[NatureNS] Further Info on Comet SWAN

References: <000c01c6fd3f$19152160$ab32fea9@john3c5cru8yuv>
From: Sherman Williams <sherm@glinx.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 17:31:10 -0400
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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A little more background coverage on Comet SWAN at these two sites:

http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap061004.html   and    http:// 

I have observed Comet SWAN twice: the evenings of Oct 19 and Oct  
27.   In binoculars  I did not see the view that is shown in the  
photo at the links given above (taken through a 250 mm camera lens  
compared to my 50 mm binoculars funneling light into my eyeball). My  
telescope views showed some detail of a tail and the bright centre  
surrounded by the large coma, however, my retinal rod cells could not  
pick up the greenish glow that photographic equipment can record.   
Oct SWAN was abou 6th magnitude, Oct 27 it had brightened to 5th mag.  
However a few days prior to the 27 there was an outburst on the comet  
that caused it to briefly brighten o near 4th magnitude, but there  
were no clear skies in N.S. on those nights.

Cheers and wishes for a clear sky tonight,

Sherman Williams
website:  http://www.glinx.com/~sherm

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