
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 23:58:31 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Pat and Malcolm Bayne <av227@chebucto.ns.ca>
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 	Hi Malcolm. The inbox in TenFourbird using IMAP and the inbox in 
the Webmail are the same inbox. You're just accessing the same thing two 
different ways. When you were using POP3, your Thunderbird inbox was a 
separate thing that only existed in the hard drive of your computer. You 
had your mail set to delete on the server when you downloaded it to your 
home computer. Now what you're doing is accessing the mail directly on the 
server. You've got the one inbox so when you delete mail from it, that 
mail is moved to a Trash folder until you empty it.

 	It may take a little getting used to but IMAP is a much better way 
to go. Mail downloads faster and is safe from accidental deletion if you 
lose your home computer hard drive. It's a mind thing to think of the 
inbox of webmail and TenFourBird as being one and the same thing, that's 

On Sun, 29 Jul 2012, Pat and Malcolm Bayne wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> The e-mails are in my Thunderbird profile but I haven't figures out how to 
> get them back yet.
> With the IMAP arrangement, I notice that when I look at my Inbox on Webmail, 
> even after I have downloaded the e-mails to T/bird the e-mails remain but in 
> a lighter text. If I move them to my trash, It also removes them from my 
> T/bird inbox. With POP3 when I downloaded them to T/bird inbox they 
> automatically went to trash in Webmail.
> I am obviously technologically challenged. How do I get them out of the 
> Webmail Inbox without also deleting them from T/bird Inbox.
> I was planning to go over to Tenfourbird but I have to figure out these 
> issues first.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> On 23/07/12 4:04 PM, Andrew D. Wright wrote:
>>     Hi Malcolm. Well, you've hit another problem with POP3 - if anything 
>> happens to the computer you've downloaded your mail to, you lose all your 
>> mail.
>>     I'd look in my Trash folder on the Mac for the old mail files. If they 
>> are not there, they're gone. I'm afraid I don't know of any other way to 
>> recover deleted files on a Mac.
>>     On the plus side, you've now got an up-to-date mail client running, 
>> your new mail is backed up on the server and you'll never get a POP lock 
>> warning again.
>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Pat and Malcolm Bayne wrote:
>>> Andrew,
>>> Sorry to bother you again but in the process of setting up Tenfourbird and 
>>> setting av227 to IMAP, it didn't seem to work the first time so I deleted 
>>> the file to start over again. I thought I would be OK as all my e-mails 
>>> were still on Thunderbird, however in the deleting it also wiped out my 
>>> av227 account in Thunderbird, so I have lost all my e-mails.
>>> Any thoughts on how I can recover them. I have looked in Tenfourbird Help 
>>> and Thunderbird site and I can't find any help on this. The only 
>>> suggestion I saw was to renstall Thunderbird or Tenfourbird. Any thoughts 
>>> on this?
>>> If I can get my e-mails I'll give you a break for the rest of the year.
>>> Incidentally, av227 is now on IMAP setting.
>>> Sorry about this. I know you are busy and I am taking up too much time 
>>> with this.
>>> Regards,
>>> Malcolm

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