[NatureNS] Kestrels

From: "john belbin" <jbelbin@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: "Naturens" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:33:02 -0300
Importance: Normal
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At noon I dropped in at the Margaretville DU ponds on the way back from a
trip to Port George. I had the scope propped in the car window to start the
search for Wood Ducks when a couple of small falcons zipped across my field
of view. Switching back to binoculars, I was able to watch some great
aerobatics by no less than 6 American Kestrels as they hunted in pairs and
chased each other about the pond. At one point they all cooperated in
"mobbing" a Raven and driving it off. The contrast in size between the
Kestrels and Raven was quite amazing. The birds were extremely active and
very noisy, chittering to each other the whole time. The only time they were
quiet was when a Red tailed Hawk did several circuits over the same pond,
they just sat and watched from their dead tree perches. On the way home I
saw 2 more Kestrels in East Margaretville.

Also in the DU property were:-
19 Black Ducks - 6 Wood Ducks - a pair of Horned Grebes, a very noisy pair
of Belted Kingfishers and several Northern Flickers.

At PORT GEORGE earlier it had been high tide, cool and overcast with very
clear viewing conditions, probably because of the earlier rain.
There were at least 105 Common Eiders, many looking quite scruffy as if they
have just finished moulting. There were also 3 Red Throated Loons and 8
Common Loons, a couple of them still in full breeding plumage. I spotted 8
seals as they nosed about. A pair of Northern Flickers chased each other
exuberantly down the beach, I am not sure what they expected to find down

John Belbin - Kingston

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