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Taxa Tolerance Values
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH; limnes
Updated: June 18, 2015
Chemical vs Biological monitoring
Notes: The tolerance values have mostly been
adopted from other extensively published research which have proven to
be of pragmatic value. We have also been testing those in lakes (and
some streams) in Nova Scotia
and are finding they are applicable in most instances with some
exceptions; even in the latter case, the values did not differ by more
than 1-2 points. As we collect more data over the next decade or
longer, we will develop revised values, if necessary! At present, a
significant number of our data are in field books and lab notes.
- Introduction
- RBP II: Tolerances based mostly on family levels (Table-1)
- Table-2: Modified Family Biotic Index (FBI)
- RBP III: Tolerances based on species/generic levels ........... is a more rigorous bioassessment technique!
- Table-3: Modified Biotic Index (BI)
- The Federal DFO/Environment Canada's EMAN protocols for measuring biodiversity --- the preferred sampling methodologies
- References
- Our related finalised reports (several others are in various stages of formulation)
(Bode et al., 1996; Plafkin et al., 1989; Mackie, 2000)
Tolerance is a listing of
tolerance values for each taxon used in the calculation of numerous
well tested indices foremost among which are the Hilsenhoff
species-level Biotic Index and the Family Biotic Index. Tolerance
values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to
10 for organisms very tolerant of organic wastes. Most of these values
were taken from Hilsenhoff (1987) but were modified using latter data from Bode et al (1996 and 2002).
For species not inluded in Hilsenhoff’s listing, such as oligochaeta,
values were assigned based on water quality data from the Stream
Biomonitoring Unit surveys of New York and from other literature
references. Values taken from survey data were assigned by taking the
mean of the tolerance values of other species in the sample.
The Hilsenhoff tolerance values were derived from more than 53 Wisconsin streams.
RBP II: Tolerance values (mostly family levels)
Note: While the taxa reported in Table-1
below had been identified in northeastern North America, nevertheless,
all of them may not be present in every micro ecosystem! We have been
testing the applicability of the scores in the natural lakes within the
Halifax Regional Municipality
(HRM), and we are finding a surprising confirmation although most of
these scores were derived from streams from elsewhere. In rare cases of
nonconfirmation and if confirmed by latter studies, we will be
modifying same; to date the scores did not deviate by more than one
point over a score of ten!
Table-1: Tolerance Values for macroinvertebrates for application in the Modified Family Biotic Index and other metrics (Barbour et al., 1999; Bode et al., 1996, 2002; Hauer & Lamberti, 1996; Hilsenhoff, 1988; Plafkin et al., 1989)--- some common names have been included for informational purposes
Feeding Habit lists the primary feeding habit for each family (an
approximation from the component species), using the following
c-f: collector-filterer
c-g: collector-gatherer
prd: predator
scr: scraper
shr: shredder
par: parasite
omn: omnivore
pir: piercer
Taxon | Feeding Habit | Tolerance |
