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RB: Richard Bonner

Richard is a Canadian stage lighting
designer and director with a lengthy,
diverse, and notable Lighting Career.

He has worked with local, national, and
international acts and artists, as well as
major theatrical and other stage productions.

In addition, Richard is Company Director of
Atlantic Illumination
Entertainment Lighting
an Atlantic Canadian stage lighting business.



Artists & Shows
Hobbies & Interests
Canadian Music
Canadian Theatre
Interesting Links
Website Updates
Current as of
2024, July 18th

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`C' or other designated key
in capable browsers will
directly access the mail link
from anywhere at this website.

Search Services
Search Methods
and Layout Maps

*F* Richard on Facebook
 * (Not Currently Maintained)


Hobbies and Interests

These encompass Amusement Parks and Rides,
Astronomy, Aviation, Coin-Operated Devices,
Computers, Electronics, Magic, Photography,
Stage Lighting, and World's Fairs.


Although the CEC has disbanded, its website remains accessible
to the public. There is information on Canadian Amusement Parks
and Rides. It contains over 1000(!) Books and Videos listings
regarding Parks, Rides, Carnivals, Circuses, Exhibitions and
World's Fairs, plus Trade Magazines and Enthusiast Publications.

Closed Canadian Parks has articles and photographs on
over 100 amusement parks no longer existing in Canada.
Rides and attractions lists are included for most.



*     Canadian Music
and Related Businesses:


*     Canadian Theatre
and Related Sites:


Some Interesting Links

Canadian Websites
Other Websites


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