[RRE]Community Informatics in a Canadian Context (fwd)

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 15:55:49 -0400 (AST)
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Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 13:39:59 -0800
From: Michael Gurstein <mgurst@techbc.ca>


Community Informatics in a Canadian Context


Canadians, pre-occupied as we are with the vigour and accomplishments
of our neighbours to the South, tend to overlook our own strengths and

Before the brouhaha about the "Digital Divide" in the US or the
"Wiring the Nation" ruckus in the UK, Canadians have been rather
quietly, but persistently, and with an immense measure of imagination
and institutional creativity, making huge advances in the area which
is coming to be called "Community Informatics".

Community Informatics is the application of information and
communications technologies to enable community processes and the
achievement of community objectives-overcoming "digital divides",
"wiring (and ensuring connectivity for) the farthest reaches of a
far-flung nation"; but even more important, working to find ways of
making the enormous opportunities of Internet connectivity of real
value to local communities in achieving their economic, social and
cultural objectives.

Without a great deal of public fanfare, Canada through a variety
of initiatives and programs-Community Telecentres as in rural
Newfoundland; Freenets such as those in Ottawa and Winnipeg; Community
Networks such as Chebucto (Halifax), and Vancouver; SchoolNet, the
Community Access Program (CAP), and now Volnet and NetCorps; Community
Learning Networks and the Office of Learning Technology; the Centre
for Community and Enterprise Networking (C\CEN) in Cape Breton; Web
Networks in Toronto; are all (or have been) world standards and models
for how the opportunities and advantages of the new technologies
(ICT's) can be made "universally" available, and not just to those
with the advantage of an urban location, a home computer, or the funds
to support the Internet "habit".

What has characterized the Canadian approach to public computing is
what has characterized the best of Canadian public policy in other
areas-a commitment to universality; a concern to understand and
respond to the needs of the disadvantaged; the desire to be producers
of culture as well as consumers; a quiet practicality and an absence
of rhetoric; and public sector policy leadership, entrepreneurship and
creativity.  The dark-side as well is very typically Canadian-Federal
Provincial wrangling, intra-bureaucratic rivalries, short sighted
inattention from the private sector.

But overall, in the area of the Community Informatics, Canada has been
and remains a world leader.  Community Telecentres have been the model
for public Internet access throughout Africa; CAP has been a model
adopted in Australia and rural areas throughout South and Central
America; Chebucto Suite is the software of choice for Community
Networks world-wide; C\CEN has been reproduced in Virginia, Australia
and Egypt.

If anything the overwhelming impact of the Internet has increased the
challenges for both the theory and practise of Community Informatics
where Canadian practitioners and researchers are leading the way

* designing ways of using ICTs to enhance the quality and coverage of
electronically enabled public services

* building, rebuilding and re-rebuilding the bridges across the
Digital Divide as the multiple chasms of income, education, location,
nationality widen between the sides
<http://cap.ic.gc.ca/>; <http://olt-bta.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/CLN/>

* developing sustainable models for a community public space on the

* developing the strategies and techniques so that local E-Commerce
can find ways to co-exist/collaborate/compete with global E-Commerce
<http://sencen.ednet.ns.ca; http://www.knet.on.ca/info.html>

* creating local, national, and global democratic practices in a world
of Electronic Citizenship

* using the Net to support development in the Third World

* supporting communities as they find ways of using the Net to be
contributors to as well as consumers of global culture and global
<http://www.cbmusic.com>; and

* applying the principles of open source to the practise of governance

A theory and a practise of Community Informatics is gradually
developing partly out of experiences such as those in Canada and
partly out of a need to develop systematic approaches to some of
the challenges which ICTs are surfacing with astonishing speed:

* the need to enable and reinforce community processes using ICT's

* the need for training and for technical usability

* the need (but difficulty) of local sustainability

* the recognition that access in itself is insufficient-it is what is
and can be done with the access that is the objective, and

* the extraordinary power at the interface of virtual and spatial

And some questions still remain: what role can Telecentres play in
ensuring access to the marginal and illiterate; how can the net be
used to support minority languages and cultures at risk; can the Net
restore vigour to flagging processes of democratic participation; can
there be a local economy in the midst of an Internet enabled global
one?  These issues emerge out of the reality of the transformation
which is taking place and which underlie the glitz and the buzz about
IPO's and "click through" rates.

There is also an important research agenda for Community Informatics
including linking the variety of advanced ICT tools-GIS/GPS, CSCW
(computer supported collaborative work) and Artificial Intelligence
software into community processes and applications (including
designing interfaces which make them more broadly accessible and
usable); understanding the interrelationships between virtual and
spatially determined social processes; and designing usable public
E-services in such areas as Health, Life Long Learning, public
information and so on.  Finally there is the need to establish a
firmer link between the theory and research of Community Informatics
and the practise, policies and programming so that these are mutually
informative and supportive.

Overall, there is the opportunity to take the experience which is
being gained in Canada in Community Informatics into the global
"marketplace", both by selling programs (software or bureaucratic)
and by supporting those with knowledge in translating that experience
into the kinds of E-products which can not only compete in, but create
new markets and even new marketplaces.  And equally, there is a role
for Canada in ensuring that as a "public/community space" on the
Internet has been encouraged and supported to develop within "Canadian
cyberspace" so there must be provision globally through financial
support and policy development for the opportunities of a Community
Informatics dimension to develop in the global "cybersphere".

Michael Gurstein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Management and Technology
Director: Centre for Community Informatics
The Technical University of British Columbia
10334-152A Street, Surrey, B.C. CANADA V3R 7P8
T 604-586-6046 F 604-586-5237

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