[NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today

From: Eric Mills <E.Mills@Dal.Ca>
To: Fritz McEvoy <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Thread-Topic: [NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today
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It certain has made A difference to gull numbers.


Eric L. Mills
Lower Rose Bay
Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia
From: Fritz McEvoy
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 20:17
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Reply To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today

Hi All,

    I'm not a resident of Halifax, so may be way off base here, but I wonde=
r if the new sewage treatment plant and the resulting lack of a raw sewage =
outflow pipes might be part of the reason for the decline of ducks in Halif=
ax Harbour?

                      Fritz McEvoy

                       Sunrise Valley, CB

From: naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca <naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca> on beha=
lf of Pat McKay <pat.mckay@gmail.com>
Sent: February 23, 2016 4:43 PM
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today

It has been my experience too, that ducks have been in short supply in the =
harbour this winter - at least as far as I can see from my home in Admiralt=
y Place. However, I did have a pair of Surf Scoters on Sunday - a new speci=
es for my yard list!

Pat McKay

On 23 February 2016 at 15:30, Rick Ballard <ideaphore@gmail.com<mailto:idea=
phore@gmail.com>> wrote:
I saw a flock of about 20 Common Eiders a few days ago, swimming off the Na=
vy Dockyard.
I've been seeing only the odd Black Guillemot from the Alderney ferry. They=
 like to hang out in the middle of the Harbour.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:10 PM, chris kennedy <cjkennedy66@gmail.com<mailt=
o:cjkennedy66@gmail.com>> wrote:
I took the Woodside Ferry yesterday at 530pm and noted 9 Black Guillemots a=
nd 6 Red-breasted Merganser.

I've created an eBird location for both the Harbour Ferries, should anyone =
else wish to add them to their eBird locations.

-Chris Kennedy in Dartmouth

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Dave&Jane Schlosberg <dschlosb-g@ns.sympat=
ico.ca<mailto:dschlosb-g@ns.sympatico.ca>> wrote:
This is the first time this winter that I have noticed any ducks around.

Ferry Terminal to Kings Wharf:
  Two Black Guillimots
  Four male RB Mergansers

Dartmouth Cove
  About six  male and three female Golden Eyes (they were at quite a distan=

Rick Ballard
Dartmouth,Nova Scotia, Canada

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<div><b>From: </b>Fritz McEvoy</div>
<div><b>Sent: </b>Tuesday, February 23, 2016 20:17</div>
<div><b>To: </b>naturens@chebucto.ns.ca</div>
<div><b>Reply To: </b>naturens@chebucto.ns.ca</div>
<div><b>Subject: </b>Re: [NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today=
<div style=3D"border-style:solid none none; border-top-color:rgb(186,188,20=
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ckground-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Calibri,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">
<p>Hi All,</p>
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; I'm not a resident of Halifax, so may be way off base here=
, but I wonder if the new sewage treatment&nbsp;plant and the resulting lac=
k of a raw sewage outflow pipes&nbsp;might be part of the reason for the de=
cline of ducks in Halifax Harbour?</p>
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &n=
bsp; Fritz McEvoy</p>
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &n=
bsp; &nbsp;Sunrise Valley, CB</p>
<div style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0)">
<hr tabindex=3D"-1" style=3D"display:inline-block; width:98%">
<div id=3D"divRplyFwdMsg" dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Calibri, sans-serif" co=
lor=3D"#000000" style=3D"font-size:11pt"><b>From:</b> naturens-owner@chebuc=
to.ns.ca &lt;naturens-owner@chebucto.ns.ca&gt; on behalf of Pat McKay &lt;p=
<b>Sent:</b> February 23, 2016 4:43 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> naturens@chebucto.ns.ca<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [NatureNS] Dartmouth Cove and Ferry Terminal Today</fon=