Superphylum Arthropoda, Phylum Entoma |
Subphylum Uniramia |
Class Collembola (springtails) |
Isotomurus sp. | c-g | 5 |
Order Ephemeroptera (mayflies) |
Ameletidae | c-g | 0 |
Baetidae | c-g/scr | 5 |
Baetiscidae | c-g | 4 |
Caenidae | c-g | 6 |
Ephemerellidae | c-g/scr | 1 |
Ephemeridae | c-g | 3 |
Heptageniidae | scr | 3 |
Isonychiidae | c-f | 2 |
Leptophlebiidae | c-g | 3 |
Leptohyphidae | c-g | 4 |
Metretopodidae | | 2 |
Oligoneuriidae | | 2 |
Polymitarcyidae | c-g | 2 |
Potomanthidae | c-g | 4 |
Siphlonuridae | c-g | 4 |
Tricorythidae | | 4 |
Order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) |
Aeshnidae | prd | 3 |
Calopterygidae | prd | 6 |
Coenagrionidae | prd | 8 |
Cordulegastridae | prd | 3 |
Corduliidae | prd | 2 |
Gomphidae | prd | 3 |
Lestidae | prd | 6 |
Libellulidae | prd | 2 |
Macromiidae | prd | 2 |
Order Plecoptera (stoneflies) |
Capniidae | shr | 2 |
Chloroperlidae | prd/c-g | 0 |
Leuctridae | shr | 0 |
Nemouridae | shr | 2 |
Peltoperlidae | shr | 0 |
Perlidae | prd | 2 |
Perlodidae | prd | 2 |
Pteronarcyidae | shr | 0 |
Taeniopterygidae | shr | 2 |
Order Hemiptera (water or true bugs) |
Corixidae (water boatmen?) | prd | 5 |
Order Trichoptera (caddisflies) |
Apataniidae | scr | 3 |
Brachycentridae | shr/c-f | 1 |
Calamoceratidae | | 3 |
Dipseudopsidae | c-f | 5 |
Glossosomatidae | scr | 1 |
Goeridae | scr | 3 |
Helicopsychidae | scr | 3 |
Hydropsychidae | c-f | 4 |
Hydroptilidae | scr/shr/c-g | 4 |
Lepidostomatidae | shr | 1 |
Leptoceridae | c-g/shr/prd | 4 |
Limnephilidae | shr/scr/c-g | 3 |
Molannidae | scr | 6 |
Odontoceridae | scr | 0 |
Philopotamidae | c-f | 3 |
Phryganeidae | shr/prd | 4 |
Polycentropodidae | c-f/prd | 6 |
Psychomyiidae | c-g/scr | 2 |
Rhyacophilidae | prd | 1 |
Sericostomatidae | | 3 |
Uenoidae | scr | 3 |
Order Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) |
Arctiidae | shr | 5 |
Nepticulidae | shr | 5 |
Pyralidae | shr/scr | 5 |
Order Coleoptera (beetles) |
Curculionidae | shr | 5 |
Dryopidae | scr | 5 |
Dytiscidae | prd | 5 |
Elmidae | scr/c-g | 4 |
Gyrinidae | prd | 4 |
Haliplidae | shr | 5 |
Hydrophilidae | c-g/prd/shr | 5 |
Psephenidae | scr | 4 |
Ptilodactylidae | shr | 3 |
Scirtidae | scr | 5 |
Order Megaloptera (fishflies, dobsonflies, alderflies) |
Corydalidae (fishflies, dobsonflies, hellgrammites) | prd | 4 |
Sialidae (alderflies) | prd | 4 |
Order Neuroptera |
Sisyridae (spongillaflies) |
Climacia sp. | prd | 5 |
Order Diptera (Two-winged or "true flies") |
Anthomyiidae (root maggot flies) | prd | 6 |
Athericidae | prd | 4 |
Blephariceridae (net-winged midges) | scr | 0 |
Ceratopogonidae (biting midges or no-see-ums) | prd | 6 |
Chaoboridae (phantom midges) | prd | 8 |
Family Chironomidae (non-biting or true midges) |
Family Chironomidae, Blood-red (Chironomini) | 8 |
Family Chironomidae, Other (including pink) | 6 |
Subfamily Tanypodinae | prd | 7 |
Subfamily Podonominae | c-g | 1 |
Subfamily Diamesinae | c-g | 2 |
Subfamily Prodiamesinae | c-g | 7 |
Subfamily Orthocladiinae | c-g/shr/prd | 6 |
Subfamily Chironominae | c-g/prd/shr/ c-f/scr | 6 |
Culicidae (mosquitoes) | c-f | 8 |
Dolichopodidae | prd | 4 |
Dixidae (dixid midges) | c-f | 1 |
Dolochopodidae | | 4 |
Empididae (dance flies) | prd | 6 |
Ephydridae (shore flies, brine flies) | shr | 6 |
Muscidae | prd | 6 |
Psychodidae (moth flies) | c-g | 8 |
Ptychopteridae | c-g | 9 |
Scathophagidae (dung flies) | shr | 6 |
