[NatureNS] Historic Hants County Field Trip - Highlights: Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Eastern Phoebe, and More!

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Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 20:43:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Suzanne Borkowski <suzanneborkowski@yahoo.ca>
To: naturens <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Cc: Rare Bird Sightings NS-RBA <ns-rba@yahoogroups.com>
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Hi Everyone;

Despite the weather: cold, windy, overcast - but not
raining - we had a pretty good day.  After a slow
start, since most birds were not active or vocal, we
ended up with 71 species!

At our first stop - Mt. Uniacke - we had Blackburnian
Warbler - and some had Black-throated Blue Warbler -
while most heard a Pileated Woodpecker.

At Pigott Lake we had a Pied-billed Grebe on the lake,
and Evening Grosbeaks (the first of many) in the
trees.  A few got to see R.T. Hummingbirds, and most
saw N. Parula and an Ovenbird singing!

On Elliott Road we added Nashville Warb. and No.
Waterthrush.  And on Crossroad #3 we all had great
looks at a B.H. Vireo.

Smiley's Park was great: Least Flycatcher,
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Magnolia
Warb.  I almost forgot: just before Smiley's we had
Bobolinks and an Eastern Phoebe.

The afternoon was spent in Windsor and nearby areas. 
At the Windsor Sewage ponds we got our three most
common Gulls: Herring, Black-backed and Ring-billed -
but there were also at least two Lesser Black-backed

On Pleasant Drive, just before St.Croix (on Highway
#1) we all had great looks at a male breeding-plumaged
Black Poll Warbler; and we watched a busy little
Yellow Warbler building a nest.  We also had Cliff
Swallows in with Barn and Tree Swallows.  For the
second time today, I missed the Cliffs!!!

Thanks to everyone who came despite the weather.  It
was a great outing!


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