& Copyright Notices; Optimized for the MS Edge
Public Art in Nova Scotia
Modified: December 20, 2020
Notes: The videos are select examples of
over 330, mostly half-hour, educational
television shows that we had produced, though some were of
subsequent research
They are kindly hosted on the YouTube. The `knowledge' in most of these
videos is as current today as it was when they were produced. Click on
the web links which are a subtle change in colour; In most cases, the
photos/icons can be clicked upon as well in order to launch the videos.
(.............. in
memory of our dearly departed associate, Peter Shacklock, a research
biologist. Peter, using his own electronic equipment, had
digitized select videos from our 3rd and 4th generation SVHS television
Primary Contents:
John Vallentyne PhD a.k.a. `Johnny Biosphere', Co-Chairman, Science
Advisory Panel, Canada U.S. Joint Commission on Great Lakes Water
Quality. (28:30 minute video); Host-Applied Limnologist, Shalom
[Return to Primary Contents]
Secondary Contents:-
Typical pollutants
in stormwater runoff- mostly nonpoint sources (NPS):-
A half-hour video titled, "Environmental Impact
on Water Courses" featuring John Sheppard PEng, Halifax County
Engineer; Host-Capt. Mike Shacklock
...... though we prefer that proponents
carry out end-of-the-pipe total stormwater
treatment as far as possible, but John's promotion of community
stewardship empowers the individual. A combination of the two would
be the most desirable.
A 29:14 minute video, "Fisheries Habitat
and Life cycle", Federal DFO.
A half-hour video on the "Direct and indirect deleterious effects of siltation
on the fishery potential of rivers" featuring DFO's Habitat
Biologist, Dave Morantz MSc; Host-Applied limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
Half-hour video on "Trout, Salmon, and
Silt" featuring DFO's habitat biologist, Dave Morantz MSc; Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
A half-hour video on Erosion and Sediment
featuring senior environmental engineer, John Theakston MEng PEng of
the NS Dept. of the Environment- includes case histories of successes
and failures; Host- Applied limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
What is Soil Erosion? Watch a 9:35
minute video produced by the world renown U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A half-hour video titled, "Acidity of Metro
Lakes and Wetland protection"
featuring Prof. Evil Gorham PhD (`Grandfather of Acid Rain');
Hosts-Biologist, Peter Shacklock, and Applied Limnologist, Shalom
Half-hour video titled, "Acid Rain and impact
on Atlantic Salmon" featuring Dr. Walton Watt PhD of DFO; Host-
Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
A half-hour video titled, "Liming of acidic
streams and lakes" featuring Dr. Walton Watt PhD of DFO; Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
[Return to Select stressors/pollutants]
[Return to Primary
Benthic Ecology
"Biomonitoring is the systematic
use of living organisms or their responses to determine the quality of
the environment. Water pollution is essentially a biological problem.
Chemical measurements are like taking snapshots of the ecosystem,
whereas biological measurements are like making a videotape. The
ultimate purpose of environmental assessment and regulation is the
maintenance of biological integrity, ..................." -- Prof.
David M. Rosenberg PhD, Univ. of Manitoba and the Freshwater
Institute, DFO, Winnipeg. (cf. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Can.
1998. 30(4):144-152.)
Secondary Contents:-
- Freshwater Benthic Ecology and Aquatic Entomology Homepage:
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates, a video filmed at Russell Lake
- The aforesaid is an introductory video for public use
only. Our
subsequent research is more advanced and analyzes species to finer
levels (i.e., more specialized than family levels) as necessary!
- CCME: Developing Biocriteria As A Water Quality Assessment
Tool In Canada
Watch a half-hour 1999 video titled, "Benthic
Macroinvertebrates" filmed at Russell Lake, Dartmouth, as well as
at the laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC),
[Return to Primary Contents]
by Prof. John P. Smol FRSC and his team at the Society of Canadian
Limnologists (SCL) meeting in January, 2004 on the 5‑year (Nov.
2002-2007) NSERC Strategic Grant to researchers at Queen's and Trent
Universities to study the development and application of paleo tools in
Nova Scotia and Southern New Brunswick including select lakes within HRM.
An update powerpoint presentation by Prof. Dr. Pete
Dillon FRSC at the Nova Scotia Dept. of Environment & Labour on
August 17, 2006.
