[NatureNS] Trail Walk with BB

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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:32:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
When we got back from fishing and finished our tea, BB
was anxious for a walk - so we went down the trail.
The warm evening provided some things of interest.
First a Garter Snake - the first of the year for me -
it was in a ditch which has a small flow of water in
it. Looked like it was looking for insects but I
didn't see it catch anything. It was about 45 cms in
length. A fine snake.
Latter on I heard Tree frogs quacking - I hadn't heard
them at that pool previous years but they probably
were there. Several other pools that had them other
years were quite but there is still a little ice in
the shade.
A little bit farther on I smelled a very sweet smell
just as I meet two gentlemen. I thought something must
be in bloom but couldn't see anything. Prehaps there
was a maple tree weeping sap from a cut near by.
Have a nice spring

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