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Date: Sat, 3 May 1997 10:24:41 -0300
From: David Trueman <>
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Some excellent feedback! Thanks!  Could you send some details on what
software you are using so that we can work toward a solution on accents?
It does work for some configurations.  I will let others respond on
specific points as we have time to address them.

On Sat, 3 May 1997, Raymond Mopoho wrote:

> I would like to apologize in advance if any of the issues raised below
> has already been discussed, or is "standard practice".
> First of all, no matter what connection mode I use (direct dialing or
> Telnet), my texts remain unaccented. My computer is an IBM compatible and 
> I select vt100 as my screen emulation.
> In "View Address", when the search for a word is unsuccessful, the message
> is "mot non trouve".  Suggestion: this expression could be replaced with
> the shorter "Introuvable!" as already used in French word processing
> dictionaries.
> In Composer, "Cc" (Carbon Copy) is usually translated in international
> French by "Ampliation" (Amp?). Also, when you activate ^C, there is a 
> useless punctuation sign in "repondre OUI; pour confirmer..." and in
> "Detruire les xxx messages supprimes de ARRIVEE;?"  Are these additions
> due to codification constraints?
> In Address Book, N is supposed to stand for "Precedent", and P for "
> Suivant".  But when you press N the message reads "Vous etes deja a la
> derniere ligne", while P takes you one step back. This is the exact
> opposite of what one expects to happen.  The commands seem to conform
> rather with the English N (Next) and P (Previous).
> In Details (of Adress), the highlighted message above the commands reads
> "entree complete complet(e)".  There may be two errors here.  The last
> word is obviouly redundant, while the first two may be misplaced. As a
> result, when you press - you are told "Vous etes deja au debut de entree
> complete", and if you press Space, you will read "Vous etes deja a la fin
> de entree complete".
> When you want to quit (as I will be doing soon), if you are in Parameters,
> the message reads "Desirez-vous vraiment quitter? [N]".  Th other option
> ([O] or OUI) is missing.  In another screen which I forget, the (quit)
> message is "Vous voulez vraiment quitter?".  Wouldn't it be more practical
> to harmonize all the messages?
> Speaking of harmonization, more may be needed in the abbreviations for
> commands. I have noticed that in general, there are two types of commands
> in French: the ones that are adapted thoroughly (e.g. O for Oui, N for
> Non), and the ones that are translated only superficially (e.g. S for
> Choisir, C for annuler...).  In my opinion the latter case may be a source
> of confusion and hardship for the unsophisticated unilingual user.  For
> instance, when you press D in Inbox, the letter S appears next to the
> message marked for deletion, meanwhile elsewhere S stands for Choisir or
> for Parametres (Main Menu).  If complete adaptation is impossible or very
> difficult, it may be better to maintain the English features concerned if
> this can reduce confusion.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Raymond Mopoho

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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