[NatureNS] Grand Pre Today

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 20:54:32 -0400
To: NatureNS@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Angus MacLean <angusmcl@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Returning from the Dartmouth area  this afternoon, took a short side trip 
to Grand Pre despite the weather.

A Merlin was chasing a few stragglers from a mixed flock of Longspurs & 
Larks. The snow had melted the snow on the road shoulders so I expected 
some sparrows but no luck. Last winter and again this winter, the sparrows 
are not to found on the dykelands in any numbers. I find that odd in light 
of the mild fall/winter.

At Evangeline Beach, a flock of ~12 scoters. Appeared to be Black Scoters 
as I could not detect any white but considering the rain and wind/waves, I 
was not certain. Blacks are the rarest of the three scoters in the Minas Basin.

On the return trip across the dykelands, a male Harrier was testing the 
wind (as Don M. mentioned from yesterday)


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