Out of Control!

Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 17:35:45 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
To: CCN Office <office@chebucto.ns.ca>
cc: "David L. Potter" <potter@chebucto.ns.ca>, "Douglas J. McCann" <aa935@chebucto.ns.ca>, "Leo J. Deveau" <ljdeveau@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <editors-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Andrew D. Wright wrote:

> 	I, Andrew Wright, was the person to edit the jump page. You can
> reach me at adw@chebucto.ns.ca. The g)o ip jump key was disabled because
> the information on the IP main site was in complete contradiction to the
> way that we are currently managing IPs.

It seems to me that the shoe is on entirely the wrong foot here. What was
a complete contradiction was a misguided attempt to jettison the IP
management system lock-stock-and-barrel and create IPs through the User
creation system rather than the IP system - in my view, a process
fundamentally technically, administratively and philosophically flawed. It
is my understanding that following meetings of Leo Deveau, David Potter &
Michael Smith to discuss legitimate changes needed to the IP Database and
IP registration and management system, work is underway to implement those
changes on a technical level. As such, in my view, until such revisions
are made, the materials located at: 

   Linkname: Information Providers' Support Site
        URL: file://localhost/csuite/info/Services/IPsupport/index.html

Can be considered as much a reflection of the 'current' state of affairs
as anything can be. At this stage I would certainly not counsel any IP to
proceed through a registration process that does not involve the IP

> This process has not been kept secret from anybody on Chebucto,
> including the IP committee.

I recall no such announcement to ccn-ip. Indeed, I only discovered the
change when I found myself unable to reach the page as a result of the
jump key having been severed.

> No one has at any point made any effort to update the IP page with
> current information. 

This is hardly surprising given that chaotic and contradictory nature of
the recent set of events having to do with the nature of IP
Administration. The documentation of the IP process can only be re-written
when the technical and administrative details of that process have been
revised and settled.. When that is done appropriate pages can be rewritten
so that they are in accord with a revised process. For my part, I have
already discussed changes to the IPDB with David Potter & Michael Smith
and have volunteered to revise the IPDB and Group Editor documentation to
reflect the new structure and functionality.

> 	I did not redirect the g)o ip link as you have done because we now
> have two classifications for Neighbourhood Accounts, profit and
> non-profit, and your new shortcut goes only to the non-profit page. It was
> my thought that at some point there would be an updated IP web site, but I
> have seen no sign of any action on this or anyone coming forward to take
> responsibility for it.

Ditto: revisions to documentation cannot be undertaken while the technical
and administrative changes they describe are still in process. 

Christopher Majka

> 	As to my updating or not updating information on the Chebucto
> website, it has been long standing policy that if one of the people who
> has edit privileges sees something broken, they fix it. There isn't a
> formal tribunal or review by committee to oversee every change. Just as
> there isn't a tribunal or review by committee to oversee every alteration
> in things done by root, such as restricting editing privileges. 
> 	Since I can no longer edit the jump page, any corrections which
> need to be carried out can be carried out by root. Sed quis custodiet
> ipsos custodes? *
> * http://www.dgne.com/mdd/quote.html#custodiet 
> On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, David L. Potter wrote:
> > 
> > Something has clearly got to be done to manage the changes that are in 
> > progress with CCN and the site.
> > 
> > Today as I went to add a g(o)job shortcut to assist the text users find 
> > the information about the job Krista is advertising... I discovered that 
> > one of the links on the jump page pointing to the IP support information 
> > had been disabled.
> > 
> > While I appreciate that some of the information the shortcut/link was 
> > pointing to was out of date (in light of recent IP proposals...) no effort 
> > was made to redirect the link to more appropriate information and I recall 
> > no notification to the editors or the IP lists that this action was 
> > taken....
> > 
> > Information resources have simply been removed in what I would regard as 
> > an irresponsible manner.
> > 
> > I'd hate to think that someone is going to have to start 'following' 
> > everyone around to put an end to this nonsense, but it is clear that the 
> > changes are not being managed effectively. 
> > 
> > CCN has always operated on the basis that individuals were able to make 
> > changes when they saw a need. For this to work it requires that either: 
> > 
> > 1) the individual making the change announce their intention to do so and 
> > allow others an opportunity to concur or offer suggestions as the case 
> > may be... or,
> > 
> > 2) the individual makes the changes and promptly announces those 
> > changes, acknowledging that others may want to revisit those actions.
> > 
> > It is worth noting that it is almost always the withdrawal/removal of 
> > material/resources/services that causes the most disruption although in 
> > some cases the addition of material may be viewed as running counter to 
> > the interest(s) of some stakeholder.
> > 
> > -----
> > 
> > Anyone who is not able to operate within these or other broadly accepted 
> > guidelines can expect to have their editing privileges withdrawn.
> > 
> > In the short term I have restricted editing of the jumps page to 'root'.
> > 
> > david potter
> > 

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