Page Templates

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 10:12:52 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: CCN Editors <>
cc: Michael Smith <>, CCN Technical Committee <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi all,

I've just taken a quick look at Michael's template and have a couple of
quick comments:

1) I think we really should replace the one instance of <center> (in
header.shtml) with <p align="center"> and delete the </center> (from

<center> has, in HTML 4.0 specifications, been moved to be an officially
deprecated tag. HTML 4.0 guidelines say that "Once deprecated, tags may
well become obsolete. The draft "strongly urges" the nonuse of deprecated

N.B. Other deprecated tags that some of you may be familiar with are
<u></u>, <dir></dir>, <menu></menu>, <isindex></isindex>, &

2) A more problematic deprecated tag is <font></font> since HTML 4.0
reccommends that character formatting all be spun out of HTML documents
and into Cascading Style Sheets. Since we're not ready to do this yet
here, I think we need to tolerate <font></font>.

3) Not that I think it makes that much difference but should <IMG> links
to images refer to /Icons (the actual name of the directory) rather than
/icons the symbolic link?

Michael: what are your thoughts? I hope that replacing <center> with <p
align="center"> will not pose any problems?



Christopher Majka		                <>
Editor: Culture & Philosophy - Chebucto Community Net, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada.     URL =

"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love and of thought,
which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved."
						-- Andre Malraux, 1957

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