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RULES 2000


All TOURNAMENT games will be conducted and played in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Canadian Hockey Association (CHA) plus Minor and Female Hockey Supplement.
  2. Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council Rules (NSMHC)
  3. SEDMHA Tournament Rules (TR).


  1. NSMHC regulation 5.6 specifies that no body checking is allowed in levels of PEEWEE and below OR any level of FEMALE hockey.
  2. NSMHC regulation 5.8 specifies that only eligible players in uniform and a maximum of five registered team officials (9) are allowed on the players bench and listed on the official game sheet. Injured players NOT IN UNIFORM or suspended players ARE NOT ALLOWED on the players bench.
  3. NSMHC regulation 8.3(I) specifies that any player who deliberately turns his/her back to an opponent, so as to intentionally create a checking from behind offence, shall be assessed a game misconduct for dangerous and unsportsmanlike conduct.
  4. NSMHC regulation 8.14 specifies that a coach may request that a game be terminated and if agreed to by both coaches, the referee will terminate the game. No penalty shall be incurred. If not agreed by both coaches, the coach of the team leaving the ice shall be immediately suspended until an investigation by the NSMHC is completed.
  5. Any action resulting in a Game Misconduct penalty being assessed will result in additional game suspensions as per the NSHA Code of Discipline as listed on the SUSPENSION 2000 sheet. The game in which the Game Misconduct occurs DOES NOT count as part of the suspension period.


  1. TIME OUT is not allowed in any game.
  2. No Protests OR Appeals are allowed.
  3. Five penalties in any combination of minor, major, or misconduct penalties to any one player OR three stick infractions 28(f) (High stick, cross check, slash, spear, butt-end) will result in that player being ejected from the game. This penalty IS NOT a misconduct or game misconduct penalty and does not incur any suspension. The player is simply out of the game. A double or triple penalty during a single stoppage of play to one or more players shall count as two or three penalties respectively.


HONDA Canada Ltd., Steak & Stein Ltd., PEPSI Ltd.,

Disclaimer: Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in this document, anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify the SEDMHA International Minor Hockey Tournament and its foster parent, the Dartmouth WHALERS Minor Hockey Association from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.
Copyright © SEDMHA International Minor Hockey Tournament 2000 All rights reserved

e-Mail: SEDMHA

Site last updated February 20, 2000.