IP process halted?

Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 01:58:52 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
cc: aa935@chebucto.ns.ca, ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Christopher Majka wrote:

> The salient details as they pertain to IP Ediors is described in what we
> call the "IP Response Letter" which is auto-mailed to all applicants as
> soon as they submit their on-line IP application. The information there is
> substantively the same as above.

	Um, has anyone checked lately that 'auto-mailed' letters are? Last
week, for instance, I went into the Volunteer intake form and did a test
application - which cheerfully told me that a volunteer administrator
would get email notice of my application and get back to me - and not only
was said notice not mailed but the information fields were trashed so no
records were kept for me to read should I decide to check them manually
(which I do once in a while, cynic that I am). David Potter and Michael
Smith fixed this back in the beginning of June after it had been broken
for a couple of years and it must have broken again shortly after their

	From what I've been discovering in the office, I would make no
assumptions about scripts working without first checking them. (Advice)

> The long and short of it is that the IP creation process has not come to a
> halt: John Dow has simply not passed through IP Training. 
> When a IP Editor does so Bob Adams indicates this in the IP Database and
> usually notifies ccn-ip that they have completed training so that the
> appropriate editor can then (if everything else is complete) issue the
> create IP command and the IP comes into being.

	I know this is heresy of the blackest sort, but may I respectfully
submit for your consideration the following suggestion that perhaps our
IP creation and administration needs to be revisited?

	This fellow Dow wants to put a site up on CCN. First we tell him
he needs to get a personal account in an unfamiliar text-based
interface with us and that no, we can't do this over the phone, he must do
an online registration and mail in ID. He does this and then gets told
that he must do an online IP application and mail in *another* form. He
does this and waits another couple of weeks and then we tell him, nope
that isn't it either, he has to do a training course, get certified and
*then* we'll let him use his FTP program. 

	Guess what? He doesn't give a hoot about learning how to install
to RCS file areas from personal account directories in a text based
interface that he is expected to learn from scratch. He just wants to use
his existing internet connection and his existing FTP program and all he
needs is the directory name. 

	He can phone sympatico and they'll tell him his directory name two
minutes after taking his Visa number.

	Could one of you people please get in touch with him and explain
this next bit of process to him? I don't have the heart to tell him we
expect him to jump another hoop. I don't think he knows about it. FWIW I
just checked my phone logs and he started this process July 15. It's now
August 7th (and counting) and he isn't finished yet. 

	It's none of my business how the IP committee wishes to run
itself and this is my sole word on the subject, but the nature of the
internet has changed radically and most groups will not have the patience
of Mr Dow when it comes time to choose a server. It's my understanding
that we and sympatico are both going to be service providers for a number
of new groups and somehow I am thinking that sympatico are going to be
(how to put this) more accomodating, as if they wanted the business.

		(who is *not* trying to start another flame war)

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