[NatureNS] Baby Crows

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Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:22:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
This morning while walking the Chester Trail, I heard
what I thought was a baby crow. The sound was coming
from a group of tall white pines near the trail. When
I walked nearer the source, a mature crow flew off a
short distance and the sound stopped.
The trees are tall with a lot of branches at the top
so its hard to see if there was a nest or not. Easily
be hidden. I'll check latter.
A friend walking on the trail told me of finding a
headless rabbit near there the other morning. Usually
a sign of a Great Horned Owl. He said the crows were
discussing how they should serve the rabbit so it
probably is crow food by now. Anyway it was gone.
There was another rabbit sitting on the trail however.
Another owl meal?
Have a nice day

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