[NatureNS] Primula ID

From: "Heather Drope" <heather.drope@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: fnsnboard@yahoogroups.com, naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 12:03:09 -0300
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Fellow wild flower enthusiasts, My primula is officially 
P.mistassinia forma leucantha.
It was ID'd by Marion Monroe some time ago 
If anyone wants a photo of the cliff where they grow please 
email me privately and I will send you one. I don't have a 
blog spot for photos much to the disgust of my two sons.
Our two field trips for the NatureNS AGM were certainly 
worthwhile. Both areas covered were fantastic and 
everyone who wishes they were there,, join up with a 
membership thru your society or join individually. Ensure 
that you don't miss out next year. This is one AGM that fun 
follows serious stuff. Heather D  with the Wild Flora Society

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