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From: editors-owner@chebucto.ns.ca
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Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 13:12:51 -0300
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id <S36727AbQEaDlv>; Wed, 31 May 2000 00:41:51 -0300
Date:	Wed, 31 May 2000 00:41:51 -0300 (ADT)
From:	"Andrew D. Wright" <adw@chebucto.ns.ca>
To:	"David L. Potter" <potter@chebucto.ns.ca>
cc:	Michael Smith <michael@csuite.ns.ca>, CCN Tech
<ccn-tech@chebucto.ns.ca>, editors@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: New Homepage...
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	The new browsers get the new home page. Many, many, many more new
browsers access our site than anything else. The redirect should go to the
older home page. Anything that doesn't call itself Mozilla/4.0 or better
should be redirected to the current text home page.

	Lower level browsers can generate errors because they don't like
the JavaScript in the new graphic home page that makes the on-page webmail
input work. As has been stated repeatedly, the new page template in use on
the rest of Chebucto has been tested extensively and does not generate
page errors.

	The notion for the changing of the text home page was in light of
two things:

	(1) There is no room on the current text based home page for
anything else. To add anything more to it is have it occupy more than one
screen of a Lynx browser in 'Novice' mode. The new graphics home page will
have area set aside for special events notices or the like. It would be
nice to be able to give text users comparable functionality.

	(2) The alphabetical list of IPs is a great way to go straight to
the site you're looking for in one hop. In the few days since completing
this list I have found it a vast improvement not only when looking for a
specific site, but as a way to browse the other sites on CCN. It's hard to
ken that no one ever thought of this. Putting this functionality onto the
existing text home page is a good idea, which means making room.

	The theme I see repeated here is no room. Replacing 7 links with 2
frees up quite a bit of space. Anyone who finds their IP by subject can
still do so, albeit with one more hop; there's room on the page for the
special notices being given on the graphic home page and there's a nice
easy way to navigate to a group's site.

	You want to see some more radical ideas? I'm just brimming with
them. We can lose two more links off the text home page and get even more
room. Since there's links to it from every new format CCN page and it is
good for graphics only anyway, we don't need the Site Map link. The Reseau
communautaire link can go too as this part of the CCN site has not been
maintained in years, has fallen into disrepair and no one is about to edit

	With all this space, the text-version home page format can even be
revised to (shudder) look good on Lynx as well as provide additional

	Or we could just leave things the way they are. Nothing ever has
to change when it is all perfect to begin with, right?

On Tue, 30 May 2000, David L. Potter wrote:

> As I understand it the new browsers get the brand-new homepage... some of
> the first/second generation browsers apparently have problems with the
> new page(s... is it just the new homepage or all the shtml pages????) and
> should get an older version...
> Andrew is keen on changing the existing homepage... removing the subject
> links and substituting links to the new alphabetical and subject
> listings. If some browsers are having problems with the new homepage I
> would expect them to have similar trouble with the new alpha/subject
> pages but maybe I'm missing something...
> I definitely would like to keep the old homepage for our dial-up text
> users until we can determine what _they_ would like done with the
> homepage... this may mean keeping three homepages alive for awhile or
> maybe simply leaving the current homepage alone and feeding the new
> homepage to browsers that can handle it...
> I've ccreated a couple of new Lynx shortcuts that point to the new
> alpha/subject pages and I've got a notice up in the motd refering people
> to these pages and asking for any comments to be sent to editors...
> david potter
> On Tue, 30 May 2000, Michael Smith wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 May 2000, David L. Potter wrote:
> >
> > > Andrew should be ready to go with the new homepage by tomorrow night.
> > >
> > > He's still making a couple of changes and will confirm when he's ready
> > > for the redirect.
> >
> > OK. What exactly are we redirecting? Lynx users to the old homepage?
> >

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