[NatureNS] Sunday afternoon Eastern Passage - Hartlen Point

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Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:57:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Ulli Hoeger <ullihoeger@yahoo.com>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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A good day to get out, not to cold and hardly any wind. Quite a contrast to the last few cold and windy days.
I checked a few spots along the shore between Fisherman's Cove and Hartlen Point.
Most stops had Common Eiders and Long-tailed ducks in good numbers. Stunning views of the "Oldsquaws". The only alcids were two Guillemots at the wharf in Fisherman's Cove.
Common Loons and all three scooters species were seen as well.
At Hartlen Point two sandpipers flew by, no chance for a more precise ID....
Several Iceland Gulls afloat along the ice line.
Plenty of Red-breasted Mergansers in small groups scattered along the coast.
Greater Black-backed Gulls where scarce, I only noticed a handful on the whole route.


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A good day to get out, not to cold and hardly any wind. Quite a contrast to the last few cold and windy days.<br>I checked a few spots along the shore between Fisherman's Cove and Hartlen Point.<br>Most stops had Common Eiders and Long-tailed ducks in good numbers. Stunning views of the "Oldsquaws". The only alcids were two Guillemots at the wharf in Fisherman's Cove.<br>Common Loons and all three scooters species were seen as well.<br>At Hartlen Point two sandpipers flew by, no chance for a more precise ID....<br>Several Iceland Gulls afloat along the ice line.<br>Plenty of Red-breasted Mergansers in small groups scattered along the coast.<br>Greater Black-backed Gulls where scarce, I only noticed a handful on the whole route.<br><br>Cheers<br><br>Ulli<br> <p>&#32;

 <hr size=1>Looking for earth-friendly autos? <br> Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  

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