[NatureNS] Swift Season Starts Slowly

From: "john belbin" <jbelbin@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Naturens" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 21:30:07 -0300
Importance: Normal
Precedence: bulk
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I decided to celebrate the first really warm day of the year by checking out
the Middleton High School chimney for Chimney Swifts. There are still very
few insects about so I was not too hopeful, but they are making a beginning.
I arrived at 8:20 and stayed until 9:00pm when it was really getting too
dark to see. The automated parking lot lights came on at 8:50, that usually
ends the session.
The first swift arrived silently at 8:38 and simply dived straight into the
chimney. After that I saw a maximum of 5 swifts at a time, usually only one
or two. They are very difficult to see at this time, there is no noise to
alert you, no social interaction and no circling close to the chimney. I
actually only saw one other enter the chimney to roost, but you could easily
miss them if you look away or even blink at the wrong moment.

So the known minimums are 6 seen at the chimney, 2 seen to roost. At least
it is a start.

John Belbin - Kingston

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