Simuliidae (black flies) | c-f | 6 |
Stratiomyidae (soldier flies) | c-g | 7 |
Syrphidae | | 10 |
Tabanidae (horse and deer flies) | c-g/prd | 5 |
Tanyderidae | c-g | 3 |
Tipulidae (crane flies) | c-g/prd/shr | 3 |
Subphylum Chelicerata |
Class Arachnida |
Order Acariformes Arachnoidea (water mites) |
Arrenuridae | prd | 6 |
Lebertiidae | prd | 6 |
Atractideidae | prd | 6 |
Mideopsidae | prd | 6 |
Tyrellidae | prd | 6 |
Limnesidae | prd | 6 |
Limnocharidae | prd | 6 |
Sperchonidae | prd | 6 |
Unionicolidae | prd | 6 |
Class Diplopoda Polydesmida | c-g | 6 |
Subphylum Crustacea |
Order Isopoda (sow bugs) | c-g | 8 |
Anthuridae | c-g | 5 |
Idoteidae | c-g | 5 |
Asellidae | c-g | 8 |
Order Amphipoda (scuds; side swimmers) | c-g | 4-8 |
Crangonyctidae | c-g | 6 |
Gammaridae | c-g | 6 |
Oedicerotidae | c-g | 5 |
Talitridae/Hyalellidae | c-g | 8 |
Order Cumacea | c-g | 5 |
Order Decapoda (shrimps, crabs, etc.) | c-g | 6 |
Order Cladocera (water fleas) Daphnia | c-f c-f | 8 8 |
Subclass Copepoda Cyclopoida | c-f c-f | 8 8 |
Class Ostracoda (seed shrimps) | c-g | 8 |
Phylum Mollusca |
Class Gastropoda (snails and limpets) | scr | 7 |
Basommatophora (pulmonates) Physidae Lymnaeidae Planorbidae Ancylidae | c-g c-g scr scr | 8 6 7 6 |
Mesogastropoda (prosobranches) Viviparidae Pleuroceridae Bithyniidae Hydrobiidae Valvatidae | scr scr scr scr scr | 6 6 8 6 8 |
Class Pelecypoda/Bivalvia (clams and mussels) | c-f | 8 |
Unionida Unionidae (freshwater pearly mussel) | c-f | 6 |
Veneroidea Corbiculidae (Asian clams) Dreisseniidae (zebra and quagga mussels) Sphaeriidae (fingernail or pea clams) Pisidiidae | c-f c-f c-f c-g | 6 8 6 8 |
Phylum Annelida |
Class Oligochaeta (aquatic worms) | | 8 |
Haplotaxida Haplotaxidae | prd | 5 |
Lumbricida | c-g | 6 |
Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae | c-g | 5 |
Tubificida Enchytraeidae Tubificidae Naididae | c-g c-g c-g/prd | 10 9 8 |
Class Hirudinea (leeches and bloodsuckers) |
Bdellidae | | 10 |
Glossiphoniidae Helobdella Other Glossiphoniidae | par/prd prd | 6 8 |
Class Aphanoneura |
Aeolosomatida Aeolosomatidae | c-f | 8 |
Class Branchiobdellida (leech-like ectosymbionts) |
Branchiobdellida Branchiobdellidae | c-g | 6 |
Class Polychaeta (freshwater tube worms) |
Sabellidae | c-g | 6 |
Phylum Platyhelminthes |
Class Turbellaria (planarians/dugesia) | prd | 4 |
Platyhelminthidae | | 4 |
Phylum Coelenterata |
Hydridae |
Hydra sp. | prd | 5 |
Phylum Nemertea (ribbon worms) |
Tetrastemmatidae |
Prostoma graecense | prd | 8 |
Modified Family Biotic Index (FBI)
(Plafkin et al., 1989; Mackie, 2000)
............ suitable as an
initial assessment for detecting sites of intermediate impairment with
relatively little additional time and effort. It can thus be used to
prioritize sites for more intensive evaluation (i.e., RBP III, replicate sampling, ambient toxicity testing, etc.)!
Tolerance values (Table-1) range from 0 to 10 for families and increase as water quality decreases. The index was developed by Hilsenhoff (Hilsenhoff, 1988)
to summarize the various tolerances of the benthic arthropod community
with a single value. The Modified Family Biotic Index (FBI) was
developed to detect organic pollution and is based on the original
species-level index (BI) of Hilsenhoff. Tolerance values for each
family were developed by weighting species according to their relative
abundance in the State of Wisconsin.
