Version of Red Hat

From: (John Nemeth)
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 05:07:23 -0700
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     I don't recall seeing any responses to this note, so...

On Sep 16,  9:25am, Mark David! wrote:
} At 08:23 AM 9/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
} >We're planning on moving the Greater Detroit Free-Net off of Freeport
} >to CSUITE.
} >
} >We'd like to build a prototype system and are wondering what is the
} >latest version of Red Hat that CSUITE has been successfully installed
} >on. The docs on the web site refer to a 4.x version and I've seen
} >a reference to 5.0.

     The latest released version of CSuite only works on RedHat 4.x
systems out of the box.  There is a tar file with patches to make it
work on RedHat 5.x on the FTP site called cs-rh50-1.tar.gz.  A new
version of CSuite is currently under development.  It is running in
beta at  You are welcome to try it and give feedback.

} Louis, when Will (remember him?) and I ran CSuite on the Williamston Area 
} Community Network, we had it successfully installed on Slackware 3.6 and RH 
} 5.0.  I was just about to test it on RH 6.0.  I am sure it should work, but 
} you never know.  If I get it to work then I'll email the list and let all 

     No, it won't.  RedHat 6.x has a number of backwards
incompatibilities.  The only thing that will run on RedHat 6.x is the
latest development version, and it still has one major problem in that
the search engine doens't work.  I haven't decided how to fix that

} Of course this should have been done for GDFN a long time ago as it has 
} been known for some time that Freeport is not Y2k.  But of course, 

     Although, we haven't done an extensive audit, so far only one
nasty Y2K bug has been found in CSuite.  I was hoping to have the next
version of CSuite 1.1 out the door by now, but it looks like we'll have
to release a patch for the Y2K problem.

} revitalize a dying entity.  You should have tried this sometime ago because 
} CSuite is almost nothing like Freeport with the exception of its user 

     If people are looking to do a Freeport to CSuite conversion, they
should contact me privately.  I did this two years ago and have a bunch
of tools to help with the conversion (i.e. a program to convert
Freeport menus to webpages {developed by another person locally}, and
scripts to convert Freeport users to CSuite users).

} account naming structure (aa001, aa002, etc).  But it's an awesome package 
} if you tweak it just right.


}-- End of excerpt from Mark David!

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