[NatureNS] Thanks for ID Assisstance

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 13:13:11 -0400
From: Eleanor Lindsay <az678@chebucto.ns.ca>
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To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Lois,Dowitcher, Eric,Ken and Elizabeth,
Thanks to all for assistance offered with the ID of 'my' two birds; it 
appears not just one, but both are redwings, which due to my 
unfamiliarity with this species, immature, winter colours or otherwise I 
did not recognise- sorry to all for the anticlimax!
But it is neat that the two sightings, almost two months apart end up 
being connected. The male is around daily now, but I have not seen the 
female since early December and fear it may have succumbed to a 
neighbour's cat plagued unprotected feeding site nearby....

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