Site update

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:19:03 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
cc: CCN Board of Directors <>, Mark Rushton <>, CCN Editors <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Greetings all,

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Andrew D. Wright wrote:

> > Doubtless not. Very sad to see them go since they've been running on our
> > site since 1995.
> 	No, they were running on our site 1995-1997. Their content had not
> been updated in four years. They didn't just leave now, they left years
> ago.

Whether or not they updated (or needed to update) documents or not, their
site continued to run on the CCN with an active IP Editor. They only
registered LEGALINFO.ORG (running at on 26-Jan-2001. In any
event, whenever they (organizationally) made the decision to set up their
VDN at Auracom rather than the CCN, the point Mark was making and I was
underscoring, was that it is very sad to see them depart - for a whole
plethora of reasons. 

> > I'm in full agreement. With IP Training having disappeared and the CCN
> > Editors having been stripped of meaningful functions or responsibilities,
> > and with many key people who had relationships with IP organizations
> > having departed, IP relations to the CCN have further declined to purely
> > financial transactions. It's particularly distressing to see significant
> > community organizations like the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
> > - a community organization with obvious kinships with the CCN - depart or
> > site after 6 years here for no discernible reason.
> 	I'm in full disagreement. We have more active IP sites now than
> we've had in years.

I see. Curious then that the IP stats presented at the AGM say:

Year	IP Accts
1998	185
1999	256
2000	213

Best wishes,


Christopher Majka		                <>
Editor: Culture & Philosophy - Chebucto Community Net, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada.     URL =

"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love and of thought,
which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved."
						-- Andre Malraux, 1957

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