Scope of NatureNS: Re: Long again: Re: Long: Re: [NatureNS] light

From: David & Alison Webster <>
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Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:24:52 -0400
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Hi Lois & All,
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Lois Codling=20
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 11:53 PM
  Subject: Re: Scope of NatureNS: Re: Long again: Re: Long: Re: =
[NatureNS] light

  Great discussion, Dave et al.=C2  The link below is a new idea for =
getting solar energy from highways!

  Lois Codling

  On 20/12/2014 9:07 PM, desolatechair wrote:

    The 'delete it if you don't want to read it' argument has always =
been a conundrum to me. =C2  It's difficult to make the delete decision =
without knowing the contents, ie reading the post first.

    I suppose I could make an arbitrary decision to delete all posts by =
a given writer. =C2 But that would limit my exposure to new and =
different ideas, and defeat the purpose of subscribing to this list in =
the first place.



    Sent from Samsung Mobile

    -------- Original message --------
    From: David & Alison Webster=20
    Date:12-20-2014 7:33 PM (GMT-04:00)=20
    Subject: Scope of NatureNS: Re: Long again: Re: Long: Re: [NatureNS] =

    Hi Nick & All=C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =
=C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2  =C2 =C2 =C2 =
 =C2 =C2 =C2  Dec 20, 2014
    =C2 =C2 =C2  The capsule description of the scope of NatureNS, =
copied from the "Welcome to NatureNS" e-mail is--
    "Why have NatureNS

    =C2 =C2 =C2 =C2  The site is provided for the sharing of information =
on=C2 =20
    1) the natural history of Nova Scotia and surrounding waters,=20
    2) it's conservation, and=20
    3) events and activities associated with it."
    =C2 =C2 =C2  All members are furnished with=C2 an effective=C2 =
weapon for posts they don't wish to read; the delete button. If this =
were a mechanical device then=C2 mine would have been worn out many =

    =C2 =C2 =C2  My recent posts bear on possible ways to decrease acid =
rain and emission of greenhouse gasses. I think both are important =
topics in the context of conservation.=20
    =C2 =C2 =C2  There is a widespread myth that there is no practical =
way to store surplus wind energy and thus an ongoing need to continue =
thermal generation. NS Power=C2 finds this excuse convenient because =
pouring coal in one end of an existing=C2 pollution factory=C2 and =
getting power out the other end does not take a great deal of planning =
or coordination.=C2 In addition, the Donkin mine may open soon so it =
is=C2 possible that NSP will be encouraged to use this local resource as =
much as possible by expanding thermal generation capacity.=20
    =C2 =C2 =C2  Opposition to wind generation has often come strangely =
enough=C2 from Naturalists; organizations or individuals. This was =
helped I expect by a famous site in California that was set in a raptor =
migration channel in a mountain pass by, what a concidence, a =
Petrochemical Company. There may still be some opposition to wind on =
Naturens so I think refreshing the screen is justified.
    =C2 =C2 =C2  And for the benefit of those who have joined recently I =
will paste an old post--
    START OF PASTE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    Dear All, Sept 12, 2007
    Wind energy has some serious drawbacks that seem to have been=20
    overlooked, the most serious being--
    1) COST: How will increases in the cost of wind be absorbed into the =

    cost structure ?

    2) MERCURY: Using wind to generate electrical power could result in =
    usage of coal and thus less Hg in the environment. With less Hg in =
    environment, Loons might become low in Hg, ride higher in the water =
    consequently become top-heavy and have a tendency to flip sideways =
    gargle at critical points in the call.

    3) SEA BIRDS: Using wind to generate electrical power could result =
    less usage of oil and less oiling of birds at sea. This biocontrol =
    to avoid overcrowding of sea bird colonies so a decrease in oil =
    could have serious consequences.

    4) TREES: Using wind to generate electrical power could result in =
    concentrations of low-level Ozone, acid-rain and consequently lead =
    less effective biocontrol of trees. And consequently, for example,=20
    Spruce trees in the Annapolis Valley might begin to live longer than =
    years, posing dangerous navigation hazards to flying birds as =
    to a low cover of Heath, Sedge and Alder

    5) AIR: Using wind to generate electrical power could result in a =
    incidence of smog alerts, respiratory ailments and presumably health =

    problems in birds or other air-breathing wildlife. A decrease in the =

    incidence of smog could increase life expectancy, cause overcrowding =
    increase the demand for electricity and nesting sites.

    6) WIND: Using wind to generate electrical power is likely to slow =
    wind down so that it doesn't get there on time, causing air pockets. =
    recent Westjet air-pocket incident, far from the nearest wind farm,=20
    shows how dangerous this effect can be.

    Yours truly, Dave Webster, Kentville

    END OF PASTE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    Yt, DW
    =C2 =C2 =C2 =20
      ----- Original Message -----=20
      From: Nicholas Hill=20
      Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 3:58 PM
      Subject: Re: Long again: Re: Long: Re: [NatureNS] light

      Is this narure?

      On Dec 20, 2014 3:54 PM, "David & Alison Webster" =
<> wrote:

        Hi Steve & All,=C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =
=C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  Dec 20, 2014
        =C2  =C2 Systems which do not work well, such as the Wales site, =
do not prove that pumped storage can not work anymore than I can prove, =
by direct demonstration, that music can not be extracted from a violin.

        =C2  =C2 For pumped storage to work reliably one must have =
volume sufficient to ride out any prolonged period of calm. An account =
of a system which does work,
        cut from a 2012 e-mail is pasted below.

        =C2  =C2 Re Ludington my letter (pasted below) to the Advertiser =
Editor (Not used) contains the essentials. Also see
        Dear Editor:=C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =C2  =
Sept 24, 2012
        =C2  =C2 According to Warren Peck (Register, Can we trust CANWEA =
ads ?,Aug