Instructions on viewing
powerpoint slides with the Internet Explorer: Click on the powerpoint
with your mouse or press the Page Down button on your keyboard to
advance through the slides
[Return to Primary Contents]
A 54:47
minute video of the presentation on First Lake Watershed Management
by the Halifax County Municipality and video production by our team
of urban/suburban stormwater over natural woodland soils is preferable
over the routine practice of channelization: watch Prof. Dr. Pete Ogden
III Jr. of Dalhousie University, Halifax in a 2:18
minute video
[Return to Primary Contents]
Secondary Contents:-
trout: a half-hour video titled, "Biology and habitat
of Brook trout" featuring biologist, Andrew Hebda; Host- Biologist,
Peter Shacklock
bass: a half-hour video titled, "Biology and habitat
of Smallmouth bass" featuring biologist, Andrew Hebda; Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
Yellow perch: a half-hour video titled, "Biology and habitat
of Yellow perch" featuring biologist, Andrew Hebda; Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
View a musical video of the "Stonemason's Song"
followed by the "Land of the Silver Birch" produced as part of our educational
series; History of the Shubenacadie
Fish species of the Shubenacadie Grand Lake system: A half-hour video
titled, "Fish species of the
Grand Lake system" featuring biologist and underwater videographer,
Lawrence Taylor MSc; Host– Biologist, Andrew Hebda MSc
Smallmouth bass of Shubenacadie Grand Lake: A half-hour video titled, "Smallmouth
bass of Grand Lake" featuring biologist and underwater
videographer, Lawrence Taylor MSc; Host- Biologist, Andrew Hebda MSc
van Ryckevorsel, Aquamarine Photography. "Underwater video of
Shubenacadie Lake and Shubenacadie River"; Host- Applied Limnologist,
Shalom Mandaville (28:36 video)
Rainwater as an alternative source in
Nova Scotia:-
Half-hour video titled, "Rainwater collection
in Nova Scotia and the West Indies" with Rick Scott MASc, CWRS,
TUNS; Host- Biologist, Peter Shacklock
[Return to Biology and habitat]
[Return to Primary
Secondary Contents:
International Law of the Sea:-
Mann Borgese, Professor, Political Science, and International Oceans
Institute, Dalhousie Univ. "International Law of the Sea" (28:37
minute video); Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
Halifax Harbour:-
A half-hour video titled, "Sediments of Halifax
Harbour" featuring Dr. Dale Buckely PhD of the Atlantic Geoscience
Centre, BIO; Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
A half-hour video titled, "Sidescan sonar
photography of Halifax Harbour" featuring Gordon Fader of the
Atlantic Geoscience Centre, BIO; Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom
Half-hour video titled, "Geological and
Geochemical studies of Halifax Harbour" featuring Dr. Dale Buckely
PhD of the Atlantic Geoscience Centre, BIO; Host- Applied Limnologist,
Shalom Mandaville
[Return to Marine Ecosystems]
Marine underwater videos:-
Lawrence Taylor MSc, Biologist & Underwater Photographer. "A YEAR
IN REVIEW" (28:56 minute underwater video); Host- Joanne Taylor
Cove, St. Mgts' Bay"
(29:36 minute underwater video) featuring biologist and underwater
photographer, Bob Semple MSc; Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom
(28:59 minute underwater video), off Cape Breton featuring underwater
photographer, Gilbert van Ryckevorsel (28:59 minute video); Host-
Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
wrecks and rescue with biologist and underwater photographer, Bob
Semple MSc (29:12 minutes); Host- Capt. Mike Shacklock
A humorous underwater video of gigantic lobsters
interspersed with animation and scary music with biologist and
underwater photographer, Bob Semple MSc (29:20 minutes); Host- Capt.
