[NatureNS] Acadia Biology Seminar THURSDAY,

Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 19:50:49 -0400
From: Jim Wolford <jimwolford@eastlink.ca>
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Apologies again, this time to NatureNS list, since my first attempt at
sending this forgot to remove the attachment.  Jim

Subject: Acadia Biology Seminar THURSDAY, 11:30 a.m. -- "...salt transport
by fish gills: Full circle in 33 years.=B2

Harold, please send this off also to the BNS list?  Thanks.

Sorry about this lateness, and apologies to those who get this more than
once.  Recall that most Acadia Biology Seminars are on Thursdays at 11:30
a.m. in Patterson Hall 308 -- ALL ARE WELCOME, and refreshments will be
available.  Patterson Hall is located up University Ave. from the Acadia
Arena parking lot (park a block west of that lot and walk up); count 4
buildings up the hill on the right, then up one flight of stairs to the
proper floor. =20

Cheers from Jim
From: Wanda Langley <wanda.langley@acadiau.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:09:08 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Lowe [mailto:080833l@acadiau.ca]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 12:05 PM
To: 'Wanda Langley'
Subject: Biology Seminars


The speaker for next week=B9s biology seminar (Thursday, Nov 2nd) will be Bil=
Marshall from St. FX University.  His talk is entitled: "Regulation of salt
transport by fish gills: Full circle in 33 years.=B2 More information to come=


Please find attached the poster slide.



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<TITLE>Acadia Biology Seminar THURSDAY, 11:30 a.m. -- &quot;...salt transpo=
rt&nbsp;by fish gills: Full circle in 33 years.=B2</TITLE>
Apologies again, this time to NatureNS list, since my first attempt at send=
ing this forgot to remove the attachment. &nbsp;Jim<BR>
<B>Subject: </B>Acadia Biology Seminar THURSDAY, 11:30 a.m. -- &quot;...sal=
t transport&nbsp;by fish gills: Full circle in 33 years.=B2<BR>
Harold, please send this off also to the BNS list? &nbsp;Thanks.<BR>
Sorry about this lateness, and apologies to those who get this more than on=
ce. &nbsp;Recall that most Acadia Biology Seminars are on Thursdays at 11:30=
 a.m. in Patterson Hall 308 -- ALL ARE WELCOME, and refreshments will be ava=
ilable. &nbsp;Patterson Hall is located up University Ave. from the Acadia A=
rena parking lot (park a block west of that lot and walk up); count 4 buildi=
ngs up the hill on the right, then up one flight of stairs to the proper flo=
or. &nbsp;<BR>
Cheers from Jim<BR>
<B>From: </B>Wanda Langley &lt;wanda.langley@acadiau.ca&gt;<BR>
<B>Date: </B>Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:09:08 -0400<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">-----Original Message-----<BR>
<B>From:</B> Amy Lowe [mailto:080833l@acadiau.ca] <BR>
<B>Sent:</B> Friday, October 27, 2006 12:05 PM<BR>
<B>To:</B> 'Wanda Langley'<BR>
<B>Subject:</B> Biology Seminars<BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE=3D"4"><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman"> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"4"><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman">The speaker for next week=B9s bio=
logy seminar (Thursday, Nov 2nd) will be Bill Marshall from St. FX Universit=
y. &nbsp;His talk is entitled: &quot;Regulation of salt transport by fish gi=
lls: Full circle in 33 years.=B2 More information to come!</FONT></FONT> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"4"><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman"> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"4"><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman">Please find attached the poster=
 slide. <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"4"><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman"> <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"> <BR>


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