
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:24:25 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: "M. McLeod" <>
cc: CCN Information Provider Committee <>, Andrew Wright <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi Mal,

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, M. McLeod wrote:

> I recently wanted to post a webpage. I had a lot of problems getting the
> thing up and was given some information to help me along the way.
> Unfortunately, what was provided was wrong or perhaps misunderstood.
> While I was going through this I thought it would have been so much easier
> if there was a site which could have helped me and vowed that once I had
> the knowledge I'd willingly pass it on. Thus the purpose of this note. I'd
> like to do a site on uploading one's webpage for chebucto plus.
> If you think this plausible then drop me a line.

The CCN maintains is own documentation, help files, FAQs, tutorials, etc.
There are many such resources. If you feel that some of them could be
improved, augmented, have gaps etc. you should liase with the people
involved in maintaining them. In particular, if what you are interested in
improving is some area of Chebucto Plus help resources, get in touch with
Andrew Wright <>, who looks after this area.

Best wishes,


Christopher Majka                               <>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

"Often his editorial policy was a nice compromise between blackmail and
begging"                - William Allen White, The Nation, Jun 18, 1938

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