Mike Shacklock
fish- Visitors of the Gulf Stream
to Paddy's Head, St. Mgts' Bay featuring Gilbert van Ryckevorsel,
Aquamarine Photography (29:28 minutes); Host- Biologist, Andrew Hebda
Lawrence Taylor MSc, Consulting biologist. Bottom culture of
scallops (29:06 minutes); Host- Biologist, Andrew Hebda MSc
Gilbert van Ryckevorsel, Aquamarine Photography- "Bluefin Tuna"
(29:08 minutes); Host- Biologist, Andrew Hebda MSc
[Return to Marine Ecosystems]
[Return to Primary
Secondary Contents:
Half-hour video titled, "Treatment Plant
Theory" featuring Prof. Dr. Dan Thirumurthi PhD PEng (TUNS); Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
A half-hour video titled, "Sewage Treatment
Plants" featuring Prof. Dr. Dan Thirumurthi PhD PEng (TUNS); Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
[Return to Primary Contents]
Secondary Contents:
minute video)
Dr. Allyn Clarke PhD, Head, Ocean Circulation, BIO. "The 1995
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment"-(what the
IPCC is and how it tries to reach a scientific consensus on what sort
of climate change we might expect over the next 50-200 years, how we
might reduce our risks that such scenarios might come to pass, and what
those present predictions are); Host- Dr. Patrick Ryall PhD, Chairman,
Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University
Wetlands worldwide and effects of
greenhouse gases:-
Half-hour video titled, "Wetlands worldwide
and effects of greenhouse gases" featuring Prof. Evil Gorham PhD
(`Grandfather of Acid Rain'); Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom
[Return to Primary Contents]
science topics
Secondary Contents:
Accidental Discoveries in Science:-
Dr. Mary Ann White PhD, Professor, Chemistry, Dalhousie Univ. "ACCIDENTAL
DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE" (28:44 minute video); Host- Biologist,
Andrew Hebda MSc
Community-based ATES (Aquifer Thermal
Energy Storage):-
Frank Cruikshank, C&E, Environment Canada. "Community-based ATES
(Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage)", a 28:39 minute video; Host-
Biologist, Peter Shacklock
Rare plants of Nova Scotia:-
Alex Wilson MSc, Botanist, N.S. Museum. "Rare plants of Nova
Scotia" (30:08 minute video); Host- Capt. Mike Shacklock
[Return to Other science topics]
[Return to Primary
Geology of Nova Scotia:-
Dr. Howard Donohoe PhD, N.S. Dept. of Mines & Energy. "Fossils:
Life through time, Part–1 of 2" (28:30 minute video);
Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
Dr. Howard Donohoe PhD, N.S. Dept. of Mines & Energy. "Fossils:
Life through time, Part-2 of 2" (28:24 minute video); Host- Applied
Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
Dr. Howard Donohoe PhD, N.S. Dept. of Mines & Energy. "Gold,
Africa, and Taylor Head" (28:48 minute video); Host- Capt. Mike
Shacklock of HRM
Dr. Howard Donohoe PhD, N.S. Dept. of Mines & Energy. "Dinosaurs,
Amethyst, and Ice- Five Islands Park" Fossils (28:11 minute video);
Host- Capt. Mike Shacklock
Dr. Howard Donohoe PhD, N.S. Dept. of Mines & Energy. "Producing
our mineral wealth" (27:46 minute video); Host- Capt. Mike Shacklock
Cove Landforms (outdoors filming); Narrator- Dr. Howard Donohoe
PhD, Nova Scotia Dept. of Natural Resources Fossils (25:04 minute video)
[Return to Other science topics]
[Return to Primary
activities, in a nutshell
Secondary Contents:
- Snapshot summary of our
accomplishments; select Compliments
and Requests
received; selections from our photo gallery
of volunteer lake stakeholders, leading associate and other research
partners, and contractual biology participants
- Formal inaugural invitation, d/December
20, 1989, with the strong partnership of Dr. John Underwood PhD of the Nova Scotia Dept.
of the Environment (NSEL). Also present
at the meeting was Ms. Dianne Coish representing the Minister, the Hon.
John Leefe.
Our lake underwater and littoral
cleanups (select examples only):-
Watch a ten-minute video of our "cleanup of Kearney
Lake", Halifax
Watch a twenty four-minute video of our "cleanup of Settle
Lake", Dartmouth
[Return to Primary Contents]
Developed by Shalom
M. Mandaville Professional Lake Manage. (lakescience
Extensive video digitization by biologist and Associate Producer, Peter Shacklock
to our founding partner at NSE during 1989-90, limnologist, John
Underwood PhD; click his mini photograph to view a 1.4-minute excerpt
from a video on lakes; Host- Applied Limnologist, Shalom Mandaville
[Return to Primary

Nature sounds,
songs, and video