SEDMHA Logo International Minor Hockey Tournament

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BY LAWS 2000

  1. GAMES

    1. All games played in the Tournament MUST be scheduled by the Tournament Committee. Regular games and Consolation games shall consist of three, twelve minute, stop time periods. Championship games in the Prelude and Accord Divisions shall be three, fifteen minute, stop time periods. If, at any time in any game a team is behind by ten or more goals, OR if at the beginning of the third period or at any point in the third period of any game , a team is behind by six goals or more, the remaining time of the game will be RUNNING TIME, REGARDLESS OF FURTHER SCORING BY EITHER TEAM.

    2. In order to maintain or make-up time, games may be commenced earlier than the scheduled time if both teams are dressed and ready. Therefore, all players and coaches are requested to be in the rink no later than forty five minutes before the scheduled game time. Players and coaches are expected to co-operate in keeping the arena's and dressing rooms clean and tidy and are liable for any vandalism or damage.

    3. Teams MUST ice nine players and a goaltender. No special consideration will be given to teams who come to the tournament with only nine skaters or only one goaltender and for reason of injury, suspension, or other, cannot ice the proper number of skaters plus a goaltender and have to forfeit a game or play without a goaltender sad as this situation would be, the responsibility lies with the coach and team, not the tournament.

    4. If a team has no back up goaltender and the goaltender has to leave the game as a result of injury, the game WILL NOT BE HELD UP. A skater may be substituted under rule 16(D) who does not have the privileges of a goaltender, or under rule 20(C) who does have the privileges, but does not have to wear full goaltenders equipment. Subsequently, the original goaltender may return to the game. If a substitute is made under rule 20(C), that substitute can no longer participate as a player.16(A)

    5. A team may play until the end of the first period without a goaltender provided that there are ten players available to start play at the beginning of the game and that the goaltender has been delayed for legitimate reasons as determined by the tournament committee. (ie: lost, late, plane didn't arrive etc.)

    6. "NO GAME WILL BE PLAYED IF A TEAM FORFEITS". All awarded games will be with a score of 1 - 0 in favour of the non offending team.


    1. Players can play on one team only and cannot be drafted up, down, or across to play for another team from the same or any other association.

    2. The maximum number of players which a team may register is nineteen.. seventeen skaters plus two goaltenders. The minimum number of players which can be registered is ten ...nine skaters plus one goaltender. 16(a)

    3. Only players registered on the official tournament registration form may participate in the tournament. Teams may bring affiliated players to the tournament provided that such players belong to the team provincially designated as the teams affiliate and such players are clearly identified on the tournament registration form and complete documentation is provided to the Tournament.

    4. Coaches or players who are suspended from play under the NSMHC Rules, or any other Provincial, State, League, or Tournament Rules are not allowed to participate in the Tournament. It is the responsibility of the team officials to ensure that such suspended persons DO NOT PARTICIPATE. 16(h)

    5. Requests for player changes complete with full documentation (see (C) above and Special Notices - Registered Players) must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Registrar as soon as possible before the teams first scheduled game.

    6. Violation of By Laws II, sections (D - playing while suspended), (A and E - illegal players) will result in immediate TOURNAMENT suspension for Team Official(s), Player(s) OR the Whole Team under NSMHC Code of Discipline, Section 3 vii.- ANY INCIDENT OR BEHAVIOR DETRIMENTAL TO MINOR HOCKEY. In such cases, all games involving suspended/illegal persons will be awarded to non offending team per By Law I (F).

  3. TIES

    1. All games MUST have a designated winner. If at the end of regulation play two teams are tied, they will immediately commence overtime play as described below.

    2. There will be a TEN MINUTE, RUNNING TIME, SUDDEN DEATH overtime period. During this period, each team will ice three skaters and a goaltender. If a penalty occurs, the penalized player will take his place on the penalty bench and the non offending team will add another skater for the duration of the penalty. The penalized player can rejoin the play upon the expiration of his penalty, at which time the teams will have four skaters each until there is a stoppage of play, at which time each team will revert to three skaters each.

    3. If a tie still exists, then another TEN MINUTE, RUNNING TIME, SUDDEN DEATH overtime period will be played with each team icing two skaters and one goaltender.

    4. At this point the Tournament Committee has the right to call for extra overtime periods if the situation warrants and time permits OR to continue to "E" below.

    5. If a tie still exists, there will be a SHOOT OUT. Details as per SHOOT OUT format.


    1. Any coach or manager who in the opinion of the TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE displays poor sportsmanship or sets a bad example shall be subject to tournament suspension by a majority vote of the Tournament's Discipline Committee. (R-I-C, Technical Services Chairman, Tournament Chairman or others) under NSMHC Code of Discipline, Section 3 vii. - ANY INCIDENT OR BEHAVIOR DETRIMENTAL TO MINOR HOCKEY.


HONDA Canada Ltd., Steak & Stein Ltd., PEPSI Ltd.

Disclaimer: Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in this document, anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify the SEDMHA International Minor Hockey Tournament and its foster parent, the Dartmouth WHALERS Minor Hockey Association from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.
Copyright © SEDMHA International Minor Hockey Tournament 2000 All rights reserved

e-Mail: SEDMHA

Site last updated February 20, 2000.