In unpolluted streams the FBI
was higher than the BI, suggesting lower water quality, and in polluted
streams it was lower, suggesting higher water quality. These results
occurred because the more intolerant genera and species in each family
predominate in clean streams, whereas the more tolerant genera and
species predominate in polluted streams. Thus the FBI usually indicates
greater pollution of clean streams by overestimating BI values and
usually indicates less pollution in polluted streams by underestimating
BI values. The FBI is intended only for use as a rapid field procedure.
It should not be substituted for the BI; it is less accurate and can
more frequently lead to erroneous conclusions about water quality (Hilsenhoff, 1988).
The family-level index has
been modified for the RBP II to include organisms other than just
arthropods using the genus and species-level biotic index developed by
the State of New York (Bode et al., 1991, 1996).
Although the FBI may be applicable for toxic pollutants, it has only
been evaluated for organic pollutants. The formula for calculating the
Family Biotic Index is:
FBI = Σ(xi*ti)/(n), where
xi = number of individuals within a taxon
ti = tolerance value of a taxon
n = total number of organisms in the sample (100)
Table-2: Evaluation of water quality using the family-level biotic index (Hilsenhoff, 1988)
Family Biotic Index | Water Quality | Degree of Organic Pollution |
0.00-3.75 | Excellent | Organic pollution unlikely |
3.76-4.25 | Very good | Possible slight organic pollution |
4.26-5.00 | Good | Some organic pollution probable |
5.01-5.75 | Fair | Fairly substantial pollution likely |
5.76-6.50 | Fairly poor | Substantial pollution likely |
6.51-7.25 | Poor | Very substantial pollution likely |
7.26-10.00 | Very poor | Severe organic pollution likely |
Note: Hilsenhoff’s family-level biotic index (1988) may require modification for some regions
RBP III: Tolerance values based on species/generic levels
Note: While the taxa reported in the below referenced Project H-1
had been identified in northeastern North America, nevertheless, all of
them may not be present in every micro ecosystem! We generally
concentrate on family, and where needed, on genus levels. But we carry
out random verification with species levels IDs when necessary. We are
finding a surprising confirmation of the scores in the natural lakes
within the Halifax Regional Municipality
(HRM) although most of these scores were derived from streams from
elsewhere. In rare cases of nonconformance, and if confirmed by our
later studies, we will be modifying same; to date the scores did not
deviate by more than one point (to two points) over a score of ten!
Download the entire Project H-1 report titled, Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Freshwaters- Taxa Tolerance Values, Metrics, and Protocols, dated June, 2002. 
Modified Biotic Index (BI)
(Plafkin et al., 1989; Mackie, 2000)
........... is a more rigorous
bioassessment technique based on specific (i.e., species) levels mostly
in order to allow detection of more subtle degrees of impairment!
The index has been modified to include
non-arthropod species as well on the basis of the biotic index used by
the State of New York (Bode et al., 1991, 1996).
Although the HBI may be applicable for other types of pollutants, it
has only been evaluated for organic pollutants. The formula for
calculating the Biotic Index is:
BI = Σ(xi*ti)/(n), where
xi = number of individuals within a species
ti = tolerance value of a species
n = total number of organisms in the sample (100)
The following table is a general guide to
the water quality of streams. Replicate samples, or both spring and
fall samples, will add to the confidence of the evaluation.
Table-3: Evaluation of water quality using biotic
index values of samples collected in March, April, May, September, and
early October (Hilsenhoff, 1987)
Biotic Index | Water Quality |
Degree of Organic Pollution |
0.00-3.50 | Excellent | No apparent organic pollution |
3.51-4.50 | Very good | Possible slight organic pollution |
4.51-5.50 | Good | Some organic pollution |
5.51-6.50 | Fair | Fairly significant organic pollution |
6.51-7.50 | Fairly poor | Significant organic pollution |
7.51-8.50 | Poor | Very significant organic pollution |
8.51-10.00 | Very poor | Severe organic pollution |
Note: Hilsenhoff’s biotic index (1987) may require regional modification in some instances.
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