[NatureNS] Availability of NS Bird Society Publications

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 14:08:36 -0300
From: iamclar@dal.ca
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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As I mentioned to Wayne Neilly, Dal has a complete run of NS Bird Society
Newsletter/NS Birds since they were published between covers.  Volumes 1-5 were
published as mimeographed sheets.  I have photocopies of all the latter,
formatted to smaller size. I would happily make these available for photo
copying by others, although some are of poorish quality.

I believe the NS Museum may have a complete set, but they do not have a public
ke\lending llibrary.

It may well be that other sets are lurking in public-access sources.

Cheers, Ian McLaren

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