[NatureNS] Eleanor's "moth"

From: "Jean Timpa" <jtimpa@ns.sympatico.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 18:39:59 -0300
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	I was pleased to hear that you could watch the birth of one of these lovely creatures. 
It sounds suspiciously like a Mourning Cloak butterfly instead of a moth.  Was the rest of the 
"bug", for want of a better term right now, a dark purply blue, almost black colour?  And was 
it about 4 inches across the top part of the wings?  And after the "bug" left, was the "cocoon" 
a very small whitish structure, almost lilke wax paper?  Or does it seem to have individual 
threads running through its structure?  You might have to use a magnifying glass to see 
them. Lots of fun and a very impressive process; I always marvel at it. JET

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