[NatureNS] Whale Lake Walk

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Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 12:40:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
Today BB needed a walk due to the Christmas goodies.
We went to Newbourne and followed a trail that I had
seen many times but never went along.
We walked about 3 kms along a very good trail which is
not on the map - looked like an old road but we didn't
reach the end. Looks like we were nearer Rocky Lake
than Whale. The little snow on the trees made the
woods interesting. The trail was wet but easy walking.
BB noted all the landmarks on the way in and all I
needed do was follow her to get back to the truck. She
likes the work.
The country is rocky with poor soil. Trees are short
and a long piece apart. The decidious trees being most
poplars with a scattering of oak and maple. The
evergreens mostly black spruce with a few pines and
fir. None approaching large.
For birds I saw a pair of ravens, a pair of grey jays,
a pair of hairy woodpeckers. The woodpeckers were with
a group of about 25 chicadees which gathered on the
trees close to me.
I saw a squirrel plus had a deer blow at me. Plenty of
buck signs - there must be one in that area.
A few ATV tracks but not many - not a place that sees
a lot of visitors.
Have a nice winter

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