
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:45:44 -0700
From: John Nemeth <jnemeth@cue.bc.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Cc: Report System Problems <support@pgfn.bc.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-tech-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Oct 17,  4:41pm, David Lott wrote:
} I'm having a problem getting tq-update to recognize our terminal server as
} dialup.
} It is very strange, if I have /var/csuite/tq/classtable as it is below I
} get ALL connects show as telnet (in /var/csuite/tq/stats ) BUT if I move
} the address of our terminal server to the 'telnet' line I get the correct
} infomation only reversed.

     The problem is that because of differences in the way the various
parts of the tq subsystem are written, some parts of it parse the
classtable from top to bottom, and other parts of it parse the
classtable from bottom to top.  This means that the "dialup" line has
to have the name of your terminal server, and the "telnet" line has to
have a regular expression pattern that will match anything but your
terminal server.  For example, my classtable looks like this (I
actually have two terminal servers):

dialup          pts/[0-9]*      44      ts[0-9]*\.freenet\.victoria\.bc\.ca
telnet          pts/[0-9]*      48      ([^t]|t[^s]|ts[^0-9]).*
console         console         1
unknown         .*              0

} Bizzare.  I have tried every combination of ttys that I can think of but
} this change is the only one that makes a difference.

     Yes, it is really bizarre.  You should see what I had to do to
make tq work on a SVR4 based machine (note the "pts/[0-9]*" above).
It has enough flaws and poorly written code that it should be thrown
out and rewritten from scratch.  Which I may end up doing.

} #class		device		total	host
} #
} dialup		.*		4	elrond.pgfn.bc.ca
} telnet		.*		48

     Based on what I said above, these two lines should like:

dialup	ttyp[0-9]*  4	elrond\.pgfn\.bc\.ca
telnet	ttyp[0-9]*  48	([^e]|e[^l]|el[^r]|elr[^o]|elro[^n]|elron[^d]).*

}-- End of excerpt from David Lott

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