where did my grandfather’s brother and sister go to”.

    As part of my program, I will endeavor to find possible HENDERSON and Kin connections for anyone who contacts me, whether they are Society members or not. If you have a ‘son of Henry’ in your past or present, please contact me. All I ask in return is that you allow me to add your line to my files and that you consider joining our Clan HENDERSON Society and adding your number to our voice.

    Yours in the Clan

    Mrs.Donna Lee BUTLER



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