[NatureNS] Ducklings

From: "john belbin" <jbelbin@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Naturens" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 13:35:11 -0300
Importance: Normal
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <naturens-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Being temporarily evicted from my home while prospective buyers looked it
over, I did a quick visit to the Margaretville DU location. There were lots
of baby ducks everywhere you looked.
One Mallard had a family of six, four had families of seven ducklings each,
and one pair had a family of eight. There were at least 2 Black Duck
families of 7 ducklings each. The Hooded Mergansers had 4 youngsters and a
Wood Duck family had 3 young ones.

There were also 4 Blue Winged Teals and 2 Green Winged, but I saw no young
for these birds which were moving actively about in pairs. There are many
Red Winged Blackbirds with the males being their normal loud and aggressive
selves. I thought I could see at least 3 nests from the road side viewing

A loud Sora made its presence very obvious. I saw no swallows despite the
upper pond being covered with a cloud of flying insects. A muskrat swam
right through a group of Mallards without either being bothered. Many
Grackles were "fishing" in the shallow water areas as is usual here.

John Belbin - Kingston

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