[NatureNS] intermedius Lesser Black-backed Gull

From: "Luke DeCicco" <akswallow@hotmail.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca, NS-RBA@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 14:22:31 -0800
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Hello all,
This afternoon (24 September 2007) down near Grand Pre in a plowed corn 
field I had two Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  One was of the subspecies 
graellsii and the other was significantly darker and apparently of the 
subspecies intermedius.  The gray on the back was just barely lighter than 
the black in the primaries, this bird appeared to be an adult, or at least a 
third-winter bird at the youngest.  What is the history of intermedius LBBG 
in Nova Scotia?  I don't have a camera as of now, but I may be able to 
borrow one and get pictures later on in the week.
Bird on,
Luke DeCicco

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