Site update

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 01:41:50 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
To: CCN Board of Directors <>
cc: Mark Rushton <>, CCN Editors <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Christopher Majka wrote:

> Good thing you weren't able to do this since this isn't what we normally
> do. ;-> Normal procedure is to: 1) Change old home pages(s) to re-direct
> pages; 2)  remove any unnecessary files; 3) change links to the site on
> CCN pages; 4)  close down the old edit group; 5) close down the old
> majordomo list; 6)  transfer ownership of the directory tree to fn-edit. 

	Surely this is the sort of thing that the Editor in Chief should
be be aware of and implement, then? My understanding was that the
Editorial Collective was familiar with the procedures involved. 

> Doubtless not. Very sad to see them go since they've been running on our
> site since 1995.

	No, they were running on our site 1995-1997. Their content had not
been updated in four years. They didn't just leave now, they left years

> I'm in full agreement. With IP Training having disappeared and the CCN
> Editors having been stripped of meaningful functions or responsibilities,
> and with many key people who had relationships with IP organizations
> having departed, IP relations to the CCN have further declined to purely
> financial transactions. It's particularly distressing to see significant
> community organizations like the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
> - a community organization with obvious kinships with the CCN - depart or
> site after 6 years here for no discernible reason.

	I'm in full disagreement. We have more active IP sites now than
we've had in years. The process for acquiring an account, uploading and
updating files is easier than it has ever been before. Organizations are
being dealt with directly rather than us just talking to the web guy who
then disappears, the organization then being unaware they had a site on
Chebucto at all.  Organizations are supporting Chebucto with much-needed
funds more than ever before. More community groups signing up with us
means we are serving our purpose as a community resource. 

	And, as I said, PLENS left in 1997, prior to any of these
changes coming in. Their time with us was born, lived, and died under the
IP way that you are waxing nostalgic for, not the way we do it now.

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