[NatureNS] Conrad Beach - Dogs Off Leash

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From: Andrew Stadnyk <Andrew.Stadnyk@Dal.Ca>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Thread-Topic: [NatureNS] Conrad Beach - Dogs Off Leash
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Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2016 14:40:53 +0000
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Unfortunately, I even get that kind of dog-owner response in the leash-on p=
art of Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, particularly along the beach (lookin=
g for birds in the water of course). The dog owner tries to make it sound l=
ike my displeasure and discomfort with their dog jumping on me is my proble=
m! I would be concerned that the park staff, if they are ever visible, migh=
t think the same.

Andy Stadnyk

Lower Sackville

From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca <naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca> on beha=
lf of rita.paul@ns.sympatico.ca <rita.paul@ns.sympatico.ca>
Sent: April 15, 2016 10:21 AM
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Conrad Beach - Dogs Off Leash

It reminds me of the time Fritz I was walking on a NS beach.
I had a Lab dog on leash beside me. She walked at heal always
so a leash was no problem.
Other folks had a large dog running free chasing gulls, peeps and whatever =
It came over to me and it was growling. I was scared for my dog so I reache=
d in
my pocket and took out a pocket knife and put it in my hand. That is one th=
ing in dog
defence courses that is recommended. Diverts the dogs attention - anyway it=
 had the desired effect.
But its owner followed me to the parking and reported me to the RCMP for pu=
lling a knife
on them. One of the officers out of  the shallow end of their gene pool pho=
ned me and
gave me a warning! When I asked about their dog's chasing birds in spite of=
 the signs she said
"we'll not get into that kettle of fish!"
I hope she doesn't reproduce!
Dogs and their owners are not an easy problem to solve.
Enjoy the spring

On April 15, 2016 at 9:44 AM Fritz McEvoy <fritzmcevoy@hotmail.com> wrote:

     Hi All,

     Paul's idea is a good one. Unfortunately, my experience is that any si=
gn restricting access to beaches by unleashed dogs and ATV's or even pointi=
ng out that the beach is a Piping Plover nesting site is subject to removal=
 or vandalism by those that believe their need for unfettered access to the=
 beach supplants  any law or restriction to their opinion.

     The only signs that I've heard about that seem to work (and I don't re=
call exactly where I saw it) were homemade signs constructed by local young=
 people. Their advantage seemed to be that they weren't threatening and van=
dals didn't seem to want to upset the parents of sign makers.  All the best=

                                Fritz McEvoy

                                  Sunrise Valley, CB (near Dingwall)

From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca <naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca> on beha=
lf of Paul Murray <pwmurray.murray911@gmail.com>
Sent: April 15, 2016 7:40 AM
To: NatureNS
Subject: [NatureNS] Conrad Beach - Dogs Off Leash

Further to discussions about the off leash dog problem at Conrad Beach:
I'll bet a lot of offenders have no clue about the consequences of their do=
gs running off leash at Conrad (or other sensitive beaches for that matter)=
 and thus they need a clear warning such as a specific sign posted by DNR o=
r other authority.

I think if such a sign posted as a "WARNING" and the facts stated that this=
 is an environmentally protected beach and owners of dogs running off leash=
 are subject to being fined.[state the fine value] and then at the bottom l=
ist the phone number to report offenders.
Admittedly, we post speed limits on our roads and some will not follow them=
 regardless.  But speed signs carry a specific penalty that everyone knows =
about and they break the rules at their own peril.   Without a specific war=
ning sign at the sensitive beaches, a lot of people may not know they are b=
reaking the rules and are subject to a fine.  However, if informed "formall=
y"  by a sign posting, they will then have no excuse for letting there dogs=
 of leash.  I believe it would be a great deterrent if the sign obviously r=
equests the public to report offenders by providing the phone number on the=
 sign.  Offenders knowing that anybody on the beach with a cell phone could=
 report them and that they would be subject to a fine should be enough to g=
ain better compliance.
Paul Murray

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<p>Unfortunately, I even get that kind of dog-owner response in the leash-o=
n part of Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, particularly along the beach (loo=
king for birds in the water of course). The dog owner tries to make it soun=
d like my displeasure and discomfort
 with their dog jumping on me is my problem! I would be concerned that the =
park staff, if they are ever visible, might think the same.</p>
<p>Andy Stadnyk</p>
<p>Lower Sackville</p>
<div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<hr tabindex=3D"-1" style=3D"display:inline-block; width:98%">
<div id=3D"divRplyFwdMsg" dir=3D"ltr"><font style=3D"font-size:11pt" face=
=3D"Calibri, sans-serif" color=3D"#000000"><b>From:</b> naturens-owner@cheb=
ucto.ns.ca &lt;naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca&gt; on behalf of rita.paul@ns.=
sympatico.ca &lt;rita.paul@ns.sympatico.ca&gt;<br>
<b>Sent:</b> April 15, 2016 10:21 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> naturens@chebucto.ns.ca<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [NatureNS] Conrad Beach - Dogs Off Leash</font>
<div>It reminds me of the time Fritz I was walking on a NS beach. </div>
<div>I had a Lab dog on leash beside me. She walked at heal always </div>
<div>so a leash was no problem. </div>
<div>Other folks had a large dog running free chasing gulls, peeps and what=
ever else.
<div>It came over to me and it w